2014新人教版Unit8 - It - must - belong - to - Carla.课文知识点最新详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2014新人教版Unit8 - It - must - belong - to - Carla.课文知识点最新详解更新完毕开始阅读


sleepy “困倦的”可做表语和定语 feel sleepy 感到疲倦 sleeping “正在睡觉的“可做定语和表语

the sleeping baby熟睡的婴儿

asleep “睡着的”, 只做表语 fall asleep 入睡

① If you stay up too late, you will feel __________ (sleep) in class the next day..


②— keep quiet, kids, Dad ____________(sleep) in the next room.

— OK , Mum.

David fell__________(sleep) in class because he stayed up too late last night.

Section B 1.No, he’s wearing a suit.不,他穿着一身西装(1d)

【解析】suit -v 适合,符合


→ suitable adj. 适合的 n. “一套衣服。一套西装” (1) be suitable for 适合于 (2) suit sb. 适合某人,指衣服、鞋等颜色、款式上适合 【拓展】suit/ fit 辨析: suit 合适 侧重指颜色、款式或时间,食物、状况等适合

fit 适合 侧重指大小、尺寸合体。

The shoes suit you well.这



The shoes fit you well. (侧重大小合脚)

2.Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britain’s most famous historical places, but also one of its greatest mysteries.巨石阵,一个岩石圈,不仅是英国最著名的历史古迹之一,也是英国最大的谜团之一。(2b)