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发布时间 : 星期三 文章高英试卷整理更新完毕开始阅读


Part I: The following are the multiple-choice questions concerning the history, culture and society of major English speaking countries, British and American literature, and English linguistics. Choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)

1. (A卷)1972 was the worst year of the political turmoil in Northern Ireland because ( ) A. 13 Catholics were shot by the police B. of the ―Bloody Sunday‖ when 468 people were killed C. the government implemented the ―internment‖ policy D. the Protestants formed their own ―parliament‖ and took revenge on Catholics

2. (A卷)Which of the following statements is NOT true about most of the British universities and colleges? A. They are privately funded. B. They are publicly funded. C. They used to be rather elitist. D. They have been taking more and more overseas students in recent decades. 3. (A卷)Australia has the credit of ( ) A. being the world’s earliest to adopt secret ballot in parliament election B. being the world’s first to adopt a two-house system in parliament C. being the most active in implementing compulsory vote D. being the first to allow citizens access to government information

4. (A卷)Sydney is the capital city of ( ) A. Queensland B. New South Wales C. Victoria D. West Australia

5. (A卷)Which of the following is NOT a major religion in America? A. Protestantism B. Catholicism C. Judaism D. Islam

6. (A卷)China and the United States established diplomatic relations in ( ) during the presidency of ( ) A. 1972; Richard Nixon B. 1974; Gerald Ford C. 1976; Walter Mondale D. 1979; Jimmy Carter

7. (A卷)The American Civil War ended in ( ), which brought an end to ( ) A. 1860; the separation between the North and South B. 1863; the slavery system in the South C. 1865; the political disputes between the North and South D. 1863; the economic difference between the North and South

8. (A卷)The formal head of state of Canada is ( ) A. the Prime Minister B. the British Queen C. the Governor-General D. the head of the Parliament

9. (A卷)Woolf shares with James Joyce in that many of their works are characteristic of ( ) A. critical realism B. romanticism C. sentimentalism D. stream of consciousness

10. (A卷)The English Renaissance is also known as the Golden Age of ( ) A. English Verse B. English Drama C. English Fiction D. English Prose 11. (A卷)Scott Fitzgerald was the author of all the following EXCEPT ( ) A. The Great Gatsby B. Tender is the Night C. This Side of Paradise D. Main Street

12. (A卷)Which of the following plays is NOT written by O’Neil? A. Beyond the Horizon B. Death of a Salesman C. The Hairy Ape D.

Desire Under the Elms

13. (A卷)Who wrote Death of a Salesman? A. Tennessee Williams B. Eugene O’Neil C. Arthur Miller D. Edward Albee

14. (A卷)The author of The Joy Luck Club is ( ) A. Maxine Hong Kingston B. Amy Tan C. Gish Jen D. Edith Maud Eaton

15. (A卷)English belongs to ( ) A. the Germanic language family B. the Italic language family C. the Slavic language family D. the Iranian language family

16. (A卷)Phonetically speaking, ―n‖ in tenth and ―n‖ in ten are ( ) A. pronounced in the same way B. not pronounced in the same way C. in fact different phonemes D. realized by the same phone

17. (A卷)/s/ in works, /z/ in finds and /iz/ in teaches are say to be ( ) A. allomorphs of the same morpheme B. allophones of the same phoneme C. derivational morphemes D. root morphemes of the past tense 18. (A卷)Which of the following is not an affix in English? A. ―ed‖ in wanted B. ―or‖ in actor C. ―tel‖ in telex D. ―able‖ in workable

19. (A卷)Which of the following rules can be used to generate the phrases such as: ―useful horses‖, ―the cat‖, ―a sweet boy‖, ―John‖? A. NP→Det N B. NP→N C. NP→AP N D. NP→(Det)(AP)N

20. (A卷)Which of the following are homonyms? A. Big and Small B. Pair and Pear C. Cold and Hot D. Big and Large

21. (B 卷)1 The Grapes of Wrath is a novel written by ( ) with ( ) as its background. A. Theodore Dreiser; the evil life in cities B. Scott

Fitzgerald; the Gilded Age C. John Steinbeck; the Great Depression D. Ernest Hemingway; the First World War

22. (B 卷)2 Joseph Heller is well-known for his ( ) a novel of ( ) A. The Sea Wolf; hard realism B. A Farewell to Arms; war protest C. The Sound and the Fury; stream of consciousness D. Catch-22; black humor 23. (B 卷)3 The author of Invisible Man is ( ) A. Kate Chopin B. Richard Wright C. Ralph Ellison D. William Faulkner

24. (B 卷)4 Which of the following plays was written by Tennessee William? A. The Glass Menagerie B. Desire under the Elms C. Death of a Salesman D. The Zoo Story

25. (B 卷)5 Who wrote Death of a Salesman? A. Tennessee Williams B. Eugene O’Neil C. Arthur Miller D. Edward Albee

26. (B 卷)6 J. D. Salinger was best remembered as the author of ( ) A. On the Way B. The Catcher in the Rye C. Catch-22 D. Winds of War 27. (B 卷)7 Rabbit Run was the first novel of the Rabbit series written by ( ) A. John Updike B. Saul Bellow C. Norman Mailer D. John Barth 28. (B 卷)8 ( ) author of Beloved and Song of Solomon, won the 1993 Nobel Prize for literature. A. Richard Wright B. Ralph Ellison C. Alice Walker D. Toni Morrison

29. (B 卷)9 Maxine Hong Kingston wrote all of the following BUT ( ) A. The Woman Warrior B. China Men C. The Fifth Chinese Daughter D. Tripmaster Monkey

30. (B 卷)10 The author of The Joy Luck Club is ( ) A. Maxine Hong