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say sth. that will happen before it happens 预言;预料;预测

It‘s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes. 地震的发生仍然无法准确预测。



[C, usu. pl.] rules or instructions about the best way to do sth. 指导方针;指导原则 The European Union has issued guidelines for appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers. 欧盟已发布有关支付兼职体力劳工适当酬劳的指导原则。


n. [C]

1 a form of sth. that is different from other forms or from the original 版本;改编形式 The computerized version, which contains all the same information, costs only a 10th of the price of the printed book. 电脑版本包含了印刷本的所有信息,而成本只是印刷本价格的十分之一。

2 a description of sth. that happened according to one person (根据个人的观点对事件的)描述,说法

I am inclined to accept the official version of the many reports about how the events developed after the heavy rain flooded the village. 对大雨淹没村庄后各种事件如何发展的众多报道中,我倾向于接受官方版本的报道。



[U] sb.‘s position in a profession or society, esp. compared to other people 社会地位(尤指与其他人相比)

Many wealthy people drive expensive cars as a sign of their high social status. 许多有钱人开昂贵的轿车作为他们社会地位高的标志。

Doctors have traditionally enjoyed high social status. 医生们传统上享有较高的社会地位。



steady and not likely to move or change 稳定的;不变的

After several part-time jobs, he‘s now got a stable job in a bank. 做了几份兼职工作后,他现在在一家银行找到了一份稳定的工作。



(usu. in progressive) experience a period of economic success, with a lot of trade and business activity (国家、地区或行业)繁荣,迅速发展

Because people have more money to spend and more vacation time to enjoy, the leisure industry in this country is booming. 因为人们有更多的钱消费,有更多的时间休假,这个国家的休闲产业正在蓬勃发展。



separated by a distance or, less commonly, by time (空间、时间方面)成距离,相间隔 The two men, who had consumed too much alcohol and were now fighting, had to be dragged apart in case they would hurt each other. 两个喝了很多酒的男人在打架,人们不得不把他们拖开,以防他们互相伤害。 a.

separate 分离的;分隔的

We‘ve been apart for too long, but we‘ll soon be together again. 我们已经分开太久,但我们将很快在一起。



(fml.) forming a central part of sth., but without being openly stated 暗含其中的;不明言的 He interpreted her open comments as an implicit criticism of the government. 他把她的公开评论理解为对政府的含蓄的批评。


prep. & conj.

used to say that you are thinking about a particular fact when you are giving your opinion 考虑到;鉴于

She did well finding her way around the big city, considering she‘d only been there once before. 考虑到她以前只去过那个大城市一次,她能找到路已经很了不起了。

Considering the heavy traffic and the bad weather, we got here quite quickly. 考虑到受堵的交通和糟糕的天气,我们到达这里相当迅速。



belonging to the present time 当代的

Although the story was written more than a hundred years ago, it has a contemporary feel to it. 虽然这个故事是一百多年以前写的,但它还是给人一种当代的感觉。



1 used for saying that sth. happened at a particular time or in a particular place 是发生(某事件)的时间或地点

The modern society has witnessed the increasing phenomenon of the single parent family. 现代社会已目睹了单亲家庭不断增加的现象。

2 see sth. happen, esp. a crime or an accident 目击,亲眼看见(尤指罪行或事故发生) Several residents claim to have witnessed the attack. 几位居民称目击了这个袭击事件。



make sb. believe sth. that is not true 欺骗

Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive customers with false claims. 现在已禁止广告商用不实之词来欺骗消费者。



(at/from the ~) at or from the beginning of an event or process 从开头时;从一开始 Many customers have complained that there have been troubles with the new coffee shop right from the outset of its opening day. 很多客人都抱怨这个新咖啡店从开张起就一直麻烦不断。



[C] (BrE CV) a short written account of your education and your previous jobs that you send to an employer when you are looking for a new job 个人简历

To get only one interview, a college graduate must count on sending out at least one

hundred résumés. 仅为得到一次面试,一个大学毕业生就必须发送至少一百份简历。 She sent her résumé to fifty companies, but didn't even get an interview. 她把她的简历送至五十家公司,但她甚至连面谈的机会都没有。



including all the latest information 包含最新信息的

Great trouble is taken to keep our textbooks up-to-date and keep their information current. 我们费了很大的力气来更新我们的教科书,并保证这些书的信息是最新的。

Radio, TV and the Internet keep us up-to-date with news from all over the world. 电台、电视节目和英特网让我们了解世界各地的的最新新闻。



give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling and make it stronger 加强,强化(观点、思想或感觉)

His rude behavior at the party merely reinforced my previous dislike of him. 他在派对上的粗鲁行为只是增强了我对他以前就有的厌恶感。

Phrases and expressions

acquaint oneself with sth.

make an effort to learn about sth. 使自己了解某事;使自己知悉某事

If you want to travel abroad, it‘s worth your time and effort to acquaint yourself with the customs and social conventions of the countries you plan to visit. 如果你想出国旅行,花些时间和精力去了解你计划去的那些国家的习惯和社会习俗是值得的。

prior to sth.

(fml.) before sth. 在某事之前;先于某事

Although his aunt was gravely ill with cancer, she didn‘t suffer the weeks prior to her death. 虽然他的姑姑患了癌症,病得很重,但她在去世前的几个星期并没有遭受痛苦。

base upon/on

use sth. as the thing from which sth. is developed 以…为基础;以…为根据

These are the key factors for being a successful speaker, and they are based on my own experience. 这些是成为一名成功的演说家的关键因素,是以我自己的经验为基础的。