2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2013-2014-1 21世纪 3册教案更新完毕开始阅读

Examples: By the time I went to bed, I was exhausted.

People reported that by the time they managed to gather their children, flood water was already waist high, or worse.

37. reliable— dependable

Examples: She may forget to come; she’s not very reliable.

I have it on reliable evidence that the hospital is going to be closed down. 38. at work— having a particular effect or influence Examples: Several factors are at work.

They have no realization of the forces at work in Latin America today.

39.get stuck with — to be forced to have, use, or deal with sb./sth. that you do not want Examples:

We got stuck with relatives who came to stay unexpectedly. On the other hand, manufacturers get stuck with old inventory.

Unit 3: Exercises Interaction

I Comprehension

A. First Reading: Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. According to the text, in what way are people like metals? 2. What are the risks stress brings to people?

3. What are the top three worries of people interviewed by Legal and General over the past three months?

4. Why do researchers state that blackberry email devices can be as damaging to mental health as taking drugs?

5. How much does stress-related illness cost in lost productivity and healthcare costs in Britain? 1.People and metals all have a point at which they may break because of the pressure being exerted.

2.;Stress may lead to heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, depression, suicide, broken relationship, divorces, family alienation, etc.

3.Their top three worries are lack of exercise, lack of sleep, and general fatigue.

4.Because the devices make people have no time to relax which is harmful to mental health as drugs.

5.The cost in lost productivity and healthcare costs is£3.7 billion a year.

C. Reading and Interpreting: Work in pairs. Read the sentences from the text and answer the questions.

1. So it is vital that people explore the causes of a poor lifestyle to ensure their health is not compromised and hopefully prevent burn-out. Q: What is vital?

You are either in control of the potential stressors at work or you are out of control. Q: How do you understand this sentence?

The problem, which started as a mental or emotional issue, is now a physical one. Q: What does “a physical one” refer to?

1.That people should find out the causes of a poor lifestyle and then make sure that their health is not damaged or even ruined is vital.


2.You may successfully deal with factors causing stress at work. Or you may fail and end up having too much stress.

3.A physical one refers to a health problem. When the stress increases continually, it may bring about damages to people’s body. II

A. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1.acquainted 2.exertin 3.feaste 4. Depression 5.Compromise 6.executiv 7.risk 8.reliable

B. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1.look back 2. slow down 3. by chance 4. get stuck with 5. at work 6.take control of C. Error Correction : 1.A arouse →arise 2. C lack →lack of

3. C serious →seriously

4. D depressing → depressed 5. B bearing → bears III: Translation

B. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or expressions given in brackets. 1. Efforts to reach the injured men should be intensified because of the sudden deterioration in weather conditions.

2. Some people may be addicted to net surfing, which impairs their physical and mental health. 3. The Earth and everything on it, living and nonliving, interact to exert influence on the life we have.

4.Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support. 5.So far there is no sign of fatigue with the brand. Unit 3: Review of Text A I. People like metals will snap when the level of stress is over a point. Para. 1 II. Stress may make people adopt a poor lifestyle which does harm to them both mentally and physically. Paras. 2-4 III. Many work-related problems are caused by stress which then could be intensified by the use of devices. Paras. 5-6 IV. It’s difficult to get rid of stress which may finally jeopardize people’s health but people can learn to ease stress and regain control. Paras. 7-8

This text deals with the topic of stress in modern lives. Many work-related stress may do harm to people mentally and physically so people should learn to cope with stress and regain control of their work situations.

Unit 3 Review of Text A: Expressions 1. acquaint

New staff should be acquainted with fire exit routes。

This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe.s 2. commission

One of his first commissions was to redesign the Great Exhibition building.


They commissioned an architect to manage the building project. 3. undertake

The firm undertook to keep price increases to a minimum.

We must therefore resolve to undertake the most difficult tasks. 4. bring about

We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU. My endeavors to bring about a settlement were ended in vain. 5. work

Researchers were convinced that one infectious agent was at work.。 A scientist should dispassionately study the forces at work.


周 次 6 日期 9月15日 节 次 3-4 授课内容 Unit 3 Section B & C 授课学时 2 教学目的 1 Teach the students new words and phrases. 2 Make the students grasp important grammatical points. 3 Help the students to have a thorough understanding of the whole text. 4 Improve the students’ listening skill. 教学重点 New words and phrases; sentence structure New phrases and sentence structure; understanding of the whole text 教学难点 教具及媒体 Textbook, PPT and disk 教学方法 Teaching, questions, discussion and exercises 教 学 过 程 I. II. III. Warm up Part B Part C 思考题 Do exercises 作 业