关于二次函数最值问题的讨论 联系客服

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442、例12 欲做一个容量一定的长方形箱子,应选择怎样的尺寸,才能使此箱子的材料最省. 解析:设箱子的长宽高分别为x,y,z,容量为V,则V?xyz,箱子的表面积S?2(xy?yz?xz),


VVV,所以S?2(xy??),(x?0,y?0).这xyxySx(x,y)?2(y?VV)?0,S(x,y)?2(x?)?0, yx2y2得唯一驻点P(3V,3V).根据问题的实际意义可知S一定存在最小值,故可以断定P即为S的最小值点,即当x?y?3V时,函数S取得最小值.




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Discussion about the problem of the most value of quadratic functions

Student: Hu Huiyun Tutor: He Bin

Abstract: This article focuses on the problem of the most value of unitary quadratic function and binary quadratic functions. Firstly, we studied the problem of the most value of quadratic function on a closed interval, discusses changes of a monotonous interval and the most value of function in four different situations. Secondly, we studied the use of construction to solve the problem of the most value of quadratic function, Given detailed methods and particulars of structure the distance between tow point, structure slope, structure the distance between a point and a straight line, structure linear equations and conic section.

Keywords: Quadratic function maximum and minimum methods of structure