中西方饮食文化对比研究(英语专业论文)本科毕业论文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章中西方饮食文化对比研究(英语专业论文)本科毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Table of Contents

中文摘要..........................................................................................................................................Ⅰ Abstract............................................................................................................................................Ⅱ Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................Ⅲ 1. Introduction.......….……………………………………………………………............................1 2. Dietary Concept…………………....……………………………….............................................2 2.1. Chinese Dietary Concept………......……………………………………….........................2 2.2. Western Dietary Concept….………………….…………………..…….…......................... 3 3. Food …………….…………………………………………………….........................................4 3.1. Condiment……...……………....…………………………………………….......................5 3.2. Side Dish……......………………………………………………………..............................5 4. Table Manners……………………………………………………...............................................7 4.1. Differences Between Chinese and Western Table Manners…......……....................…….....7 4.2. Characteristics of Table Manners…………...……………………………....................… ...7 4.2.1. Characteristics of Table Manners in China ………………….......................................8 4.2.2. Characteristics of Table Manners in the West................................................................8 5. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................9 Bibliography....................................................................................................................................10


A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

1. Introduction

Diet is not only the premise of social development, but also the paramount material base for human to survive with good health condition. In the early stage of barbarism, like other animals, looking for food to survive is just the instinct for human beings. But when man began to use fire to cook food and they entered the age of civilization, especially the time of cooking with the pottery, the food became the creation made by the human own wisdom and their technology. Then there is the essential difference in diet between human beings and animals that the diet has its cultural nature. Thus the history of human diet is to be this kind of history that human adapt to nature, conquer and reform nature to survive and develop in the nature, and the human dietary culture gradually comes into being in the course of this progress. As an important part of human culture, the dietary culture has a generalized meaning and a narrowed meaning. This thesis discuss the dietary culture in this narrow sense which is the total of material wealth and spirit wealth created and accumulated in the long-term progress of food consumption, and it is the knowledge about what to eat, how to eat and why to eat, including dietary object, dietary tableware and so on.

China has profound cultural heritage of dietary culture and diet play a foremost role in people’s daily life so that dietary culture take a huge proportion in Chinese culture. Facing the dietary culture from other countries, we should accept or reject them based on ourselves condition. We can’t only chase for enjoyment in taste, because it is harmful to our physical health if we eat too much foreign food which is belong to the high calories food. However, it is obvious that we shouldn’t aimlessly reject all the new objects. Under the influence of entering the WTO and globalization, the international connection has become closer and closer so that the collision and fusion in the dietary culture always happen between Chinese and westerners. Granted, it takes a long time for two different cultures to merge and coexist and there must be an aspect that both sides can’t adapt to each other. If this phenomenon occurs, we should try our best to understand, respect and tolerate another culture in right manner.

The difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners will arouse culture misunderstanding in certain extent. For example, many Chinese think that Hamburger, KFC and McDonald’s are the typical food in American. But it is not the fact. The fact is American food is very complex.


A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

Therefore, in this thesis, we discuss the difference of dietary culture between Chinese and westerners from dietary concept, dietary object, cooking utensil, dietary tableware and table manners. Through the study, it is beneficial for both sides to strengthen the communication in culture, and more able to eliminate the obstacles and misunderstanding when two nations are communicating, so that people can have in-depth understanding about the dietary culture from China and western countries. To study both parties’ dietary culture difference from various aspects, it can not only help us to strengthen the awareness and adaption in the culture communication, but also can enhance our understanding, tolerate and accept the foreign culture. Then this makes Chinese and western dietary culture can mutually develop and fuse in communication, which it plays a remarkable role in boosting the development of culture in the whole world .

2. Dietary Concept

Diet is absolutely necessary in mankind’s life, and even in the existence or development. Because of the differences between Chinese and English cultural traditions, the Chinese and English dietary cultures are different in concept.

2.1. Chinese Dietary Concept

In Chinese dietary culture, people play more attention to pursuing the taste than to emphasizing the nutrition. They consider that the nutrition is less important if the food is delicious and good-looking enough. The reason why there is a unique dietary culture that eating is on top of the list in Chinese nation is that productivity has been always under the average level for thousands of years and people have not enough food to eat. People often say the taste is the most important in the whole of color, aroma and taste. In addition, the key of special charm in Chinese diet is nothing but its taste. Chinese think a lot of art and sensibility, so the pursuit of delicious taste is always the highest meaning in dietary. However, a part of the nutrition may lack in pursuing the deliciousness in Chinese diet. The shape of the food is the external thing while the taste is the internal thing. Emphasizing the inner and not decorating painstakingly the external, or emphasizing the taste rather than showing off the form of the dishes, is the paramount expression in Chinese dietary concept. But it does not take any count of the collocation of nutrition. The medicated food appeared in the Tang dynasty and now there is a formulation that “diet therapy is better than medical treatments”, which all reflect that Chinese pay attention to the collocation in


A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts

dietary nutrition since ancient times. However, the traditional nutrition theory only has a vague concept without specific data analysis as westerners to figure out what kind of food is good for health with nutrition. Chinese people are thinking highly of eat. Bread is the staff of life, this old adage explained that we see eating as important as days. Because our national for thousands of years are in the low level of productivity, people always do not have enough to eat, so they would have a unique food culture that eating is very important. I think this is probably from a survival to needs. Li Xiaohong pointed out: If a culture put ate as primary, so it will appear two phenomena: on one hand will put the food function to acme, not only survive, but also use it to maintain healthy, this is also the culture basis that ―diet cures more than the doctors. On the other hand, the excessive attention to eat, it can make the person praise highly of delicious pursuit.

2.2. Western Dietary Concept

In western dietary culture, eating like a biological machine add fuel, especially about the food's nutrition composition, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and all kinds of inorganic element content , people play more attention to pursuing the nutrition than to emphasizing the color, aroma and taste. The western diet is a kind of rational diet so that they devote particular care to the nutrition and collocation. They treat dietary as a science with a realistic attitude to lay stress on dietary nutrition and as a result, the pursuit of nutrition becomes the highest meaning in diet. The core standard in evaluating food in westerners is whether it is reasonable in dietary nutrition and whether it accord with the scientific demand. Westerners often think that food is just a means of survival so that they pay more attention to dietary nutrition and supply condition of energy and they seldom connect dietary with spiritual enjoyment, which reflects a strong practicability and utilitarian. For westerners, the only thing they care is not what the food color, aroma, taste and shape is, is the nutrition must be guaranteed. Then they spend time on paying attention to how many calorie, vitamin, protein, etc. should be absorbed a day with neglect of color, aroma and taste. Even if the taste may be the same, even compared with Chinese food, or as dull as cardboard, but the sense push them to eat because it is nutritive. For another word, it just like refuels the machine. As to westerners, the taste is the secondary. If heating up the food will cause the loss of nutrition, they prefer to eat the half-baked, even raw food. Therefore, the western dietary can be summarized with convenience and practicability. There is a case in point that a nutritive breakfast can be simply made of a combination of some bread, jam, cheese, butter and fresh vegetables.