湖南省张家界市2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章湖南省张家界市2019-2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题2更新完毕开始阅读

to experience better general and mental health as well.

So how does “blue space” make us feel better? For one thing, aquatic environments tend to have less pollution and more sunlight, both of which are linked to better mental and physical health. People who get more sun tend to be happier than those who do not.

There’s also the air above the sea. After spending time near the ocean, you might find that you feel more relaxed than usual. This is because sea air is filled with negative ions(负离子). These ions balance our levels of serotonin(血清素), a chemical that affects our moods. With balanced serotonin levels, we feel more calm and relaxed, according to Daily Mail.

Finally, people who live near water tend to be more physically active, according to the Guardian. Water sports like swimming and rowing can help us stay in shape, which in turn keeps us healthy.

28. What did the researchers from the University of Exeter find?

A. Living near water can improve our mental health.

B. An increasing number of people don’t like living in cities. C. Living near water has more advantages than living in cities. D. People with mental health problems mainly come from cities.

29. The underlined word “aquatic” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “_____”.

A. natural B. outdoor C. oceanic D. clean

30. What do we know about negative ions?

A. They are chemicals in our bodies. B. They can only be found in sea air. C. They can help people reduce stress. D. They increase serotonin in our bodies.

31. In which column can you find this passage?

A. Health. C. Environment. B. Travel. D. Entertainment.


In this digital age, people measure their popularity by the number of likes and followers they get on social media. But as it turns out, people are happiest when their friends are high quality – not high quantity.

Scientists from the University of Leeds, UK, studied data from two online surveys of nearly 1,500 people. Those who took the survey gave details about their age, social

interactions, and how satisfied they were with their social lives. The researchers found that those who had a small number of close friends generally tended to be happier than those who had a large number of superficial(关系浅表的)friends.

“Loneliness has less to do with the number of friends you have, and more to do with how you feel about your friends,” said Wandi Bruine de Bruin, one of the researchers.

Bruine de Bruin found that older people tended to have smaller social circles than young people, but the people in these circles tended to be closer to them. Younger people, on the other hand, tended to have bigger circles that were made up of “peripheral(次要的)others” – people who are not true friends, but just people they know. These people had no influence on the younger interviewees’ happiness.

The results of the study show that the opinion society has about old people being sad and lonely might not be accurate.

“The research shows that older adults’ smaller networks didn’t prevent social satisfaction and happiness. In fact, older adults tend to report better well-being than younger adults,” said Bruine de Bruin.

32. According to the study, people tend to be happier when they _____.

A. have a small circle of close friends B. are satisfied with their work and lives C. have a lot of followers on social media D. make friends with people who are older 33. What do we know from Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A. Older people’s friends seem to be of higher quality. B. Young people don’t need to make peripheral friends.

C. Older people’s happiness has nothing to do with their friends. D. Both old and young people find it hard to make close friends. 34. Which word might Bruine de Bruin use to describe older adults?

A. Sad. B. Happy. C. Lonely. D. Superficial.

35. What is the focus of the story?

A. Different types of friends.

B. Changes in people’s happiness levels.

C. Interactions between old and young people.

D. The relationship between happiness and number of friends.



Online courses have become popular in many countries. There are different kinds of online courses, but most show a video of a teacher and students in a classroom. Students watch the video online and take part in online activities. Some courses are free and open to anyone. 36 Of course, watching videos on a screen is not the

same as taking part in a real class.

37 In Singapore, eight schools have been chosen to try new ways of using technology in the classroom. The schools have tablets(平板电脑)and touchscreens instead of books and blackboards in the classrooms. 38 Through them, students can communicate with each other and work on projects together.

In South Korea, some students have been taught English by teachers in the Philippines and other countries since 2011. The teachers are in their home countries and are connected to the Korean classrooms via the Internet. Instead of looking at a screen, the students interact with a robot in the classroom. The robot is controlled by the teacher. 39

Thanks to technology, more and more ways of teaching and learning are being developed.

40 But one thing is for sure – there has never been a more interesting time to be a student.

A. E-learning can be successful.

B. There are also social media platforms(平台).

C. Other kinds of e-learning are being tested around the world. D. They give students anywhere the chance to study at any time. E. Nobody knows what the classroom of the future will look like. F. And it can move around the classroom and talk with the students.

G. The courses that are taught via the Internet are called online courses. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Once Confucius(孔子)was passing by a village where he saw an old man with his young son pulling water from the well. Confucius was 41 to see this as at that time people harnessed(使用)horses or oxen to pull 42 from the well.

Confucius with 43 went to the old man and said, “Why are you unnecessarily 44

yourself and the young man, now that we have harnessed horses and oxen?”

The old man 45 to him, “Please speak 46 . I don’t want my son to hear this. I can answer you, but please 47 when my son goes for lunch.”

Confucius was puzzled. He kept 48 and waited until the old man came to him alone at 49 time. Confucius questioned, “Why would you not let your son 50 what I said?”

The old man replied, “I am 85 years old and yet I have 51 to work side by side. If today I 52 horses to pull water, then my son will not be able to have the same strength at 85 as I have now. That’s why I 53 you not to speak about it in front of my son. It’s a question of his 54 . We’ve heard that in towns people

use horses or machines to pull water from the well. 55 if I use them now too, then what will he do? What 56 will it have on my son’s health? If he is saved from doing hard work now, then how will he be able to 57 his health? ”

What we do today will affect us 58 . What we do on one hand has an immediate effect on the other. He who 59 during the daytime destroys his repose(休息)of the night. Rest has to be earned through 60 . 41. A. confused 42. A. stone 43. A. anger

B. excited B. juice

B. concern

C. disappointed C. water

C. anxiety

C. tiring

D. interested D. oil D. care

D. helping


D. walked

44. A. relaxing 45. A. pointed 46. A. softly quickly

47. A. get away 48. A. calm 49. A. supper

B. enjoying B. whispered B. loudly

C. listened

C. slowly

B. come back B. cool

C. give in C. quiet

D. go over

D. lunch D. practise D. confidence D. fasten D. asked D. ambition

D. healthy

B. breakfast B. hear B. handle B. health

B. courage B. forbade

C. dinner C. imitate

C. use

50. A. understand 51. A. strength 52. A. obtain

53. A. allowed 54. A. ability 55. A. But 56. A. harm

C. intelligence C. invited

C. weakness

B. And B. result

C. Or D. So

D. effect D. maintain

C. purpose C. survive

57. A. support 58. A. tomorrow 59. A. works

B. show

B. forever B. dreams

C. yesterday C. eats

D. past D. rests

D. sleep

60. A. study B. exercise C. labour

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 My aim in life is 61 (save) the environment for future generations. I want to become 62 environmental consultant after I graduate. Too many people think that pollution can’t 63 (stop) if we want the country to develop. But that is not true. We can cut back 64 dangerous and dirty waste from factories. Even though a factory 65 (produce) a large quantity of goods, it doesn’t mean that it has to pump a lot of pollution into the environment.

I want to teach people to buy products 66 have been recycled, as well. This is much 67 (good) for the environment, because it means we don’t need to cut down as many trees. Companies and 68 (business) can still operate,