高中英语Unit 9 Wheels练习与解析 北师大版 必修3 联系客服

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Unit 9 Wheels 练习与解析


1.The price_______ ,but I doubt whether it will remain so.A.went down B.will go down C.has gone down D.was going down

1.C 说话时价格已经降了,动作已经完成,而且降价肯定对现在甚至以后造成了影响。

2.—Hi,Tracy,you look tired.

—I am tired.I________ the windows all day.A.cleaned B.had cleaned C.have been cleaning D.have cleaned

2.C 整整一天都在擦窗子,表示动作一直是持续的。 3.—Would you like to go to Shanghai?

—Yes.In the last ten years,great changes________ in Shanghai.A.has taken place B.have happened

C.have taken place D.have been taken place

3.C “in the last/past+时间”是现在完成时的标志性时间状语。take place不能用被动语态。

4.The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he________ in the mud all morning.

A.has played B.is playing C.has been playing D.was playing4.C 整个早晨都在玩,表示动作一直是持续的。

5.Proper first aid can save a seriously injured person,especially when he is bleeding heavily or _______.

A.has poisoned B.has been poisoned C.was poisoned D.is poisoning

5.B 已经中毒了。对以后的治疗或生命情形造成影响。 6.—Do you know the Summer Palace at all?—No,this is the first time I________ here.

A.came B.was C.have been D.am coming

6.C 表达“这是某人第几次做某事”的固定说法:It is/was the first/second ... time that sb.have/had done sth.。 7.—How is your grandfather?

—My grandfather________ for two years.

A.died B.has died C.had been died D.has been dead

7.B “for+时间”是现在完成时的标志性时间状语,且此句为主动语态。 8.—Sorry,I’m late.

—That’s OK.I_______ long.

A.haven’t waited B.don’t wait C.haven’t been waiting D.didn’t wait

8.D “没等多久”,是对方到达之前的情况,应该用一般过去时。 9.—Where_______ the map?I can’t see it anywhere.—I_______ it right here just now.

A.did you put;have put B.have you put;put

C.had you put;was putting D.were you putting;have put

9.B 第一个人要强调的是,你把东西放在何处的事实,造成了我现在找不到它这样的影响,所以用完成时;第二句指表述我刚才,也就是过去一个时间做的动作,因此用一般过去时。

10.—Hello,I didn’t know you were in America.How long________ here?

—About one year.

A.have you been B.are C.were D.have you got10.A “来了多久了”,表示从来到现在的持续状态。

11.The new dictionaries are very useful.They________ well and________ already.

A.sell;have been sold out B.sold;had sold out

C.sell;sell out D.are sold;have been sold out

11.A sth.sell well,“某物畅销”。这里的sell是不及物动词,表示事物本身的特性。这类由及物动词转变为不及物动词,用来表示事物本身具有的特性的词。如:

The door closes well.门关得严丝合缝。

The material breaks easily.这种材料容易断。


12.When their first child was born they________ for 3 years.A.had married B.got married

C.had been married D.had got married

12.C 已经结婚三年,是持续的状态。不能用表示瞬间动作的get married 或marry。 13.—Have you got your test result?—Not yet.The papers ________.

A.are not correcting B.have not corrected

C.are still being corrected D.have already been corrected 13.C 试卷正在被批改中,所以还不知道结果。 14.—Why weren’t you at the meeting?—I_______ for a long

distance call from my father in Australia.

A.waited B.was waiting

C.had waited D.have been waiting14.B 没来开会的这段时间在等电话,所以用过去进行时态。

15.The telephone_________ four times in the last hour,and each time it________ for my roommate.

A.has rung;was B.has been ringing;was C.had rung;was D.rang;has been

15.A 看到in the last hour,就用现在完成时:打电话的动作持续了四次,可能还会再打来;每次都是找我室友的,说的是过去的情况,因此用一般过去时。 Ⅱ.根据首字母写全下列单词

1.Something unexpected happened and I couldn’t go on my tour so I phone the hotel to c 1.cancel

2.The hotel is not modern,but it has the a center,so it goes fairly well. 2.advantage

3.Eating more vegetable and less fat will great b 3.benefit 4.He i 4.insert

5.The baby was not able to l the drops of milk off his upper lip. 5.lick

6.The children were a 6.arguing

7.There was a delay in the d 7.departure

of our plane,so we arrived late.

over which TV program to watch.

the key into the lock but found he couldn’t turn it.

your health.

of being close to the city

my reservation.