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up, and watch a little TV, OK?

A: I’m sorry, Mr. Smith. I think that you should do something about this. Now!

B: OK, Mrs. Taylor. I’ll go down to the post office and speak to someone……tomorrow. Unit 9

Self-improvement P54

2 Conversation

A Listen and practice.

Ken: you know, I’ve always wanted to have my fortune told. Lisa: Really? Do you know where you can get it done?

K: I’m not sure. But maybe there are some fortunetellers listed in the phone book. Let’s take a look.

L: Hmm. Here’s one. You could have your palm read by Madame Zara for $70. K: That’s really expensive.

L: What about this one? You can get your fortune told over the phone for only $3.75a minute.

K: That’s reasonable. Come on. Try it with me!

B Listen to the phone conversation. What does the fortune-teller say about Ken’s future?

F: Fortune-Tellers international. This is Madame Ines. Let me tell you what the future will bring. What’s you sign?

K: I’m a Leo.

F: Hmm…let’s see. Well, this is going to be an interesting week for you. K: Why is that?

F: It seems that you’re waiting to hear about something important, and you should have good news toward the end of the week. K: Hmm…I wonder what that’s about.

F: But your situation at work or at school will become more difficult in the coming days. You may find things boring for a while, but you should be patient. K: OK.

F: Now, on the personal side, you will have some lively and interesting discussions with someone you know well. Pay attention to this friend’s advice because it will turn out to be good for you in the long run.

K: OK. That doesn’t sound too bad.

F: If, you would like to hear more, I’ll need your credit card number, please. K: Oh. It’s 8997-9670072…… P55


Listen to people talk about things they want to have done. Check (√) the correct information about each person and complete the chart. 1. Anne

I think I really need to call in a professional to help me plan it. I mean, I’m expecting as many as 75 people, so I’ll really need help. That way I can make sure I have the right kind of food – and enough of it – and I can have help fixing up the house and arranging for the

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music and that kind of thing, and since the mayor and her husband are coming, along with lots of other VIPs, it’s going to be really important for everything to go smoothly and to be well organized. 2. Eric

I think I’ll have a pretty good-sized one built, maybe about25 meters – but narrow, just so I can do laps. It will probably cost a fortune, but my parents are going to help with the cost. And anyway, I really need to have it done so that I can train for the national championships next summer. 3. Dawn

Once I start taking this night course on top of my full-time job. I just won’t have time to spend doing chores and going to the supermarket and all that. So I’m going to start using this service about once a week. From what I hear, it’s very easy: I just call them up and give them a list of everything I need to have done. And the person who does it checks out prices in different stores and hunts down bargains, so I’ll probably save money in the long run. P57

8 Conversation A Listen and practice.

James: This has got to stop! Another Friday night without a date! What can I do? Mike: What about looking through the personal ads in the newspaper? That’s how I met Stephanie.

J: Actually, I’ve tried that. But the people you meet are always different from what you expect.

M: Well, why don’t you join a dating service? A friend of mine met his wife that way. J: That’s not a bad idea.

M: Also, it might be a good idea to check out singles’ night at the bookstore. J: Yeah. If I don’t find a date, at least I might find a good book!


10 Listening

Listen to three different suggestions for each of the problems in the chart. Write down the suggestion you think is best. Then compare in groups. 1. How to overcome shyness

M: Well, I think if you’re really shy it might be a good idea to see a therapist or someone like that – you know, to get some professional help. You can’t always change by yourself. W: Or how about getting one of those self-help books from the library? I’m sure there are books around with lots of good suggestions that you can try.

M: I think the best thing is to join a club and do activities where you have to meet and talk to different people. Like, if you join a theater group and work on putting on a play, you’ll probably be able to overcome your shyness. 2. How to stop biting your fingernails

M: I think biting your fingernails is just a sign of nervousness, so the first thing to do is to find out what’s making you nervous. Once you’ve identified that problem and then solved it, the nail biting will disappear.

W: My sister used to bite her nails all the time, so she started wearing bright red nail polish.

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She bought the really expensive kind, so she felt that she had made an investment in quitting her bad habit. I think the polish made her think about what she was doing, too. Anyway, after a few months, it worked, and she has really nice nails now. I guess if you’re a guy, it’s a little more difficult, though.

M: Maybe you could find something else to do when you’re stressed out, like tapping your fingers or counting to 100. You have to try to transfer your habit into a different activity – one that doesn’t cause such a problem.

3. How to get in shape for summer

M: Getting in shape for summer can be easy. Just take a fairly fast walk for at least an hour a day. You’ll be surprised at how much fat you can burn off just by walking every day. W: I recommend getting a personal trainer at a gym. It’s expensive, but a personal trainer can help you focus on what you really need to do and show you the best kinds of exercises to do to tighter up your tummy or whatever it is you want to tighten up.

M: I think the best way to get in shape is by riding a bicycle to work or school. And on the weekends, go out for longer rides. It sounds easy, but actually, a good long bike ride can be even better for you than a workout at the gym. Unit 10

The past and the future P60

2 Conversation

Emma: Look. Here’s a quiz on events of the twentieth century. Steve: Oh, let me give it a try. I’m good at history.

E: All right. First question: When did World War I begin? S: I think it began in 1917.

E: OK. And how long has the United Nations been in existence? S: Uh, since Kennedy became president in 1961.

E: Hmm. Next question: How long was the Berlin Wall up?

S: Well, they built it right after World War II, and it came down in 1989, so it was up for 44 years. Uh, how am I doing so far?

E: Not very well. None of your answers is correct!

B Do you know the correct answers to the three questions in part A? Listen to the rest of the conversation. What are the correct answers? S: So what are the correct answers, then?

E: Well, World War I began in 1914 and ended in 1918.

S: Oh, that’s right.

E: And the United Nations was formally established in 1945, following the end if World War II.

S: And the Berlin Wall?

E: Well, it did come down in 1989, but it wasn’t built until 1961, so it was up for 28 years. S: Did I say I was good at history? Um, I meant geography. P62

6 Listening

A Listen to two people explain who they feel has been the most important public figure in the last 30 years. Complete the chart.

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1. Andrew

Well, as for as I’m concerned, Princess Diana has to be one of the most important public figures in recent history. Her death was such a tragedy. While she was living, she used her status to make the world a better place. I mean, she could have just sat back and had a fabulous life, but she tackled problems like AIDS and land mines and really brought them to people’s attention. That’s why I feel she was such an important figure. 2. Stephanie

Well, I think Bill Gates is probably the most important person I can think of His company Microsoft has changed the way computers work and made computers available to everybody. And the Windows software that Microsoft developed was really a turning point in the development of computers in the twentieth century. P63

8 Conversation

Kathy: Have you heard about the new computer they’re coming out with? It’ll be able to recognize any voice command, so you won’t ever need to use the keyboard.

John: Yeah, and soon everyone will be using computers that fit into the palm of your hand. K: Within 20 years, I bet all our news and information will be coming through computers. J: By then, maybe even newspapers will have disappeared!

K: Wow! Computers are going to take over our lives one of these days. J: Yeah! Isn’t great!

B Listen to the rest of the conversation. Write down two other ways the world might be affected by computers.

K: You know what else I think? In a few years, you won’t need to go to a university campus to get a university degree. J: How will you do it?

K: They’ll have found a way for you to take all your courses on the computer over the Internet. When you want to talk to a professor, you’ll just tap into his or her web site and find out anything you need to know.

J: That would be great. No need to get up in the morning for early classes! And I bet libraries will probably disappear, too.

K: What’ll you do when you need something to read?

J: Everything will be on CD-ROM, and you’ll be able to access everything you want from your home over the computer. There will be no need to have huge buildings full of books. No need to waste all that paper.

K: Gee, I don’t like the sound of that. There’s nothing better than curling up with a book. I can’t quite picture “curling up” with a computer! P64

11 Listening A perfect future?

A Listen to people discussing changes that will affect these areas in the next 50 years. Write down two changes for each topic. 1. Work

A: Work? In the future? Well, I think unemployment is going to keep getting worse. B: I agree. As companies get more efficient and more computerized, they’re finding ways of using less staff.

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