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周 次 7 日期 9月22日 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 4 Text A Study Abroad 授课学时 2 教学目的 1. 2. 3. 4. Teach the students new words and phrases. Make the students grasp important grammatical points. Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. Improve the students’ listening skill. 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure 教学难点 New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 IV. V. VI. Warming-up Word study (the usage of key words; word formation) Detailed study of part of the text(Section A) (language points, sentence structure and the main idea of every paragraph) 思考题 作 业 1. What did the author find about this girl from the talk? 2. What difficulty did the girl have to face besides language? Give an example.


Unit 4: Study Abroad Starter

Words/expressions for reasons of studying abroad:

expanding one’s view, making new friends, travel, helping one’s career, learning a language, personal growth

Words/expressions for foreign campus life: orientation meeting, requirements, electives, professor’s office hour, tutorial, extracurricular activity, academic year, assignment, transcript Part A: Study Abroad

Theme-related Information What Is Culture Shock?

Culture shock is the personal disorientation a person may feel when experiencing an unfamiliar way of life due to immigration or a visit to a new country, or to a move between social environments.

. Causes of Culture Shock

Cultural differences: The quality, quantity and length of culture shock seems to be a function of the differences between the home and the host culture.

Individual differences: Individuals and their capability to deal with social situations.

Sojourn(旅居) experiences: His/her intercultural experiences. Solutions to Culture Shock Be aware of the symptoms Develop friendships Have a sense of humor

Ask questions about social customs cultural communication Develop positive attitude Spare time for relaxation

Go outside and look for Something you are interested in Suggested Answers

1. In my mind, American or English education is open. Students have more freedom to choose lessons they are interested in and more attention is attached to practical skills, ability and critical thinking, etc.

2. I think I will feel a little bit afraid at first, because everything around me isn’t what I am familiar with anymore. What’s more, I will have difficulty in understanding or making myself understood. Anyway, I think I will adapt to it at last. TextA: Language and Cultural Points

1.rebel — n. sb. who opposes or fights against people in authority Examples: She was a rebel at school.

The woman was a rebel against feudal ethics.

2.nip— v. to hurt or damage part of one’s body or a plant with cold weather or wind Examples: The day was cold, with a nipping wind down the northward running streets. He felt nipping ache while opening an eye.

3.be armed with— to be provided with all the information, skills, or equipment you need to do sth.

Examples: She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather, she


could handle anything.

Armed only with a BBC microphone, I travelled across South Africa meeting writers. 4.fluffy— a. very light and soft to touch

Examples: The white, fluffy snow that started out as a novelty in December has become crunchy and dirty.

A smartly dressed woman passed through, walking a fluffy dog.

5. be equipped for— to be prepared for a particular activity or problem

Examples: Women will thus be better equipped for the new jobs of the 21st century, in which brains count a lot more than brawn.

Those students are not equipped for the challenges of college.

6. scorn— n. the feeling that sb./sth. is stupid or does not deserve respect Examples: Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn. Franklin shared the family’s scorn for his wife’s new friends.

— v. to show that you think that sth. is stupid, unreasonable, or not worth accepting Examples: Several leading officers have quite openly scorned the peace talks. People scorn me as a single parent.

7.mutter— v. to speak in a low voice, especially because you are annoyed about sth., or you do not want people to hear you

Examples: He heard muttering from the front of the crowd.

“God knows what’s happening in that madman’s mind,” she muttered.

8. curse— n. 1. swear word or words that you say because you are very angry Examples: The old man ripped out with a curse. He shot her an angry look and a curse.

— n. 2. a word or sentence used to ask God or a magical power to do sth. bad to sb./sth. Examples: In the story, Ariel loses her voice because of a curse. He believed that someone had put a curse on the house.

9. turn out— to happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result, especially one that you did not expect

Examples: To my surprise, it turned out that I was wrong. As it turned out, he passed the exam quite easily.

10.elite— a. (of people or members of a group) the best, most skilled or most experienced Examples: Most of the written history is the “elite history” of ancient Chinese emperors.

If your child is at an elite school, there are no dumb kids in his or her math class — only smart and smarter.

11. blue-blood— n. a person of noble birth

Example: She really was blue-blood from the beginning with her father, a wealthy English banker, and her mother, a Dutch baroness. 12. highlight

Examples: She added highlights to her hair.

— n. 1. (pl.) areas of hair that have been made a lighter colour than the rest I noticed his hair was a little lighter, so I asked if he’d gotten highlights.

— n. 2. the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of sth. such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition

That weekend in Venice was definitely the highlight of our trip.


周 次 7 日期 9月24日 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 4 Text A Study Abroad 授课学时 2 教学目的 1 Teach the students new words and phrases. 2 Make the students grasp important grammatical points. 3 Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. 4 Improve the students’ listening skill. 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure 教学难点 New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 IV. V. VI. Warming-up Detailed study of rest of the text(Section A) (language points, sentence structure and the main idea of every paragraph) Do exercises in section A 思考题 作 业

1. Summarize text A 2. Do exercises in Section C 48