中国工商银行黑龙江分行人力资源管理问题研究 联系客服

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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 and skills, knowledge and technology constantly updated, lifelong education.

2.the information society: the changes in labor and occupational

The development of science and technology of mankind into the information society. One of the characteristics of the information society is working increasingly intelligent (intellectualization), which is no longer just speaking workers deal directly with labor targets, but also to address the production process of changing information. According to statistics, in the United States, are of occupational information in 1950 only 15% in 1980 has been over 60% and by 2000 it had nearly 80% of occupational information in the fall. In an agricultural society, the majority of people in the fields dry; in the industrial age, they care machinery; in the information age, they are dealing with information and knowledge. So, we will have to consider every worker's knowledge structure, problem-solving abilities and social adaptation. According to the forecast, from now to 2000, 75% of occupational are \no one can engage in detail about his future career needs of the knowledge and skills. Therefore, the kind of traditional and narrow vocational training has become obsolete, only basic sturdy, adaptation, and a strong ability to adapt to the dynamic needs of the community.

3.population growth and changes

Population growth in most countries is currently facing problems. According to UN statistics, the world's population in 1950 to 2.5 billion, in 1980 to 4.4 billion, and in 2000 will reach 6.2 billion. Clearly, the learning needs of the world to 2000 will be greatly increased. At the same time, in many countries, there has been the aging of the population trend. Consider the adult population, the average life expectancy, the aging of the society on the issue of human

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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 resource development also raised new demands.

More importantly, many countries, especially developing countries, human capital and large quantities, and quality at the same time worrying. According to UN statistics, today's world of 15-year-old percent of the population, more than one quarter are illiterate. According to statistics, China has 180 million illiterate and semi-illiterate, but has not fundamentally eradicate illiteracy among the new generation. The employment of labor force population in China, about 60 percent of primary school education are the following. Human resources development and training task will be very difficult.

Under such circumstances, the traditional education system no longer has the kind of contingency. In order to ensure that people can get the knowledge, as well as the growing variety of training, only through massive recourse to disseminate knowledge and provide training in various means and media, can be realized.

4.economy on the development of human resources challenges

In recent years, people in education, human resources development and economic interaction, there was a fairly clear understanding. It has been widely recognized that: the prospects for the development of human resources, is subject to the impact of the economic situation. Economic development in the problem of unemployment, inflation, and the emergence of serious financial constraints, especially investment in human resources for the tension, the development of human resources and this has brought tremendous challenges. These challenges come from: how to satisfy a geometric rate of expansion and changing requirements and will lead to a human resources investment and the increase in the conflict between the financial constraints. On human resources

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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 development of the increase will depend on the speed of economic development of various countries as well as countries on the human resource development of the priority status.

Unemployment and employment problems. Unemployment is in the economic development of many countries in the inevitable question. In developed countries, the continued development of the service sector - which are often accompanied by a corresponding industrial workforce reduction - and will continue to do so. At the same time, economic development on the demand for a new career will be expanded. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) statistics, the number of the world work in the end of this century will reach 2.5 billion. This means that: human resource development and how to solve the unemployment problem linked to the population that the future labor employment and development to provide the necessary protection.

According to the above analysis we can see, on the one hand, the importance of human resources in increasing. If in the industrial society of Education and Human Resources Development is only a foil, then in the modern information society, human resource development has become a driving force or basis other hand, the development of the times for the development of human resources new problems and new issues, human resource managers need a high degree of attention and response.

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哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文 附录B 人力资源发展


在探讨什么是人力资源发展这个问题时,我们必须了解什么是人力资源,了解人力资源的特性。“人力资源”的出现约在1970年以后,并逐渐取代“人事”或“人力”等狭隘的字眼。这种转变并非偶然,而是发达国家在过度强调物质与财政资源之后,认识到了人在组织中的关键地位,再回头给予如此重新定位,并视人为组织中最重要的资产。 对于一个组织而言,其所能够运用的资源主要有三种:物质资源,如土地、原料、与机器;财政资源,如金钱与融资信用;人力资源,包括组织内部成员与其所能运用的外在人力。一般对物质和财政资源的概念比较清楚,但对于人力资源的意义为何,则不甚了解。狭义而言,人本身就是资源、能源,人可以被运用于搬运物品,制造产品,作战等等。但人的作用并非仅仅如此,人的作用还在于能统合其他资源,结合三者的效益,使之脱离纯资源的地位,而创造更高的价值。但要成为有效的资源,必须将人作以有效率的运用。因此,人力资源可引申为人所具有的知识、技能、态度、理想、创造力等特质,以及应用上述特质而获得的有所作为。


人力资源发展(Human resource development),简称HRD,是80年代兴起的旨在提升组织人力资源质量的管理战略和活动,也是正在不断发展的一个职业领域和科学。对于什么是人力资源发展,人们的看法也各不相同。选择主要观点予以说明:

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