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发布时间 : 星期二 文章浙江省杭州市西湖区2019年初中毕业模拟考试英语考试试题更新完毕开始阅读


they don't like,their tails go to the left.

There are lots of fun examples.Left-handed dolphins swim in a different direction around the pool.Elephants like to swing their trunks in one direction.Even snakes prefer to curl up only one way.

Many people believe that polar bears are left-handed.They say,for example,that polar bears cover their black nose with their right paw,which helps them hide in the snow when they are hunting.Then they can sneak up(慢慢靠近)on a seal,and their left paw will be free to catch it.

Scientists,however,disagree.Some have watched polar bears for thousands of hours.They never saw the bears cover their nose during a hunt.They also saw no evidence(根据)that they were left-handed.Without taking any notice of this,many websites continue to say that polar bears are left-handed.

Scientists are still learning about animals and their behaviors.The next time you see an animal,whether it's your pet cat or an elephant,try figuring out yourself which it prefers—left or right.

【主旨大意】 长期以来,科学家们认为只有人类才有左撇子和右撇子之分。然而,最近的研究表明,动物中也存在此类现象。

( D )27.The underlined word “favor” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “______”. A.give C.see

B.find D.prefer

[解析:考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的“…recent studies have shown that this isn't true.Just like people…”可知,动物中也存在偏爱左边或右边的现象,由此推断出画线单词意为“更喜欢”,故选D。]

( B )28.In Paragraph 2,we can get the information about ______. A.an Irish scientist who studies cats B.a study about cats and its findings C.three tasks done by male and female cats D.an introduction on how cats get fish

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( C )29.Which one of the following statements is TRUE about polar bears? A.It's believed that polar bears are left-handed for they use their left paw to cover their nose.

B.The finding that polar bears cover their nose while hunting is supported by scientists.

C.Scientists disagree with the popular belief that polar bears are left-handed. D.The information from many websites that polar bears are left-handed is believable.


( A )30.The purpose of this passage is mainly to ______. A.introduce recent studies of animals B.explain why some animals are left-handed C.tell us which side animals prefer D.learn about animals in different countries

[解析:考查推理判断。阅读全文可知,文章主要介绍了科学家们最近的研究发现:动物中也存在偏爱左边或右边的现象。故选A。] 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

下面文章有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。 A.Have you ever danced in the rain?

B.Have you ever changed the color of your hair?

C.Have you ever learned how to play a musical instrument? D.Have you ever been to a foreign country?

E.Have you ever done something nice for someone you don't know? F.Have you ever felt the beauty of nature?

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50 things to do before you're 18!

If you haven't turned eighteen yet,My World magazine wants to hear from you!We want your suggestions for a “50 things to do before you're 18” list.Begin your idea with the question “Have you ever…?”,and note that we only want ideas you've already tried out yourself! Your replies 31.__C__ I've been amazed how quickly I've improved!It's really satisfying.I've been in my own band for a year now,and we've even won a few competitions!I've made loads of friends that way,too.Everyone you meet likes music,so you've already got lots to talk about.—Kitty,Hull 32.__A__ Well,why not?Bad weather makes us sad,but this is a way to feel happy again.Yes,you do need to feel confident to try this!Some people have laughed at me—it's true—but many more have joined in!—Ben,Penrith 33.__F__ I can't believe there are people out there who've never seen the sun come up!You don't need to be a poet or an artist to find that beautiful.Oh,and this is an extra idea,but go swimming with dolphins!I did it last summer and now I can't stop telling everyone how amazing it was.—Lucy,Aberdeen 34.__E__ Yesterday I helped to look for a man's dog.The day before that,I stood up when an old lady got on the bus,and I gave her my seat.These people weren't friends or family.They were simply people who needed help.And helping them made me feel great.Try it!It's quite surprising.—Prash,Nottingham 35.__B__ I've tried red gothic hairstyle!I did it in school holidays,so teachers didn't complain.(Warning: make sure that your parents are cool with this first!You don't want them to go crazy.)Your can even experiment with different clothes.It's great

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【主旨大意】 My World 杂志向读者发起了一项关于18岁之前要做的50件事的调查活动,并列出了其中一些读者的回答。

31.C [解析:根据“I've been in my own band for a year now…”和“Everyone you meet likes music…”可知,本段和学习乐器有关,故选C。]

32.A [解析:根据“Bad weather makes us sad,but this is a way to feel happy again.”可知,本段和雨中起舞有关,故选A。]

33.F [解析:根据“…who've never seen the sun come up…swimming with dolphins…”可知,本段和感受大自然的美有关,故选C。]

34.E [解析:根据“These people weren't friends or family.They were simply people who needed help.”可知,本段是关于为陌生人做点好事。故选E。] 35.B [解析:根据“I've tried red gothic hairstyle!”可知,本段是关于改变发色。故选B。]

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)



Jasmine and Beth Thomson are sisters but they're very different.Pale-skinned Jasmine has got long,white hair and white eyebrows.__36__,her sister,Beth,is dark-haired and her skin is also quite dark.When you're a person with albinism(白化病)like Jasmine,people sometimes aren't very nice.But Jasmine is always a __37__ and confident person. When they walk down the street,some people __38__ Jasmine strangely,and one or two make comments,but Jasmine doesn't react __39__.“People sometimes say bad things,” she says.“Often this is because they are actually a bit afraid of __40__ even if they don't realize it.”

But Jasmine always __41__ positively.She wants to help other people with albinism to become stronger and more confident like her.She has __42__ her own

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