初中英语语法 定语从句 专题讲解(含教案及练习题) 联系客服

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初中英语语法 定语从句 专题讲解





He is a clever boy.(形容词作定语)

His father works in a steel work.(名词作定语) There are 54 students in our class.(数词) Do you known betty’s sister?(名词所有格) He bought some sleeping pills.(现代分词)

His spoken language is good.(过去分词,相当于形容词)

基础操练:请画出下列句中的定语。 1. What is your family name? 2. The boy in blue is Tom.

3. The man downstairs was trying to sleep. 4. There are five boys who will play the game.




the teacher who teaches us maths is a young man.

the restaurant where we had our lunch last time is in tha 17th street. the book that you borrowed from me yesterday is helen's.

一、定语从句的概念: 定语从句属于形容词性从句,用来修饰主句中的名词性成分,如主语、宾语。 定语从句在英语阅读材料里处处可见。它是初中阶段的重要语法内容,也是学好英语的重难点。 首先我们了解一下定语:

一本有趣的书 an interesting book 形容词interesting做定语修饰名词book 一位漂亮的女孩a beautiful girl 形容词beautiful做定语修饰名词 girl ★定语就是在句子中修饰名词或代词的词。

我们还可以说成 :

a book that is interesting that is interesting这个句子做定语修饰名词book a girl who is beautiful who is beautiful这个句子做定语修饰名词girl


interesting 和that is interesting作用是相同的,都是用作定语来修饰名词book, 我们把这种 ★在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。

观察下面的句子,请根据上面的定义找出下列句子中的定语: ①Mary is a beautiful girl. 定语是

②Jane is a girl who has long hair. 定语是

③The pen that I bought yesterday is broken. 定语是

二、定语语从句掌握要点: 1)先行词(即主句中需要被修饰的关键词)

2)引导词(也叫关系词) 要学好定语从句,首先应该了解定语从句的相关术语:

★先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。如下面例句中的music。 ★关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 ①关系词包括关系代词和关系副词。

关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, 关系副词有where, when, why等。 ②关系词的三个作用: 1、引导定语从句 2、代替先行词

3、在定语从句中that / which/ who/ whom 作主语或宾语 定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。初中主要学习限制性定语从句



I like music that / which I can dance to.

【疑点之一】如何选用关系代词呢?关系代词在定语从句中又作何成分呢? 【答疑解难】 关系代词 That which Who whom whose

在从句中的作用 作主语或宾语 作主语或宾语 作主语(在口语或非正式文体中也常用作宾语) 是who的宾格,作宾语 指人 是who的所有格,作后面名词的定语 指人或物从属关系 (谁的…) 指代的对象 指人或物 指物(可与that互换) 指人(可与that互换) 【总结】:

(1)当先行词指人时,可用that, who, whom;引导词在从句做主语时,用that或 who都可以,在从句中作宾语时只用whom;

(2)当先行词指物时用that或 which,既可做主语也可做宾语;

(3)whose既可指人又可指物,其中whose在句中做定语,表示一种所有关系。这些关系代词在定语从句中作主语和宾语,作主语时关系代词不可省略,作宾语时可以省略。 例如:

①I like music(先行词)that / which(关系代词)I can dance to. ②I love singers(先行词)who / that(关系代词)write their own songs.

③The girl(先行词)whom(关系代词)you met days ago moved to another city.


在①句中,关系代词that / which在从句中作宾语,可以省略。 在②句中,关系代词who / that 在从句中作主语,不可以省略。

在③句中,关系代词whom 在从句中作宾语,可以省略。(注意:在口语中常用who代替whom)



①That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookstore. ②The old woman who is wearing a pair of glasses is my grandma.

【疑点之三】The city( that / which )she lives in is very far away. = The city in which she lives is very far away. 定语从句中介词的位置是怎样的?

【答疑解难】关系代词做介词的宾语时,介词不能放在that, who的前面,但可以放在which, whom的前面,构成“介词+which/whom”结构。但是,有些有介词的固定动词词组,其介词不可前置,只能跟在动词后面,如look for.

The man you just talked to is Mr Zhang. = The man to whom you just talked is Mr Zhang. This is the person whom you are looking for. (介词for 不能放在whom前面) 【答疑解难】不是的,在以下几种情况下,只能用that而不能用which。

①. 当先行词是不定代词(anything, everything, nothing, something, few, all, little等)时,引导词只用that。

Have you written down everything that Mr. Lin has said? 你写下林先生所说的每样东西了吗? All that can be done has been done.能做的所有事情都己经做了。 There is little that I can do for you. 我能为你做的事几乎没有了。

②. 当先行词由以下词修饰时,引导词只用that. 这些词有:only, very, the same, the last, all, any, some, no, little, few等。如:

That is the very dress that I want to buy. 那正是我要买的裙子。 English is the only subject that I like. 英语是我唯一喜欢的科目。

Cleaning the room again is the last thing that I can do for you.再次打扫房间是我能为你做的最后一


③. 当先行词有序数词或形容词最高级修饰时,引导词只用that.

This is the fifth school that I have taught so far. 这是我目前为止教过的第5所学校。

Mr. Li’s class is the most interesting one that I have ever had. 李老师的课是我上过的最有趣的课。 ④. 当先行词有人又有物时,只能用that。如:

Can you remember the writer and his books that we have reported? 你记得我们报道过的那位作家和他的书吗?

⑤在there be句型中,指物时只能用that. 不用which; 指人时,多用who,不用that. There is a street that is very busy every night. There is a lady who wants to meet you.


当先行词既不是人也不是物,而是时间、地点、原因等时,就要用到关系副词来引导定语从句了。 (1).先行词是时间, 地点,原因并在从句中作状语时, 引导词分别用when, where, why, 也可以用 “介词+which”结构。如:

I wanted to know the day when he was born. =I wanted to know the day on which he was born. 我想知道他出生在哪一天。


He still loved the school where we studied together two years ago. =He still loved the school in which we studied together two years ago. 他仍然爱那所我们两年前一起读书的学校。

Do you know the reason why he was late for school? 你知道他迟到的原因吗?

(2). 先行词是时间或地点,并在从句中作主语或宾语时, 引导词用which或者that。如: I remember the days which (that) we spent on the farm. 我记得我们在农场渡过的日子。

Lu Ming studies in the school which (that) was built 1 years ago. 卢明在一所1年前建好的学校里读书。

(1)when, where, why =“介词+ which”

when=on/in/at which

I still remember the day _________ I joined the Party. 。 I won’t forget the day_______ I spent with you . (2)where=in/on which

Beijing is the place ________ I was born. I can see the desk _________ there is a book.


▲当point, situation,conditions等词作先行词表抽象的地点,其后常由where引导 Can you think out a situation ___ this word can be used? Her illness has developed to the point ___ nobody can cure her. (3)why=for which

Is this the reason ________he refused our help?


定语从句专项训练: 一、将下面句子合并成定语从句。 1. The apple is red. The apple is mine. _____________________________________ 2. The man is called robber. He robs things. _____________________________________

3. The scientist is very famous in the world. We met her yesterday. _____________________________________________________________ 4. The dress is new. She is wearing it.

________________________________________ 5. I like the posters. They are about singing stars. ____________________________________________ 6. He is the kind person. I have ever worked with him.

_______________________________________________________________ 7. The boy studies very hard. His father is a doctor.

______________________________________________________________ 8. I saw the things and the persons. I won’t forget them.
