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学 院 化学与化学工程学院 学科门类 理科 专 业 化学(师范) 学 号 1209410003 姓 名 聂 俊

指导教师 唐永强

2016年 5 月 4 日


摘 要

在深化教育改革的今天,如何打好教育基础,实现学生的全面发展,在日常学习中使学生各方面能得到有效的锻炼,增强学生的科学探究精神,激发创新意识,顺应时代要求等等,都对现代教育的高效性提出了要求,顺应而出的便是学案应用于学生日常学习中。 我们将聚焦于学案教学模式下,通过分析实际情况,结合实际经验,针对学生情况,制定完整的学案激励学生自主学习,乐于获取新知识等方面。如何将学案应用好便成为当下我们迫切需要解决的问题。学案教学模式是现在一种新型的教学模式,学案教学的应用需联系家长,学生和教师三方共同的努力。

关键词:学案 ;化学课堂结构 ;应用性 ;学案教学模式




In deepening education reform today, how to play a good basic education, realize students' all-round development. In daily study the students can get effective training, enhance students' scientific inquiry spirit, to stimulate the consciousness of innovation, comply with the requirements of the times and so on, the modern education, requests, adaptation and is the application of learning in students' daily learning. We will focus on learning plan guidance mode, through the analysis of the actual situation, combined with practical experience, according to the needs of students, to develop complete incentive plan for students' autonomous learning, willing to acquire new knowledge. How will the plan application good moment has become an urgent need to address the problem.Case teaching mode is now a kind of new teaching mode, the application of case teaching to contact parents, students and teachers in common effort.

Key Words:teaching plan structure application case teaching model



目 录

摘 要 ............................................... I Abstract ............................................ II 1.引言 ............................................... 1 2.研究的目的与意义 ................................... 1

2.1研究意义 ........................................... 1

2.1.1学案对于现代教育的意义 ......................... 1 2.1.2学案对于教育的构架支撑 ........................ 2 2.2研究目的 ........................................... 2

3.理论基础 ........................................... 2

3.1学案 ............................................... 2 3.2学案的发展 ......................................... 3 4.学案应用策略 ....................................... 3 4.1学案在化学教学中的可行性与必要性 ................... 3 4.2学案在化学教学中的应用策略 ......................... 4 4.3学案与教育结合的方法与途径 ........................ 5 4.3.1课堂结合途径 ................................... 5 4.3.2指导性辅助教育 ................................. 5

5.学案在教学中的实施 ................................. 6

5.1学案教学的应用 ..................................... 6 5.2反思与结论 ......................................... 8

6.结语 ............................................... 9 参考文献 ............................................ 10 致 谢 .............................................. 11