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I’m going to …../ I will…./ I want to…..

例如:what are you going to do this weekend?


What do you want to do this weekend? What will you do this weekend?

Ⅰ、Words and expressions 单词与词组

menu 菜单; sandwich 三明治; hamburger 汉堡包; packet 小包; fries 薯条; bowl 碗; noodles 面条; piece 片; glass 玻璃杯; dumpling 饺子; hungry 饿的; thirsty 渴的; would 想要;打算; matter 问题,事情; feel 感觉

1. a packet of fries 一袋薯条; 2. a bowl of noodles 一碗面条; 3. a glass of juice 一杯果汁; 4. two cups of tea 两杯茶


What would you like? 你想吃点什么?

Ⅱ、Sentence patterns 句型 1. Are you hungry/ thirsty? 2. What would you like? 3. I’d like a bowl of noodles. 4. Can we go another restaurant? 5. What’s the matter? 6. I don't feel hungry.

7. That’s a good restaurant for all of us. Ⅰ、选一选,写一写。

1. ____ (Do; Are) you thirsty?

2. ____ (What; Which) would you like, Tony? 3. I’d like ______ (a packet; a bowl) of fries. 4. Candy wants to drink ____ (a glass; a cup) of coffee. 5. He’d like two ____ (piece; pieces) of cakes.


have packets like some would 1. What _____ you like, Mum?

2. I would _____ a cup of tea, please? 3. He’s going to _____ some dumplings. 4. Would you like _____ rice, Jack?

5. My brother wants two _____ of fries.



( )1. Let’s ___ to that restaurant.

A. goes B. go C. going D. to go ( )2. Would you like ___ apple?

A. / B. a C. an D. some ( )3. You don’t look very ___.

A. well B. good C. better D. ill ( )4. I would like ___ noodles, please.

A. two bowls of B. a bowls of C. two bowl of D. bowls of ( )5. That’s a good restaurant for ___.

A. we B. us C. our D. ours


( )1. Would you like a glass of juice? A. No, he doesn’t. ( )2. What’s the matter, Tom? B. Yes, please. ( )3. What are they going to eat? C. Yes, we can.

( )4. Does he like dumplings? D. They are going to eat vegetables. ( )5. Can we go to another restaurant? E. I don’t feel very well.


1. 我想要一些薯条、一杯果汁。

I would like ____ fries and a ____ of juice. 2. 我不喜欢吃饺子、也不喜欢吃面条。 I ____ like dumplings or ____. 3. 我们一起去那家餐馆吧!

____ ____ to that restaurant. 4. 对我们所有的人来说那是一家好饭店。

That’s a good restaurant ____ all of ____. 5. 我想要块蛋糕。

I’d like a ____ ____ cake. 27


1. 一家好餐馆__________6. two packets of fries _______ _

2. three sandwiches _______ 7. 一些饺子___________ 3. 一个汉堡包__________8. five bowls of noodles ______ __ 4. a piece of cake ________9. 四片蛋糕___________ _ 10. a glass of juice ________5. 一杯茶___________ __


( )1. 你想再来点米饭吗?

A. Do you like some more rice? B. Would you like some more rice? ( )2.他想要一碗面条。

A. He is going to have a bowl of noodles. B. He is going to have a bowl of dumplings. ( )3.你渴了吗?

A. Are you thirsty? B. Are you hungry? ( )4.我们想要四杯咖啡。

A. We’d like four cup of coffees. B. We’d like four cups of coffees. ( )5.你想来点什么?

A. What would you like? B. What do you like?


One morning Mr and Mrs Green go shopping in their car. In the shop they see a lot of clothes. Mrs Green likes them. So they buys a shirt for their son, a skirt for their daughter, and a sweater for Mr Green. She buys a dress for herself, too.

At about twelve o’clock, they go home. But they lose their way (迷路). Mr Green drives over to an old man and asks, “Where am i? Please tell me.” The old man looks at him and the car. “You’re in your car, sir” He says. ( )1. Mr and Mrs Green go shopping by bus. ( )2. Mrs Green buys clothes for her family. ( )3. They go home in the morning.

( )4. They don’t know the way to their home.