【人教版】2017-2018学年高中英语选修七:全册课时作业(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章【人教版】2017-2018学年高中英语选修七:全册课时作业(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读

9.解析:考查前后照应和逻辑推理。从文中可知看到别人的父亲做了类似的手术之后下地活动,而父亲没醒,“我”很痛苦,想逃离每个人,让自己释放出痛苦。从下文but I just had to be alone.也可推出。


10.解析:考查名词词义。nature本性。 答案:B

11.解析:从上文I jumped up and ran down the hall...可知。 答案:C

12.解析:考查前后照应逻辑推理动词辨析。从下文She help onto me until I stopped crying可知。


13.解析:由下文(最后一段)The woman I didn't know...可知。 答案:D 14.答案:B 15.答案:A

16.解析:文中Then she grabbed a paper towel, __16__ it and handed it to me.可知,那位妇女先抽出了纸质的毛巾,因为“我”要洗脸,所以她打湿了毛巾。tear撕碎,撕破,不合题意。


17.解析:考查动词辨析。touch感动,打动;recognize辨认出;strike打动(某人)。 答案:D

18.解析:考查固定搭配。heal the hurt in others治愈别人的伤痛。 答案:B

19.解析:从上文... she just grabbed me and hugged me.可知。 答案:A

20.解析:考查固定搭配。make a difference与众不同。 答案:A Ⅳ.阅读理解

I always felt sorry for the people in wheelchairs. Some people, old and weak, cannot get around by themselves. Others seem perfectly healthy, dressed in business suits. But whenever I saw someone in a wheelchair, I only saw a disability,not a person.

Then I fainted(昏倒) at Euro Disney due to low blood pressure. This was the first time I had ever fainted, and my parents said that I must rest for a while after

first aid. I agreed to take it easy, but as I stepped toward the door, I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction! Feeling the colour burn my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he found it.

I could not believe this was happening to me. Wheelchairs were fine for other people but not for me. As my father wheeled me out into the main street, people immediately began to treat me differently.

Little kids ran in front of me, forcing my father to stop the wheelchair suddenly. Bitterness set in as I was thrown back and forth.

“Stupid kids! They have perfectly good legs. Why can't they watch where they are going?”I thought. People stared down at me,pity in their eyes. Then they would look away, maybe because they thought the sooner they forgot me the better.

“I'm just like you!” I wanted to scream. “The only difference is that you've got legs,and I have wheels.”

People in wheelchairs are not stupid. They see every look and hear each word. Looking out at the faces, I finally understood: I was once just like them. I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated. I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly disabled.

1.The author once ________ when she was healthy. A.helped disabled people

B.looked down upon disabled people C.imagined herself sitting in a wheelchair

D.saw some healthy people moving around in wheelchairs

2.Facing the wheelchair for the first time, the author ________. A.felt curious about it

B.got ready to move around in it right away C.refused to accept it right away D.threw it away

3.The experience of the author tells us that ______. A.life is the best teacher

B.people often eat their bitter fruit

C.life is so changeable that nobody can foretell

D.one should not do to others what he would not like others to do to him 4.What is the best title for this passage? A.How to get used to wheelchairs

B.People in wheelchairs should be equally treated C.People with two legs are truly healthy

D.The difference between healthy people and the disabled



1.解析:从第一段中的“But whenever I saw someone in a wheelchair,I only saw a disability,not a person.”可以看出不论作者什么时候看到有人坐在轮椅上,作者看到的只是残疾,而不是一个完整的人。说明作者曾经对坐在轮椅上的人有偏见。look down upon意为“看不起”。


2.解析:从第二段中的“...I saw my dad pushing a wheelchair in my direction!Feeling the colour burn my cheeks, I asked him to wheel that thing right back to where he found it.”可以看出作者当时的心态。当作者第一次面对轮椅时,立刻拒绝使用。


3.解析:从最后一段看出作者悟出的道理:一个人不应该做他不愿意别人对他做的事情。从“...I was once just like them.I treated people in wheelchairs exactly the way they did not want to be treated.”可知。


4.解析:从作者一开始看不起残疾人到自己成为残疾人,亲身感受到残疾人的窘迫,可以看出人们不应该看不起残疾人。尤其是从最后一句“I realized it is some of us with two healthy legs who are truly disabled.”可得知,有些双腿健全的人,实际上在人格上是残疾的。因此,要平等对待残疾人。


1.2 课时作业 Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.Sarah made ________ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 2.The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune was ________(make).

3.This is an important plan that will benefit the developing countries ________ particular.

4.Many friends sent me e-mails to congratulate me ________ the birth of my son.

5.In modern times, people have to learn to live ________ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

6.A team of nurses assisted the doctor in ________(perform) the operation. 7.A large population in the world have no access ________ clean drinking water. 8.I'd like the red silk dress rather ________ that black one if you let me choose. 9.Are the parking facilities adequate ________ sixty cars?

10.Passengers are permitted ________(carry) only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

11.The form cannot be signed by anyone ________ than yourself. 12.It isn't quite certain ________ he will be present at the meeting. 答案:1.it 2.to be made 3.in 4.on 5.with 6.performing 7.to 8.than 9.for 10.to carry 11.other 12.whether



Do you know when the slavery ________________? 2.为了照顾生病的母亲,Mary决定辞去公司经理的职务。

In order to look after her sick mother, Mary decided to ________________ in the company.

3.我为自己的好运气感到高兴。 I ________________ my good fortune. 4.停车处足以停放100辆小汽车。

The parking places ________________ 100 cars. 5.他的建议遭到普遍反对。

His suggestions ____________________ widespread disapproval. 6.他设法从楼上的一扇窗户进入。

He ____________________ access through an upstairs window. 7.这本书容易理解。 The book ________________. 8.他和别人交流有困难。

He ________________ communicating with others. 9.他祝我来年一切顺利。

He wished me ________________ in the coming year. 10.莉莉是一位尊贵的老妇人。

Lily is an old lady ________________.