2008-2010年MBA联考真题及答案(华杰MBA特供) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2008-2010年MBA联考真题及答案(华杰MBA特供)更新完毕开始阅读

to me. During my stay in U.S as a member of a Sino-American cultural exchange program, I could enjoy such a wonderful trip at such splendid achievements, and I will never forget your painstaking labor and warm hospitality. With this letter I would also like to invite you to visit Beijing, and I am looking forward to hosting you. I feel most obliged to thank you once more.

Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei 2、大作文为图表作文,题目是2009年手机短信的一个变体,只是换上了“新装”,以发达国家及发展国家手机用户量的对比这样的一个图型为出题点要求考生分析图中数据的变化,并对图中说明的现象发表观点。这种图表作文,华杰老师早已备好模板,详见《英语作文完全功略》P17及相关部分 大作文

What is shown in the bar graph above shows us clearly that dramatic changes have taken place in the number of mobile-phone subscription in the developing countries as well as the developed ones. Obviously, the number of mobile subsrciption in developing countries has shown a (华杰版权所有)steady rise over the past few years. However, the number in developed countries stays steady. From the year of 2000 to 2002, there were more mobile- phone subscription in developed countries than the developing ones. But the year of 2003 was a turning point. After 2003, the number in developing countries surpassed that in developed countries and grew rapidly from 1 billion to 4 billion in 2008. Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned changes may be summarized as follows. First of all, with the rapid and further development of the economy, science and technology, people are much richer than before and the price of mobile phone is much lower. Therefore, mobile phone has found its popularity and acceptance among every country. What‘s more, the world now has become a global one. As a result, curiosity about the different information has been overwhelmingly aroused in developing countries. Playing an important role as a bridge, mobile phone can conveniently and instantly connect them with the developed countries. Thus, by means of mobile phone, their horizon can be broadened quickly. One more point, though not conclusive,the population of developing countries is much larger.

Considering the current changes and the significances, we can safely come to the conclusion that these changes will continue to climb in the future.



(一) 综合能力试题及答案详解


一项是符合试题要求的。请在答题卡上将所选的字母涂黑。) ...


(A)不亏不赚 (B)亏了50元 (C)赚了50元 (D)赚了40元 (E)亏了40元 2.某国参加北京奥运会的勇女运动员比例原为19:12,由于先增加若干名女运动员.使男女运动员比例变为20:13.后又增加了若干名男运动员,于是男女运动员比例.最终变为30:19.如果后增加的男运动员比先增加的女运动员多3人,则最后运员的总人数为( )。 (A)686 (B)637 (C)700 (D)661 (E)600


(A)11 (B)10 (C)9 (D)8 (E)7


10克倒入口管中,混合后再取10克倒入C管中,结果 A,B,C三个试管中盐水的浓度分别

为6%、2%、0.5%,那么三个试管中原来盛水最多的试管及其盛水量各是 (A)A试管,10克 (B)B试管,20克 (C)C试管,30克 (D)B试管,40克 (E)C试管,50克

5.一艘轮船往返航行于甲、乙两码头之间,着船在静水中的速度不变,则当这条河的水流速度增加50%时,往返一次所需的时间比原来将( ).

(A)增加 (B)减少半个小时 (C)不变 (D)减少1个小时 (E)无法判断 6.方程x?2x?1?4的根是( )。

(A)x??5或x?1 (B)x?5或x??1 (C)x?3或x?? (D)x??3或x?

535 326



3x2?bx?c?0。则b和c分别为( )。

(A)2,6 (B)3,4 (C)?2,?6 (D)?3,?6 (E)以上结论均不正确



3n?13n?1?13n?1?33n?33n?3(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

222249.在36人中,血型情况如下:A型12人,B型10人,AB型8人,O型6人。若从中随机选出两人,则两人血型相同的概率是( )。 (A)

7744339 (B) (C) (D) (E)以上结论均不正确 31531531512210.湖中有四个小岛,它们的位置恰好近似构成正方形的四个顶点。若要修建三座桥将这四个小岛连接起来,则不同的建桥方案有( )种。

(A)12 (B)16 (C)13 (D)20 (E)24

?1?12Sn211.若数列?an?中,an?0(n?1),a1?,前n项和Sn满足an?(n?2)则?? 是

22Sn?1?Sn?( )

1的等比数列 2(B)首项为2,公比为2的等比数列


(C)既非等差也非等比数列 (D)首项为2,公差

1为的等差数列 2(E)首项为2公差为2的等差数列



点C与点E重合,折痕为AD(如图),则途中阴影部分的面积为( ) (A)20 (B) (E)12

4038 (C) (D)14 33

n?1,2,?,2009,13.设直线nx?(n?1)y?1 (n为正整数)与两坐标轴围成的三角形面积Sn,


则S1?S2?......?S2009?( ) (A)

12009120081200912010? (B)? (C) ? (D)?(E) 以上结论都不正确 2200822009220102200914. 若圆C:(x?1)2?(y?1)2?1与x轴交于A点、与y轴交于B点,则与此圆相切于劣弧AB中点M(注:小于半圆的弧称为劣弧)的切线方程是( )。 (A) y?x?2?2 (B) y?x?1?11 (C) y?x?1? 22(D) y?x?2?2 (E) y?x?1?2 15. 已知实数a,b,x,y满足y?|


(A) 25 (B) 26 (C) 27 (D) 28 (E) 29




A.条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分 B.条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分

C.条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分 D.条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分

E.条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和(2)联合起来也不充分 16.a1?a2?a3???an?22221n?4?1? 3n(1)数列?an?的通项公式为an?2n

(2)在数列?an?中,对任意正整数n,有a1?a2?a3???an?2?1 17.A企业的职工人数今年比前年增加了30% (1)A企业的职工人数去年比前年减少了20% (2)A企业的职工人数今年比去年增加了50% 18.logax?1 (1)x??2,4?,19.对于使

1?a?1 (2)x??4,6?,1?a?2 2ax?7有意义的一切x的值,这个分式为一个定值

bx?11(1)7a?11b?0 (2)11a?7b?0