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One of the most difficulties in learning a language is learning the idiomatic phrases, slang(俚语)and mon usage of native speakers. These four books focus on giving students a hand when learning North American idiomatic language.

Ya Gotta Know It by Hania Hassan

It provides an excellent mixture of materials for classroom lessons and American slang reference. Its unique feature is that students are provided with ongoing context(上下文)reminding learners of idioms learned while improving their understanding by using the same characters and a developing story line. Exercises provide a chance for students to practice in proper situations.

mon American Phrases by Richard A. Spears

It has a wide variety of resources on American English. It contains more than 2,000 phrases and idioms. Excellent for classroom use as this reference guide focuses on standard phrases that can be found in everyday standard usage.

American Idioms and Some Phrases Just for Fun by Edward Swick

The book’s strength is its translation of more formal English of a number of idioms. These phrases are then repeated in a number of different contexts giving students a good idea of mon usage. There are also a number of exercises designed to help students put their newfound idiomatic understanding into use.

American Slang by Robert L. Chapman

It provides a guide for advanced level English students. This reference guide to slang is

best used by those interested in the very latest and up-to-date slang and slang you might hear in the latest films from Hollywood. 21. What do the books have in mon?

A. They all contain lots of exercises.

B. They are suitable for students of all language levels. C. They teach students knowledge of idiomatic language. D. They are good for students to learn about informal English. 22. In what way is Ya Gotta Know It different from the other books?

A. It offers readers ongoing context.

B. It is mainly about American slang. D. It is made up of some short stories.

C. It has the largest number of idioms.

23. Which book helps you understand the latest Hollywood films?

A. Ya Gotta Know It. B. mon American Phrases.

C. American Idioms and Some Phrases Just for Fun. D. American Slang.


Was the London Olympics a success? Many people hold different opinions. However, one thing is certain. London could win a gold medal for hosting the “greenest” Games ever, BBC News reported.

Previous Olympic hosts have been criticized for the environmental damage they have caused through construction, waste and transport. But things had to be different in London because it bid(申办)for the Olympics through the concept of “a One Planet Olympics”.

What is most impressive is that London uses the construction of the Olympic Park as an opportunity to clean up polluted areas — 2 million tons of polluted soils were removed and 200 old factory buildings were torn down. But that’s not all — 99% of the debris(废瓦砾)were reused to build the Olympic Park. For example, the Olympic Stadium’s roof is made from 2,500 tons of steel tubes recycled from old gas pipelines. In addition, all venues(场馆)were built with green building techniques. The Olympic Stadium is the lightest one ever built, which minimized the amount of steel and concrete needed.

The effort that London made to deal with waste also deserves praise. Water used for drinking and watering plants was from collected rainwater or recycled wastewater. In this way, about 30-40 percent less water was used in total. Waste food package were either recycled or processed and

turned into renewable energy.

As one of the best connected places in Europe, London tried to solve traffic jams by encouraging the use of public transport. For example, it had trains deliver half of the building materials, instead of cars, which greatly reduced carbon emissions(排放).

The clean anti-doping result also added to the greenness of the Games. The International Olympics mittee (IOC) said that the devices used this time were the most accurate and advanced. Only one athlete tested positive for a banned drug on the day of peting, which is why the IOC President, Jacques Rogge, has praised anti-doping efforts at the London Games. 24. What did London do to make the Olympic Park green?

A. It recycled 2 million tons of polluted soil. B. It removed 99% of the debris from the city.

C. It built the Olympic Stadium mostly with recycled materials. D. It applied green building techniques to the construction.

25. What does the underlined word “minimized” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Increased greatly.

B. Reduced as much as possible. D. Took little notice of.

C. Made full use of. 26. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The London Olympics cost less than the other Olympics.

B. London has possessed the most advanced techniques to deal with waste. C. Public transport is made good use of during the London Olympics. D. London’s anti-doping result turned out to be far from satisfactory. 27. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. The green effort of London isn’t worthy of praise. B. The London Olympics was a success environmentally. C. London encouraged the use of private cars for free.

D. The IOC was unsatisfied with London’s anti-doping efforts.


A photo exhibition marking the 10th anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake that killed more than 87,000 people was held on Thursday in the European Parliament building in Brussels.

The exhibition is mainly to thank the European Union (EU), its member states and people for their generous and timely help delivered to the disaster-hit areas ten years ago.

The vice-governor of Sichuan province, Yang Xingping, led a delegation(代表团)to Brussels

to thank for their assistance, including 85 million euros ($105 million), after the disaster, the 20th most damaging earthquake in recorded history.

“Forever, we will remember that the rescuer and medical staff from Europe had saved lives in ruins racing against time in those days,” said Yang at the opening ceremony of the exhibition.

The photos showed the Dutch relief team racing against time, French and Italian doctors saving lives and also a new-born baby, with the help of Chinese and German Red Cross staff.

“Presenting Wenchuan’s achievements is the best way to say thank you to those who have helped her, including the EU,” said Chinese Ambassador to the EU Zhang Ming.

Having stood the test of the disaster, Zhang said China-EU friendship has bee even stronger and is the most valuable thing to China. Zhang also said that despite the huge scale of the disaster, Chinese people stayed strong, united and determined, and the relief efforts finally succeeded with the kind support of the international munity.

“Ten years have passed, but we still remember those who extended helping hands to the Chinese people when we had a hard time,” said Zhang. “We will never forget those European relief and medical staff who worked day and night on the ground, side by side with their Chinese colleagues.” 28. What is the main purpose of the exhibition?

A. To show the damage caused to Wenchuan. B. To appreciate the timely help of the EU. C. To attract financial aid from the EU. D. To present Wenchuan’s achievements. 29. What do we know from the passage?

A. The exhibition was held on the anniversary of the Wenchuan earthquake. B. There had been 19 severe earthquakes before the Wenchuan earthquake. C. The EU sent rescue teams to Wenchuan as well as donating money. D. Some EU rescuers held a race petition in the ruins of Wenchuan. 30. What are the last two paragraphs mainly about?

A. The determination of the Chinese people. B. The sense of value of the Chinese people. C. The great relief efforts of the EU. D. The valuable China-EU friendship. 31. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Exhibition marks 10th anniversary of Wenchuan earthquake B. A killer earthquake struck Wenchuan, Sichuan province