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相互关系;depreciation 贬值;反对,强烈的不赞同<>appreciation 增值;感激;欣赏;词根 prec-=price(价值)

appreciate 增值;感激,欣赏(我看出你有价值);arouse opposition 激起强烈的反对;arouse 激起某人强烈的情


3.Nothing is less sensible than the advice of the Duke of Cambridge who is to be reported to have said: “Any change,

at anytime, for any reason is to be deplored.”

A.emulated B.ridiculed C .complicated D.lamented

deplore 哀叹,悲叹,惋惜;explore 探索,探险;plo-折叠了;nothing is less sensible 没有什么比之更不明智

了(双重否定表肯定,否定的比较级传达的是最高级的概念)>最不明智=nothing is the least sensible 否定词+ 比

较级=最高级;lamented a.爱掉,哀叹,惋惜;lament v. ;emulate 模仿=simulate(因为喜欢而进行的模仿);

imitate( 比较简单的模仿);ridicule n. v.讽刺(力度最大,对社会和制度的讽刺);ridiculous a.荒唐的; absurd(荒

谬);ludicrous 荒唐;complicate 复杂的;“在任何时代,基于任何理由所产生的任何变革都应该受到谴责和悲叹


4.Most of the 33 newly discovered planets' giant gas bags swing so erratically that they create havoc on any smaller,

nearby, life-friendly planets. A.destruction B.benefits C .chaos D.violence 灾难系列:disaster 灾难;calamity 灾难,不幸事件(往往暗示有大量的人员伤亡);catastrophe 空前的大灾难,

空前的浩劫;harsh 严厉的,严酷的; havoc n.大破坏,浩劫,蹂躏;v.损毁;erratically 错误的,偏离轨道的;life-friendly

对生命友好的; swing n.摇晃v.旋转,摇摆;A 5.Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for top-flight staff, travel, and

television commercials.

A.dubiously B.potently C .profusely D .candidly

“三大节约,四大浪费” (另见第 1 节课的Unit12-17):“四大浪费”:prodigal 奢侈;luxurious;lavishly;extravagant

豪华的;“三大节约”:economically;thriftily; frugal 节约的;potently 有潜能的,潜能巨大的;candidly 坦白,

坦率;candle 蜡烛(常为白色)>candidate 候选人;profusely(pro 向前+fus 流=流出来了)浪费;dubiously 怀疑的

(du-两个); top-flight staff 顶级飞行员工; confuse 使感到困惑; refuse 拒绝; transfuse 输血; infuse 注入,流入;

diffuse 扩散;

6.In fact, a number of recent developments suggest that new media may actually be the salvation of old media; that

online newspapers, Webzines, and e-books could preserve and extend the best aspects of the print culture while

augmenting it with their various technological advantages .

A.limiting B.maintaining C.distinguishing D.increasing

autumn 秋天(fall); aurum 金;inaugurate 使就职,加冕;前缀in-在里面,加强语气;否定;august 八月;Augustan

奥古斯都(皇帝);词根 au-威严,高大的;augment 增大,变大;salvation 挽救;while 于此同时;D

7.Every modern government, liberal or otherwise, has a specific position in the field of ideas; its stability is

vulnerable to critics in proportion to their ability and persuasiveness. A.futile B.susceptible C.feasible D.flexible vulnerable 脆弱的,容易受到伤害的;be vulnerable to 脆弱的,易受到攻击的;受制于,受困于;futile 没用

的(useless);as futile as drawing water with bamboo basket 竹篮子打水一场空;feasible 可行的;flexible 灵活的,

容易拉伸的;susceptible(sus 穿透+cept 拿)容易受到攻击的,容易受到感染的;be liable to?倾向于,易于?;be

prone to (专指)易患某种疾病的;invulnerable 身体健全的;persuasive 劝导,劝告;B 8.Parties are therefore free to strive for a settlement without jeopardizing their chances for or in a trial if mediation is


A.assuring B.increasing C.endangering D.destroying

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jeopardize 使受到危害/危险; jeopardy 被告,有被指控为真正犯罪的可能性;double jeopardy 双重阴谋,赎罪并

罚; media 媒介,媒体;mediate v.调和,斡旋;mediation or in a trial 如果调解工作不成功的话,在不损害各方

的机会的情况下,有关各方可自由寻求解决方案; assure 确保,保证;assure sb. of sth.; destroy 彻底的破坏; C

9.They make better use of the time they have, and they are less likely to succumb to fatigue in stressful jobs.

A.sustain B.yield C .endure D.expose

succumb 容易受到?伤害,受制于; fatigue 疲劳,疲惫; yield 屈服,让步,受到损害; endure 忍耐,持续; expose 暴露;B

10.It disgusted him when atheists attacked religion: he thought they were vulgar.

A.insulting B.base-minded C .rough D.vicious

vulgar 世俗的,粗俗的,没有涵养的;insulting 侮辱性的;base-minded 单纯的;rough 粗俗的,低俗的;vicious

邪恶的; vicious circle 恶性循环; worldly 世俗的; secular 世俗的,低俗的; atheists 无神论者; theists 有神论者; C

11.From the time of the Greeks to the Great War, medicine's job was simple: to struggle with ______ diseases and

gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to manage pain. A.immortal B.immune C.lethal D.toxic immortal 不朽的,不死的;mortal 必有一死的;mourn 哀悼;morbid 有毛病的;immune 免疫的;lethal 致命

的=deadly,fatal;toxic 有毒的(tox 毒);intoxicate 使陶醉;

12.This is market in which enterprising businesses ______ for the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their

rock mania and pop-art forms.

A.cater B.entitle C.appeal D.subject enterprise 事业,事业心,进取心;mania 不正常的喜欢(man 正常+ia 疾病);clean mania 洁癖;pop-art 流行艺

术;cater for 迎合;entitle sb. to do sth.使某人有权利做某事;appeal to 对?有吸引力的,提起上诉;be subject

to 受制于;subject v.从属,附属; A

13.It must guide public opinion, after presenting ______ both sides of every issue and pointing out to readers what

measures seem to promise the greater good for the greater number.

A.inquisitively B.inconceivably C.appallingly D.impartially

guide public opinion 公众舆论导向(褒义);the greater good for the greater number 给大多数人提供更大的好处(褒

义); >应填入褒义的词;presenting 呈现,表现;inquisitive 好奇的;acquisitively 贪婪的;inconceivable 无法构

思的,无法想象的;conceive v.构思,构想;

寿衣(人死了);wall(人活着);impartially 公正的,客观的,无私的;partially 偏袒的,偏爱的;D

14.Brushing removes larger particles, but dentists suggest brushing the back of the tongue as well, where food

residues and bacteria ______

A.flourish B.collaborate C.embark D.congregate

greg-群体:gregarious 社交的;congregate 聚集,聚众;flourish 繁荣(经济、花草树木

的繁荣);collaborate 合

作,协作;勾结,狼狈为奸,沆瀣一气;conspire 勾结,狼狈为奸(贬义);cooperate 合作(褒义);cooperation

合作化;embark 使上船,着手开始做某事(embark on doing); residue 残留; reside 居住; resident 居民; harbor n.港

口vt.藏; D

15.American literary historians are perhaps ______ to viewing their own national scene too narrowly, mistaking

prominence for uniqueness. A.prone B .legible C.incompatible D.prior prone 易于,倾向于?(往往为坏的倾向);legible 字迹清晰可辨的(leg-选择);illegible 不清晰;incompatible

不兼容的,不相容的;compatible 兼容的,相容的;prior 在?之前的(to); priority 优先;inferior 自卑;prominence

突出;uniqueness 举世无双;美国的人文历史学家喜欢把自己的民族景观看待太为狭窄,错把突出的特征当成

他们独一无二举世无双的特征。be prone to 倾向;A

16.To many people, a husband and wife alone do not seem a proper family—they need children to enrich the circle,

to ______ family character and to gather the redemptive influence of offspring. A.repress B .intimidate C.validate D.confine repress 压制;regress 倒退(尤指政治上的逆历史潮流的倒退);intimidate 恐吓;timid 胆小的;valid 有效的;

validate 使变得有效的,使合适,使正当;confine A to B 限制于,受制于(be confined to 带有感情色彩);limit

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客观评价;redemptive 补助性的,挽救性的;redemption n. 《肖申克的救赎》;offspring 后代;C

17.The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and ______ the

Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete

in this supply.

A.defers B.curtails C.triggers D.sparks

the Corporation’s statutory monopoly 该公司的法定的垄断地位;statutory 法定的,依法享有的;monopoly 垄断;

defer 拖延,延期,延误;curtail 缩减,削弱;tigger 触发,引发;spark 火花,火光;闪光,发出火花;鼓舞;