五年级英语上第一单元教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章五年级英语上第一单元教案更新完毕开始阅读

游戏规则:把全班分为四个小组,每组成员在30秒钟内用this that these those四个词造句,看哪个组造的句子多,哪组为获胜组。教师可以设计一个分钟的课件来计时。 (设计意图:游戏的安排,使学生既紧张又活泼,在轻松愉快而又紧张刺激的氛围中学习,学生的学习积极性高,不会感到厌倦,学到的知识记忆的特别牢固,教学效果大大提高。)

2、利用击鼓传花来复习I like …和I don’t like…句型。教师将一个装满礼物的书包交给一名同学,当音乐开始时,一条龙式的往后传,音乐停止时,拿到礼包的同学从包里拿出一件礼物,如果喜欢就说:“I like…”,如果不喜欢就说:“I don’t…”。

(设计意图:“I like…,I don’t like…”句型的复习巩固是为后面对话的学习做铺垫的,用这样游戏的方式进行,为学生营造了一个和谐的课堂氛围,有助于学生进行语言的学习。)

3、让小组内进行讨论,创设一个外出旅行前的准备情景,可以自由发挥,发挥出个个小组的特点鼓励学生情景一定要真实,挖掘头脑中的语言信息组织语言,然后进行表演。 (设计意图:这段时间是学生自己的,学生可以自由的展示自己的才华,有助于学生语言的实践应用。) 四、Class closing。

总结本节课学习的内容。 板书设计:

Lesson 26: LiMing’s Favourite Clothes.

this these that those

I like I don’t like

Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase


知识与技能:能用以下英文packing my / your / his / her suitcase

Don’t forget… Do you want this/that/these/those…? How many…do you have? a pair of…/ pairs of…等。表达我正在打点行李;提醒他人不要忘记某物;会询问他人是否需要某物/某物有多少;会表达某人有一双或几双袜子等。 过程与方法: Packing and say.

情感态度与价值观:要求学生培养自己的自理能力,自己的事情自己做。 教学重难点: 1、重点:Students can say and understand:packing my/your/his/her suitcase./Don’t forget____. 2、难点: 实际运用, 能组织语言编排以打点行李为内容的对话并进行表演。

教具、学具: flashcards for clothes, draw and cut out clothes on paper, recorder, audiotape, some clothes a suitcase. 教学过程:

一、 Class Opening and Review: 1.Greeting

2.Play“This That”. Ask the students to get out their flashcards for clothes. (指着自己拿的卡片): I (don’t) like this/these____. (指着伙伴的卡片): I (don’t) like that/those_____.

3、“This That Chant” 二、Key Concepts:

packing my/your/his/her suitcase 1、Introduce:

(1)Use a suitcase as a pretend suitcase, draw and cut out clothes on paper to demonstrate“packing my suitcase”.Use demonstrative pronouns to make choices about the clothes you “pack”.教师把自己需要的衣物放进手提箱去的同时可说:I want this/that/these/those____.通过演示使学生明白该情境是在打点行装。

(2)让一名学生象老师一样打点行装。教师走到学生面前问;What are you doing? Do you want this/that/these/those____?

How many _____ do you have? Don’t forget______ .等

(3)让学生利用手中的道具:pencil case, flashcards for clothes 教师发指令, 学生做动作并回答问题, 如 T: packing your suitcase 也可走到一位正在打点行装的学生面前提问:What is he/she doing? C: He/She is packing his/her suitcase.进而理解:packing your/his/her suitcase

2、Use the Student Book and Audiotape:

(1)Review the story so far. Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are going on a trip to Beijing. Look at the pictures in the student book. Ask two questions: What is Li Ming doing in this lesson? What is Jenny doing?

Listen to the tape and answer these questions: C1: Li Ming is packing his suitcase. C2: Jenny is helping Li Ming.

(2)Then listen again. Remember what “a pair of”means.

出示袜子、裤子、手套、鞋的图片,帮助学生回想 a pair of 的含义, 进而说出: a pair of socks/pants/gloves/shoes 有学生还会回想起更多的如 a pair of jeans/glasses/shorts… 教师及时表扬。

(3)Guess what “Don’t forget____.”means. 出示几个场景,如出示一幅离开家准备上班的图片,鼓励学生说出:Don’t forget your key.再比如出示下雨天场景, 学生说出:Don’t forget your umbrella. 三、Practice: 1、分角色对话:

男女生分配不同角色,两组进行比赛,唤醒学生学习语言的竞争意识,提高学习的趣味性与自觉性。The boys will be Li Ming. The girls will be Jenny.

2、Divide the class into pairs. Ask each pair of students to make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase. One student packs and one student helps. They can use their flashcards for clothes, use a pencil case as a pretend suitcase for “packing”the clothes. Brainstorm some phrases with the students first and encourage them to experiment with different phrases: 出示:

Do you like this/that/these/those___? Yes, please./No, thanks. a pair of

How many ___ do you have? Don’t forget____!

教师尽可能走到每组需要帮助的学生面前加以指导。 3、 Check for Understanding:

Ask for pairs of students to present their dialogues. 四、Class Closing 板书设计:

Lesson 27: Li Ming Packs His Suitcase packing my/your/his/her suitcase Don’t forget____.

Lesson 28:Where is it?

教学目标: 知识技能:

学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。可以用英文流利地询问他人“你能找到我的……吗?”。

过程与方法:Do and say. 通过角色扮演的小游戏来学习句型“Can you find my ___?”。 情感态度与价值观:They can express the position”s saying. 培养学生的自理能力,自己的事情自己做。

教学重点:能用Can you find my _____ ? I can find ____ .Ican’t find _____ .进行对话 教学难点:Make new dialogues 教具学具:卡片、录音机、磁带 教学资源:

evening是指日落到夜晚这一段人还在活动、交际的时间,比如晚上时间与朋友遇见了,可以说一声good evening~

night一般是指深夜、入睡的时刻。good night就是晚安的意思了。 教学过程:

一、Class Opening and Review: (1)Greetings。

(2)Sing “Where is ____ ? ” 二、Key Concepts:

1、Review feeling smastered in level 1(happy,sad,hot,cold,tired)。Write the words on the blackboard. Then stand in front of each word and act it out. Ask for volunteers to act out each word.

2、monstrate”Can you find my ___?” by giving a student sth of yours and asking him on her to hide it .Close your eyes. Pretend you to have lost the object and lead a dialogue such as: T: Oh, no! My _-___ is lost! I Can’t find my___!Where is it? Can you find my ____? S: Yes.No.

T: Yes, here it is.(Pretend to find it.) 3、ractice it again.

4、 Write “Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。”on the blackboard and let the students say them a few times.

5、 Use the student book to read the text ,think about the questions: What happened they think? What is Danny wearing? Why?

6、 Practice and play”Can you find it?”

7、 Give them enough time to practice the dialogue and work in pairs. 8、 Questions: My _-___ is lost! I Can’t find my___! Where is it?

Can you find my ____?

Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。

9、 Let them act the dialogue and then check out.

10、小结:Let the students say what they have learned from the text. 三、Class Closing

四、作业:Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper. 板书设计:

Lesson 28:Where is it?

Can you find my ____?

Yes,here it is。/No,I can’t 课后反思:

Lesson 29 : Buying Train Tickets 教学目标:

1. 知识目标 :掌握词汇don’t,jump, run, walk, 句型 from to 结构

2. 能力目标:在现实生活中灵活运用以上词汇和句型

3. 情感目标:培养学生遵守公共秩序,在公共场所要规规矩矩,不要乱跑乱闹。 教学重点:

. 本课词汇don’t,jump, run, walk, 句型 from to 教学难点:

正确灵活运用本课词汇和句型 教具、学具:

录音机,课本,课件 教学过程:

一,Class opening and review 1.Chant the “Leave Arrive Chant .”

2.Review how to read time . Draw a clock on the blackboard and ask the class to recite the times in English . 二,Key concepts

don’t , jump ,run, walk from to This lesson has two groups f the key concepts. Teach them together. 1,介绍

教师首先演示jump, run, walk三个动作,然后结合from to 练习三个动词 For example :

Teacher :Please jump from this book to that chair .

Students: (Begin jumping from this book to the chair )

Teacher: Stop !Please don’t jump! Please walk from the book to the chair