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高中英语人教新课标必修二Unit2 语法课 课程教学设计

在小组内编交通工程的对话。 4.展示对话 名称,是为后面的句子翻译做好铺垫。而翻译句子又是为后面的小组对话进行铺垫。为学生的语言输出(展示对话)提供有效的“支架” Step5 课堂小结, 跟老师一起通过梳理本总结 根据黑板表格,和学生一起复习一复习 一般将节课学习的提升 般将来时被动语态的用法和结构。 来时被动语内容,加强态的用法和对学习内容结构 布置作业,要求学生给美国朋友回听 信,介绍中国为冬奥会所做的准备:场馆建设、交通和推广冰雪运动。 巩固。 通过课后写作,进一步巩固本节课语法项目的学习。 情感激励。 与老师互动 总结时,多T:In 2022, the 24th winter Olympic 齐读PPT上出运用目标Games will be held in Beijing. I hope 含有目标语语法。让学you will be admitted into Beijing 法项目的激生再次体验University, Tsinghua Univerisity or 励性语言。 I 目标语法的Universities in Beijing. If so, you believe if I 语用功能。5 / 8

高中英语人教新课标必修二Unit2 语法课 课程教学设计

will have a better chance to watch the work games. I believe your dreams will be my realized. will hard, 同时,激发 dream 学生为梦想be 而努力的热I 情和对祖国realized. believe if we 的自豪感。 all work hard our Chinese dream will be realized. 附件:课堂练习 III.Exercise

1.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words

(1)A new poster ________ (design) next week in order to advertise the coming Olympics.

(2)Liu Xiang ________(choose) for the Chinese team at the Athens Olympic Games and won a gold medal.

(3)Tomorrow the two athletes _________ (send) to Australia for swimming training in preparation for the next Olympic Games.

(4)Women __________(allow) to compete in the modern Olympic Games. (5)No smoking will be allowed in the stadium. If you __________(discover), you will be fined. 2.Proof reading

(1)Nobody will be allow to enter the stadium without a ticket.

(2)Children will not allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. If they do, they will be took away from the stadium.

(3)Cheating by athletes will not be excused. They will be told to leave and will be punishing.

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words.

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高中英语人教新课标必修二Unit2 语法课 课程教学设计

A Bridge between The Ancient and The Modern Olympic Games

Hello! I’m the torch that lights the Olympic fire and starts every modern Olympic Games.

I always begin my journey from Olympia in Greece where the ancient Games _______ first ________(held). I ______ usually _________(light) by the sun there and _________(carry) by many runners from different countries. Many people come to watch as I travel through their countries to the host city. However, only the best athletes carry me! It’s a great honour and many athletes hope to get the chance to do so. The greatest honour is to be the last athlete who carries me into the stadium where the Games _____________(hold) . The last athlete gets the opportunity to light the Olympic fire. That fire will burn for the whole period of the Games and it______________( not put) out until the Games end. It is a wonderful experience to be a bridge between the ancient and Olympic Games. Long may the Olympics continue.

4. Group work. Make up a dialogue in pairs.

Situation: Your America friend, Mary , is visiting you. She is interested in the 24th wither Olympic Games and wants to know about the preparations(准备) for them. Make a dialogue to introduce our preparations for the Games in stadiums or gymnasiums, transportation and the promotion(推广)of the winter sports. 参考信息: (1)场馆建设(stadiums or gymnasiums):为了节约费用,2008年奥运会场馆将再次利用。北京只需新建一个场馆,张家口将建五个场馆。开幕式和闭幕式将在鸟巢(Bird Nest)举行。所有场馆比赛后将被用作运动员训练比赛、大众锻炼、会展( exhibition )及其他活动场地


(3)冰雪运动推广(the promotion of the winter sports)为了让更多人了解冬奥会,将会举办一系列冬奥会知识竞赛和演讲比赛。在学校,更多的冰场(ice rink)将会被建设以便学生可以学习冰雪运动。一些冰雪运动课程也将会开设(start)。

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高中英语人教新课标必修二Unit2 语法课 课程教学设计



(2)在对话中要体现本节课语法,一般将来时被动语态。 (3)对话展示大方自然。

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