(江苏专用)2019高考英语二轮增分策略 专题三 阅读理解 第二节 分类突破 6 推理判断-写作意图题优选习题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章(江苏专用)2019高考英语二轮增分策略 专题三 阅读理解 第二节 分类突破 6 推理判断-写作意图题优选习题更新完毕开始阅读




Most of us are already aware of the direct effect we have on our friends and family.But we rarely consider that everything we think,feel,do,or say can spread far beyond the people we know.Conversely(相反地),our friends and family serve as conduits(渠道) for us to be influenced by hundreds or even thousands of other people.In a kind of social chain reaction,we can be deeply affected by events we do not witness that happen to people we do not know.As part of a social network,we go beyond ourselves,for good or ill,and become a part of something much larger.

Our connectedness carries with it fundamental implications(影响) for the way we understand the human condition.Social networks have value precisely because they can help us to achieve what we could not achieve on our own.Yet,social-network effects are not always positive.Depression,obesity,financial panic,and violence also spread.Social networks,it turns out,tend to magnify(放大) whatever they are seeded with.

Partly for this reason,social networks are creative.And what these networks create does not belong to any one individual—it is shared by all those in the

network.In this way,a social network is like a commonly owned forest:we all stand to benefit from it,but we also must work together to ensure it remains healthy and productive.While social networks are fundamentally and distinctively human,and can be seen everywhere,they should not be taken for granted.

If you are happier or richer or healthier than others,it may have a lot to do with where you happen to be in the network,even if you cannot recognize your own location.And it may have a lot to do with the overall structure of the network,even if you cannot control that structure at all.And in some cases,the process feeds back to the network itself.A person with many friends may become rich and then attract even more friends.This rich-get-richer dynamic means social networks can dramatically reinforce two different kinds of inequality in our society:situational inequality and positional inequality.

Lawmakers have not yet considered the consequences of positional inequality.Still,understanding the way we are connected is an essential step in creating a more just society and in carrying out public policies affecting everything from public health to the economy.We might be better off vaccinating(接种疫苗) centrally located individuals rather than weak individuals.We might be better off helping interconnected groups of people to avoid criminal behaviour rather than preventing or punishing crimes one at a time.

If we want to understand how society works,we need to fill in the missing links between individuals.We need to understand how interconnections and interactions between people give rise to wholly new aspects of human experience that are not present in the individuals themselves.If we do not understand social networks,we cannot hope to fully understand either ourselves or the world we inhabit. 语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。主要论述了人际关系和社会网络的重要性。 1.What can be inferred from the first paragraph? A.We can’t be easily affected by strangers. B.We are connected and form a social network. C.We have negative effects on other social members.


D.We will not make a difference in a specific group. 答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段的内容,尤其是最后一句可知,人与人之间是相互联系相互影响的,从而形成一个社会网络。

2.Why is a social network like a commonly owned forest? A.Because it remains healthy and productive. B.Because it tends to magnify negative things.

C.Because it is creative and shared by people in the whole society. D.Because what it creates can be enjoyed by everyone in the network. 答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,这种网络创造出来的产品并不属于任何个人,而是整个网络里面的人所共享的。

3.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that .

A.whether we are richer depends on the number of friends we make

B.the wealth we possess has nothing to do with individual continuous efforts C.sometimes our success may be largely due to our position in social networks D.we won’t succeed unless we fully control the overall structure of the network 答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据第四段第一句可知,我们的成功与我们在社交网络中所处的位置有很大的关系。

4.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage? A.To introduce the characteristics of social networks. B.To urge people to understand how our society works. C.To show the significance of understanding social networks. D.To explain the possible consequences of ignoring social networks. 答案 C

解析 写作意图题。根据最后一段最后一句“If we do not understand social networks,we cannot hope to fully understand either ourselves or the world we inhabit.”可知,文章旨在表明社会关系网的重要性。



各种话题的阅读材料都可能考查写作意图/目的题。设问形式常有: 1.整篇文章的写作意图/目的:

(1)The author writes this passage in order to . (2)The author of the passage aims to . (3)The purpose of the passage is to . (4)What is the main purpose of the passage?

(5)What is the author’s intention of writing this passage? (6)The author of the story wants to tell us that . 2.某处细节的写作意图/目的:

(1)The author uses...in the first paragraph to . (2)The author uses the example of...to .

(3)The author writes the last paragraph in order to . (4)Why does the author mention...in the first paragraph? 二、解题技巧 1.文体特点推意图


(2)广告类应用文:文章中有对某种物品或服务的详尽介绍,使用具有明显支持倾向的语言。 (3)说明文:写作目的有赖于对文章主旨的把握,阅读时需要找准主题句。

(4)议论文:提出论点——进行论证——得出结论,作者的意图往往隐含于最后一部分中。 2.看写作手法找答案

(1)在文章开头提出问题或介绍与主题有关的其他事物时答案中往往会含有to bring in/to introduce the topic等字眼。

(2)举例或引用某人的话时答案中往往会含有to support/to show...
