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立足素质教育 加强教学管理

姓 名专 业班 级学 号

蒋小琴 英语教育 2011 级 英教1班 1102102116

南充职业技术学院教学部 二0一三年五月二十五日


Primary Education Teaching Thesis: based on quality education and enhancing teaching management

Teaching is a purposeful planned activity, to improve the quality must rely on tube .Principle, teaching job is a systems engineering, and it consists of multiple elements, to teach .The function of the study also depends on management. Teaching is a dynamic process, to teach and Learn many link controls, obtains the benefit depends on management. Management is a 。Science, if you want to do a good job in teaching management, we must seriously explore the scientific teaching management 。Road, over the years we in the teaching management scientific exploration and real road 。Practice, accumulated certain experience, formed its own set of management methods, it 。In summary there are four: first is the quality as the center for management; The second is In order to content of standardization for the institutionalization of management; Third, we will improve the inspection and evaluation, Excitation mechanism, and the efficiency of management; Four is a democratic and scientific research as a means to a science

School education teaching management is an important part of the work, management means determines the merits of the school's teaching quality. This requires us to constantly explore new ways of effective teaching management. I always put school teaching management as the core of school management. In order to further promote the full


implementation of quality education, the school governing body from teaching, classroom management, teaching and research management in these areas has increased the intensity of internal management, pay close attention to the school management teaching management core, and truly reflects the school's Center job is teaching. 1、 sound institutions, effective management

Teaching to normal operation, you must create effective instructional management agencies, established body functions into full play their active role in teaching management. My school in order to seriously implement the education policy, the improvement of education quality assurance, established the drawer teaching management institutions, the establishment of the department's management procedures, job responsibilities, and constantly improve and strengthen the functions of the system, operation mechanism and means of regulation. The department staff carry out their duties and unity, school leaders around the central part of education, for the teaching service. Dean, give full play to its functions of teaching and research role, comprehensive and scientific organization of the teaching process.

First, according to educational administration, teaching and research department of the views of teaching, combined with school teachers, students, teaching conditions develop teaching plans; according to teachers' knowledge and ability, personality strengths reasonably good


match all grades and teaching and research teaching force, press the \plan \subject characteristics and psychological characteristics of students well structured curriculum, organizing various courses teaching activities, establish a stable teaching order. Secondly, all aspects of the teaching process put forward practical quality standards, the inspection will be teaching guidance, supervision throughout the whole process of teaching. Twice each semester, such as a comprehensive routine inspection, and quantified score, usually carried out occasional checks. For Classroom Observation, understand and grasp the teaching dynamics. According to the teaching and research organizations for students and teachers to develop their own characteristics reform implementation plan, summed up the promotion of teaching experience, to carry out teaching social activities, the development of specific measures. Held once every other week schoolwide teaching and research activities in order to accelerate the construction of high-quality teachers. Third, the teachers with the teaching activities, learning teaching theory, learning outline, hold various seminars, study classroom management and control, instructor full use of modern teaching methods, to improve the quality of teaching are implemented. We use the \in\grade teacher has the right and HE Qian Cheng to give lectures guidance. Teachers are required to read at least one per semester teaching theory