(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年北京市门头沟区英语八年级(上)期末统考模拟试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年北京市门头沟区英语八年级(上)期末统考模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读

parents are surely awake(醒着). Apple father and mother don’t go to bed early.” 1)Tom likes to watch TV with _________after dinner. A.his father and mother C.his grandparents A.never C.often A.an egg C.an orange A.in the morning C.at bedtime

5)From the story we know __________. A.Tom is a quiet boy C.Tom is a lazy boy

八、书面表达 28.书面表达

假如你是Li Ping,请根据以下提示用英语写一封email,向你的朋友Tom说明自己不能去参加他的生日宴会。 写作要点:

1. 首先道歉说明你不能去参加他的生日宴会。 2. 说明你不能参加的理由 (1)奶奶卧病在床需要人照顾; (2)父母出差要到香港下个月才能回来;

(3)自己的英语不是很好,英语考试即将来临,要为考试做准备,多做听力练习; 3.告诉Tom你感到十分抱歉,请他见谅。祝他生日快乐! 写作要求:


2.可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯; 3.字迹工整、语言精练、表达准确、条理清楚; 4.至少80词。(不含已写出的英文) Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best Wishes! Yours, Li Ping

B.Tom is a bad boy D.Tom is a clever boy B.his sister D.his brother B.sometimes D.usually B.an apple D.a pear

B.in the afternoon D.at noon

2)His parents __________let him stay long.

3)One evening Tom asked his mother for___________.

4)His mother didn’t want to give him anything to eat ____________.


一、选择题 题号 1 答案 B 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 D 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 B B A D C D D D B 题号 19 20 答案 C C 二、单词填空

21.1)2)beautifully 3)4)freshest 5)【小题3】hopes 【小题4】【小题4】winner 【小题5】【小题5】difference 三、句型转换

22.1) When was 2) How long 3) age of 4) too, to 5) takes me 四、完成句子

23.1) Did buy anything special 2) What activities did 3) feel about

4) dislike eating

5) didn’t bring back anything 五、完形填空

24.1)C 2)D 3)B 4)A 5)D 6)A 7)D 8)C 9)A 10)C


25.1)stronger 2)feel

3)longershorter 4)friendlier 5)well 七、阅读理解

26.1)C 2)B 3)A 4)A 5)B 27.1)A 2)A 3)B 4)C 5)D 八、书面表达

28.Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party. I’d love to go but I can’t. I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed. And my parents are out on business in Hong Kong. They are coming back next month. Also my English is not so good. I must do more listening practice. I need to study for my coming English exam. I’m very sorry that I can’t go to your party. Thank you for inviting me. I hope you can have a good time. Happy birthday! Best Wishes! Yours, Li Ping



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。




1.surprise news it is! All of us feel surprised at it. A.How a B.How C.What a D.What

2.The girl _________ shorter hair is my sister Linda. A.with




3.We will meet _______ 5 minutes _______ the school gate. A.after;at B.in;on C.in;at D.at;in

4.(题文)The Yellow River isn’t so ______ as the Changjiang River. A.long B.longest C.longer D.the longest 5.It is a good day. So we decide _________ outside. A.to go B.to going C.go D.going

6.I decide to practice harder I will be more confident when I speak in front of the class.

A.so that B.after C.because D.because of 7.—I need____to write____now. —Here you are. A.two papers; on

B.two pieces of paper; on C.two pieces of paper; in D.two pieces of papers; in

8.(题文)—Can you _______ with us tomorrow? —Sure.

A.play the tennis B.play tennis C.playing the soccer D.play piano

9.Tom is very tall. Jim is _________ than Tom. But Mike is _________ of the three. A.taller; the tallest tallest

10.It is interesting ______ English movies. A.watch


C.to watch


11.They in class 3, and the playing basketball. A.are both; both like C.both like; both are

B.are both; like both D.both are; like both B.taller; taller

C.tallest; taller
