蒋小琴西华师范大学自考本科毕业论文 联系客服

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books, at least a week to do two reading cards. II、 classroom teaching, innovation

Classroom teaching is teaching the basic form, is the most basic and students, the most important practical activities to promote quality education is the main positions, so I'm clutching a school classroom control and management of the reins, the \reform, lifted Student dominant position \the theme of the reform experiment, emphasizing classroom autonomy. 1. grasping teaching objectives

Our school teachers are organized each semester to learn the \clearly teaching objectives, accurately grasp the teaching requirements. Requires various disciplines in the classroom must be closely linked to all aspects of teaching objectives, teaching methods flexible and diverse teaching methods reflect the times. School teachers in the various sections and each office is equipped with computers, teachers and staff training requirements can make full use of multimedia assisted teaching.

2. grasping teaching structure optimization

First, grasp manage the classroom, teaching order and stability, including the teaching process designed to ask questions, organize classroom exercises, controlling classroom time allocation. (These require teachers to be fully prepared before class, so I proofread grasp


teacher preparation checks are very strict, every semester design competitions for innovative lesson plans.) Second, do a good job teaching the main link, pay attention to teaching program control , emphasis on classroom teaching system integrity and relevance of teaching factors, improve teaching efficiency. Third, we must strengthen the consciousness, requiring the classroom for all, strengthening individualized. 3. grasping the classroom to the society

In recent years, our school has a bold attempt to give parents into the classroom to participate in lectures, participate in guided teaching, the classroom to the society, in order to promote the improvement of the quality of teachers and the overall development of students. III. education and scientific research, unremittingly

Education and scientific research is steadily improving the quality of school education an important means to improve the teaching and research management is an important measure to promote the teaching reform. My school using a variety of methods and the necessary institutional, motivate their passion for education and scientific research, and enhance the teaching and research of consciousness. In order to make teaching and research with a purpose, relevance, practicality, we use vertical depth management, lateral breakthrough approach. 1. improve the management network

My school to promote school guidance offices, teaching large groups,


preparation group, individual four research networks, on this basis, to develop a \Reform Practice Award\\Efficiency Award\each semester of teaching and research plan, develop case studies implementation. Seriously and effectively carry out teaching and research norms (preparation group) assess compliance activities. Now I have a national education school science \key planning issues of sub-topics, there are two provincial subject, three municipal issues are being studied, and the results have been the promotion of the provincial, municipal issues 15 months.

2.and lectures to promote teaching observation and evaluation Lessons, lectures, observation and evaluation is carried out teaching and research, the basic form of optimization of classroom teaching, but also the practical teaching and research activities, and can play both teaching and learning, complementary role. I caught five primary school class type. ① demonstration lessons. Teaching experience of the city worship rookie, provincial, municipal, county and school teaching teacher training object backbone of such lessons, played a \② acting class. Teachers return to study in lectures to disseminate information on education reform, to learn new experiences; ③ reporting class. New tune into the new teachers and teachers on subjects such courses aimed at teaching them to understand the situation; ④ seminar.


All the teachers involved, around the thematic play their teaching characteristics, aims to promote classroom structure optimization; ⑤ with the lesson. Open Week All classes within the school open to all teachers. Adhere commenting combining teaching and research combined. Requires at least one teacher per school level topic, so in order to promote teaching and research topics, issues and promote teaching and research, the basic realization of the characteristics of teachers, classroom unique. 3. the combination of race summary

Competition is a method of teaching and research management, research is summarized in-depth teaching and research activities. Our school to develop a \quality evaluation rules\\class assessment rules\\and research achievement awards Regulations\and other such teaching work with standards, teachers have a hard direction, the school will have supervision of basis.

First, teachers do a good job competition. Quality courses from the university to start, then county, city competition, this year my school sent a teacher to participate in municipal quality class competitions were awarded. Encourage teachers to write papers and give rewards, as Pingxianpingyou conditions. This year my school teacher writing topic reports, papers, cases, etc. at the provincial, city and county levels of competitions and awards more than 70 articles, some works published in education journals.