新目标英语七年级下册Unit7 It’s raining!能力检测题含答案 联系客服

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cold, but there is a lot of rain, so people often need to use umbrellas. It is pleasant in August, but you need some warm clothes in the evening. In winter, it is dark(黑的) and very cold all day in Alaska(阿拉斯加).

( )41. It’s usually hot and sunny in summer. It’s in ______.

A. New York B. California C. Alaska

( )42. What’s the weather like in September in New England?

A. It’s very hot. B. It’s very cold. C. It gets cool.

( )43. In the northwest, it is pleasant in _ but you need some warm clothes in the evening. A. December B. the winter  C. August ( )44. In _____,it is dark all day and very cold in Alaska.

A. winter B. summer C. autumn

( )45. In _____the weather is nice all year. It’s nice and warm in December

A. New York B. Los Angeles C. Alaska


Many people know it doesn’t rain every day in the UK. But, it is always right to bring an umbrella (雨伞). We never know what the weather will be like. It can be sunny one day but rainy the next day. The weather always changes (改变) from day to day, so

it is difficult to predict it. But usually we have warm summers and cool winters. July and August are usually the warmest months in Britain. January and February are usually the coldest ones.

Lots of people like to visit Britain. But when is the best time to come? Probably the best months to come to Britain for a trip are May, June, September and October. These months have nice weather and less rain. July and August are warm, but it usually rains in these months so it is always wet (湿的). The sunniest place of Britain is along the south coast (海岸) of England. So, next time you can come to visit it. ( ) 46. Why do people need to take an umbrella when they go out in Britain? A. Because it is too hot. B. Because people need it for walking. C. Because it can be rainy at any time.

( ) 47. What does the underlined word “predict” mean in Chinese? A. 依赖 B. 预测

C. 考虑

( ) 48. Which of the following (下列选项中) is NOT the best month to visit Britain? A. May. B. June. C. July.

( ) 49. What’s the weather like in August in Britain? A. Cloudy. B. Windy. C. Rainy. ( ) 50. What can we know from the passage?

A. People like the weather in Britain very much. B. We need to take an umbrella when visiting Britain. C. The summer in Britain is usually cool.


Sunday,May 20thRainy

Today is Sunday and the weather is very terrible.It's raining all day.There are no people playing in the park.And there is no one walking on the street.It's so quiet.The bad weather makes me sad(悲伤的).Many people are watching TV at home.On the street there are a few buses and cars.They are running slowly.The rain will (将) stop on Wednesday.The sun will come out.And I wish to play with my friends outside on that day.

Wednesday,May 23rdSunny

It's Wednesday today.The rain stops.We are so happy to play outside.Look!There are so many people in the park.Some boys are playing basketball.Two girls are taking photos.A little child is learning to walk with the help of his parents.My classmates are swimming in the river.It's cool.Everyone is having a great time.I like sunny weather.How about you?

( )51.What's the weather like on Sunday? A.Sunny. B.Rainy.C.Snowy. D.Windy. ( )52.Why are there no people on the street? A.Because they like to stay at home.

B.Because there are so many buses and cars on the street.

C.Because it's raining all day. D.Because people don't like to go out. ( )53.Which of the following is TRUE? A.It will be sunny on Wednesday.

B.The buses and cars are running quickly on the street.

C.Some children are playing in the park on Sunday.D.The rain will stop on Tuesday. ( )54.What are the two girls doing in the park? A.They are taking photos.B.They are playing basketball. C.They are learning to walk.D.They are swimming. ( )55.What kind of weather does the writer like?

A.Rainy weather. B.Snowy weather.C.Cool weather. D.Sunny weather. 四. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)

根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。 A: Hello, Lisa speaking. B: Hi, Lisa. (56)____________ A: Oh, Ben. (57)____________ B: I’m in Canada now. A: (58)____________

B: It’s sunny but a little hot. (59)____________ A: I’m watching TV at home. It’s kind of boring. B: (60)____________

A: Because it’s raining now. B: I see. See you next week. A: See you.

A. What are you doing now, Lisa? B. How’s the weather there? C. Why don’t you go out? D. This is Ben. E. Where are you now? 五、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。

61.The weather here is very (坏的). 62.There is some apple (果汁) in the cup. 63.I have a (难题).Can you help me,please? 64.I want to see you (不久).

65.Look!One girl is (滑冰) on the ice (冰). B)根据句意用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

66.You can't leave now.It's (rain) outside. 67.People are wearing (hat) to keep warm in winter. 68.Tom is very happy (have) a new bike.

69.The weather is cool and cloudy,just right for (walk). 70.It's (sun) in Shiyan today. 六、按要求完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共计10分)

71.My mother is working in_the_garden.(对画线部分提问) your mother ?

72.The students are having_an_English_class.(对画线部分提问) the students ?

73.It's raining_and_very_cool in Wuhan.(对画线部分提问) in Wuhan? 74.你的暑假怎么样?(翻译句子) your going? 75.We are having fun in the park.(改为同义句) We are in the park.

七. 完成句子,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限(每小题2分,共10分)。 76. 他们正在美国度假。

They are ________________ in the US.