三年级上册英语Unit3-Unit4单元测试卷 Join in 剑桥英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章三年级上册英语Unit3-Unit4单元测试卷 Join in 剑桥英语更新完毕开始阅读


一.请写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 Ee

Mm Qq Gg Kk 二.读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个单词 ( )1. A. apple ( )2. A. brown ( )3. A. dog ( )4. A. juice ( )5. A. pink

B. egg

C. pen C. nine C. cat C. milk B. eraser C. black C. rabbit C. ten C. orange C. five

B. white B. one

B. horse B. ruler

( )6. A. green ( )7. A. seven ( )8. A. six ( )9. A. blue ( )10. A. grey

B. pencil B. three B. bed

B. plane B. four

三.给下列图片找出正确的英语表达,将字母代号写在图下括号内。 A. Four pens

B. four rulers

C. four pencils

D. two erasers

E. three rulers

F. One pencil case G. two pencil cases H. three erasers I. five rulers

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

四.给下列英语选出正确的汉语意思,将字母代号填在括号内。 A. 把你的尺子放进去。 E. 我喜欢紫色。

B. 多美的彩虹啊!

G. 开门!

C. 早上好。

H. 给你。

D. 再见。

F. 谢谢你。

( )1. Good morning. ( )2. Here you are. ( )4. I like purple. ( )6. Thank you. ( )8. Goodbye.

( )3. What a rainbow! ( )5. Open the door!

( )7. Put in your ruler.

五.情景反应,将代表正确答案的字母代号填在题前括号内。 ( )1.你想让你的朋友看蝴蝶,你应该说:

A. What a rainbow!

B. Look at the butterfly!

( )2.你想让你的同桌将绿色递给你,你应该说:

A. Green, please.

B. It’s yellow

( )3.你想问你朋友手上拿的是什么,你应该问:

A. What’s this?

B. What’s your phone number?

( )4.“五个橡皮擦”的英语表达是:

A. Five erasers

B. four rulers

( )5.你想知道有多少只钢笔,你应该问:

A. What colour is the pen?

B. How many pens?

六.给下列问句或问候语找出正确的答语。 A. Snails.

B. Good afternoon. F. Bye-bye.

C. Good morning. G. It’s black.

D. Two.

E. I’m Emma H. 43873847

( )1. How many pencils? ( )3. What’s in the box? ( )5. Good morning.

( )2. What’s your name?

( )4. What’s your phone number? ( )6. What colour is it? ( )8. See you tomorrow.

( )7. Good afternoon.