2015春七年级英语下册Unit5 单元练习题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2015春七年级英语下册Unit5 单元练习题更新完毕开始阅读


What animals do you like?Are there any __1__ in your city?My mother works in City Zoo.She goes to work in the afternoon every day. She usually __2__ a bus there.After she __3__ the zoo,she cleans the animal houses. There are many __4__ interesting animals in the zoo. Lots of people go to the zoo to __5__ them every day. My mother tells them __6__ they can do and can't do.She __7__ her work and animals.But she doesn't think it's __8__ for animals to live in the small places.Animals are our __9__ and they really bring us a lot of fun.They're from nature (自然界),and nature is their real home.She also finds some animals are __10__ great danger and we should (应该) save them. ( )1.A.libraries B.zoos C.stores D.parks ( )2.A.sells B.helps C.takes D.brings

( )3.A.plays with B.arrives in C.looks at D.gets to ( )4.A.kinds B.kind of C.kinds of D.a kind of ( )5.A.teach B.buy C.see D.ask ( )6.A.what B.why C.how D.where ( )7.A.writes B.loves C.helps D.shows ( )8.A.difficult B.bad C.good D.boring ( )9.A.food B.meat C.families D.friends ( )10.A.on B.of C.in D.at


1.欢迎到动物园来 ________________________ 2.想做某事 ________________________ 3.南非 ________________________ 4.整天 ________________________ 5.来自 ________________________ 6.黑白相间 ________________________ 7.有点儿;稍微 ________________________ 8.立着行走 ________________________ 9.对某人友好 ________________________ 10.泰国的象征之一 ________________________ 11.好运的象征 ________________________ 12.忘记要做某事 ________________________ 13.记得要做某事 ________________________ 14.演奏音乐 ________________________ 15.砍倒 ________________________ 16.失去家园 ________________________ 17.处于危险中 ________________________ 18.由……制成的 ________________________ 19.迷路 ________________________ 20.黑白相间 ________________________

第 5 页

第 6 页



I am Nick. Today is Sunday. I go to the ________ (动物园) with my friends in the morning. There are many animals in it.

Look, a lion is in the big house. He comes from ________ (南方的) Africa. His name is Milk. He is very ________ (懒惰的). He sleeps for 15 hours every day.

Yuanyuan is a(n) ________ (熊猫) . She is four years old. She's from China. She is very beautiful, but she's very ________ (羞怯的). She likes eating bamboos (竹子) and drinking ________ (水) . She relaxes about 10 hours every day. This is a big elephant ________ (在……上方) there. His name is Jack. He's ten years old. He likes to eat grass (草). He can play music. He's very ________ (聪明的).

Mona is a koala. She is from ________ (澳大利亚). She is six years old. She is very ________ (可爱的). She likes sleeping in the day. At night she gets up and eats some leaves (叶子). 综合填空


Thailand she be one friend teach good they much thing Linda works at a radio station. She gets a letter (信) from ________ friend John today. John comes from Thailand. He is a ________. He says that his students want to save the elephants. Here ________ the letter: The elephant is one of __________ symbols. And it is a symbol of good luck. Our ________ flag had a white elephant on it. Elephants are smart and ________. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very ________. People say that \get lost. They can also remember places with food and water. This helps ________ to live. But elephants are in great danger. People cut down ________ trees so elephants are losing their homes. People also kill elephants for their ivory. Today there are only about 3,000 elephants ( over 100,000 before). We must save the trees and not buy ________ made of ivory. Thai Elephant Day is on March 13th. We hope (希望) more people can play a part in saving elephants. 书面表达


参考词汇: 1. 3 years old 2. like to do 3. kind of

4. friendly 5. beautiful 6. play with balls

写作要求:1.60 词左右,可适当发挥;(参考词汇仅供参考)


第 7 页

Hi, everyone! Here you can see a lion. _______________


Hi, everyone! Here you can see a lion. Her name is Qinqin. She is 3 years old. She likes to eat meat a lot. Some people think Qinqin is kind of scary, but I don't. She is very friendly. She is very beautiful and she is really smart. She can play with balls. Many people come to the zoo to watch her shows. Do you like her? 单词填空


My name is Julie. I'm a middle school student. Today is Friday. I get up at six thirty. I ________ (到达) at school at 7:40. We have many school rules. And I have to ________ (遵循) them. My school finishes at 5:00 in the afternoon. After school I go home and do my homework. After that I play with my ________ (宠物) cat. He is very cute. But he is kind of lazy. He likes to ________ (睡觉) during the day. After dinner, I ________ (洗) the dishes. My father reads a newspaper. And my mother goes to the ___________ (超市). When she gets home, my father is _____ (仍然) reading the newspaper. She buys some ________ (美味的) food for me, because I want to see my grandparents ________ (明天). But my parents are busy, they can't go with me. I ________ (思念) my grandparents very much. I feel happy because I can stay with them this weekend. 综合填空


Chinese read movie fun two Brown sleep friend play relax Today is Saturday. It's ten o'clock in the morning. Mr. ________ family are all at home. Mrs. Brown is watching TV. She is watching TV shopping. She wants to buy a book on TV, because she likes ________. Mr. Brown is reading a newspaper. There is a ________ photo of a panda. It is from ________ and its name is Guoguo. Their son, David, is talking on the phone.He is calling one of his ________. He wants to go to the zoo to see animals tomorrow. And it is the ________ time for him to go to the zoo this month. Their daughter, Mary, is ________ with the dog. An apple is in her hand. It is her favorite fruit. Mary likes listening to music, she thinks it's ________. And this evening she wants to go to the ________ with her cousin. What's that over there? Oh, it's a bird. It's ________ in the cage (笼子). Mary, please be quiet. Don't wake it up (弄醒)! 书面表达


内容要点: 1.7:30 前到校;


3.在校穿校服,课堂上不能戴帽子; 4.课堂上不能吃东西、喝水。

参考词汇: 1. arrive 2. be late for 3. clean

4. wear 5. the school uniform 6. eat


2.50 词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

第 8 页