深港版四年级英语上册 - 全 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章深港版四年级英语上册 - 全更新完毕开始阅读

A. draw a picture B. sing a song C. make a card ( )3. Lucy is going to buy her mum some flowers and ___. A. a skirt B. a shirt C. a dress ( )4. ___ is going to do all the housework. A. Rose B. Lucy C. Nobody


一、 单项选择

( )1. ___ John going to run in a race? A. Are B. Am C. Is ( )2. My birthday is ___ November 14. A. in B. on C. at ( )3. How many ___ do you have? A. egg B. eggs C. an egg ( )4. ______. Where’s the clinic?

A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Excuse me ( )5. ---What are you going to do this Sunday? ---I’m going to ___ my grandpa. A. visit B. look C. visiting ( )6. I’m looking ___ Tim’s photos. A. in B. at C. on ( )7. Mother’s Day is ___ May. A. in B. at C. on ( )8. We’re going to have ___ fun today.


A. many B. lot C. lots of ( )9. Lisa is good at ___.

A. play football B. playing football C. plays football ( )10. ___ you have any coffee ___ tea? A. Do; and B. Are; or C. Do; or ( )11. There ___ some vegetables ___ eggs. A. are; and B. is; and C. is; or ( )12.----Where is the cinema? ----It’s ___ the third floor. A. in B. at C. on

( )13. Todd is going to do the long jump. He can do it ___. A. well B. good C. nice ( )14. What do you do ___ Christmas Day? A. on B. at C. in ( )15. I want to ___ a cup of tea.

A. drink B. drinking C. drinks 二、连线

1. Teacher’s Day A. Jun.1 2. National Day B. Jan.1 3. Children’s Day C. Dec. 25 4. New Year’s Day D. Sept. 10 5. Christmas Day E. Oct. 1 三、请将下列单词按字典里的顺序排列。


date, where, practise, song, tea, noodle, soon, ticket, poem, throw 1. ____ 6. ____ 2. ____ 7. ____ 3. ____ 8. ____ 4. ____ 9. ____ 5. ____

10. ____


1. I can ____ (skip/ skipping) very well. 2. ---Is this ____ (your/ you) lunchbox? ---No, it isn’t. it’s ____ (May/ May’s) lunchbox. 3. I’m going to ____ (clean/ cleaning) the house. 4. There ____ (are/ is) some milk and eggs in the fridge.

5. Do we have ____ (any/ some) butter ____ (and/ or) bread? 五、写出下列句子的缩写形式。 例: What is Tom going to do? What’s Tom going to do?

1. What is your name? ________________ 2. They are my sunglasses. ________________ 3. Who is that boy? ________________ 4. It is Lily’s birthday. ________________ 5. ---Are there any vegetables in the kitchen?

---No, there are not. ________________


6.When is Sports Day? ________________ 7. The ball is coming this way. ________________

8. I would like a sandwich and a packet of fries. ________________

六、根据所给出的中文完成句子。 1. This is a birthday _____ (日历). 2. It’s a good _____ (主意).

3. Are you going to write a _____ (诗) for Teacher’s Day.

4. I can _____ (接住) a ball. Can you _____ (扔;投) a ball? 5. I’m going to see my grandpa next _____ (星期). 6. Here’s a piece of _____ (纸) for you. 7. Mr. Bai is our _____ (校长). 8. I’m good at this _____ (比赛项目). 9. I like _____ (面条). 10. ----Happy birthday!

----Oh, yes! _____ (傻的;愚蠢的) me! It is my birthday today. 七、阅读理解

( A )

Today is Saturday. Kevin is happy, because he is going to play tennis with his dad. His dad is good at tennis. He teaches Kevin how to play. In the morning they have sandwiches for breakfast. Then they walk to the park. They can play tennis in the park. On the way to the park, they see a little boy. The boy is crying. He can not find his mother. Kevin and his dad help him find his mother. It is late. They