深港版四年级英语上册 - 全 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章深港版四年级英语上册 - 全更新完毕开始阅读


1. I want some biscutis and eggs. (一般疑问句) ___ you want ___ biscuits or eggs? 2. The toliet is on the second floor. (划线提问) ___ ___ the toliet?

3. There are some vegetables and coffee. (否定句) There ___ any vegetables ___ coffee?

4. Tom has three pieces of bread for breakfast. (划线提问) ___ ___ pieces of bread does Tom have? 5. Does Mike have any fried chicken? (否定回答) No. ___ ___.


Tomorrow is Ann’s dad’s birthday. Ann is going to make a cake. Her mum is going to help her. They don’t havc any milk or eggs. They are going to buy them now.

Ann: Do we have any biscuits or chips?

Mum: We have some biscuits but we don’t have any chips. Ann: Excuse me, where is the supermarket? Salesman: It’s on the third floor. Ann: Thank you.

Mum: OK, we want some eggs and milk, too. Ann: Let’s go to the supermarket.

( )1. Tomorrow is Ann’s mum’s birthday. ( )2. Ann is going to make a cake. ( )3. There are some biscuits at home. ( )4. The supermarket is on the third floor. ( )5. They don’t want any milk or milk.












Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

Ⅰ、Words and expressions 单词与词组

lucky 幸运的; say 说; visit 拜访; family 家庭,家人; decoration 装饰,修饰; parent 父母; also 也; stay 呆,逗留; before 在…之前;

get luncky monney 拿压岁钱; buy new clothes 买新衣服; visit family and friends 走亲访友; eat a big dinner 吃大餐; Chinese New Year’s Day 新年;

Ⅱ、Sentence patterns 句型

1. What are these/ those? They are……. 2. What do you do at Chinese New Year? 3. Are you going to get lots of lucky money?

4. What is Jenny going to get on Chinese New Year? 5. They are Chinese New Year decoration. 6. We are going to have a big dinner. Ⅰ、选一选,写一写。

1. Chinese New Year is _____ (come; coming) soon. 2. What do you do _____ (in; at) Chinese New Year? 3. We’re going to _____ (say; speak) “Happy New Year”.


4. I’m going to _____ (give; get) lucky money from my parents.

5. Tom is going to visit _____ (families; family) and friends tomorrow.


1. get luncky money A.拜访亲朋好友 2. 说“新年快乐” B. put on new clothes 3. eat a big dinner C. 得到压岁钱

4. 穿上新衣服 D. say “Happy New Year!” 5. visit family and friends E. 吃团圆饭


( )1. It’s going to ___ Chinese New Year.

A. see B. do C. be D. a ( )2. What are you going ___?

A. to do B. do C. doing D. does ( )3. I’m going to give lucky money ___ children. A. from B. to C. on D. with

( )4. She is going to get ___ lucky money at Chinese New Year. A. lot of B. a lots of C. lots of D. many ( )5. Jack lives ___ a lovely little puppy.

A. in B. on C. to D. with


A. Yes, I am. B. I’m going to clean the house. C. Jenny’s family D. They are Chinese New Year’s decorations. E. We buy new clothese and eat a big dinner. ( )1. What are you going to do? ( )2. What are these, Pat?

( )3. Who is Ann going to stay with at Chinese New Year? ( )4. What do you do at Chinese New Year? ( )5. Are you going to put on new clothes?
