2015-2016学年牛津译林版英语九年级下Unit1 Asia单元试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2015-2016学年牛津译林版英语九年级下Unit1 Asia单元试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读

Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on people’s lives for a long time. The results are similar, according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian, a famous British newspaper.

In one experiment, scientists told young children that they could either have a marshmallow (圆形软糖) now, or two marshmallows in 15 minutes. Waiting obviously needed more willpower. Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up. They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower. They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives.

Years later, scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier, happier and richer adults. Oppositely, the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs, to be overweight, to have social problems.

But there is hope, Roy F Baumeister, an American social psychology(心理学) professor (教授) told the Guardian. Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉). Even a little practice can strengthen(加强) our overall self-control if we do it regularly.

You could start by making yourself stand up straight, speaking in complete sentences, or using a computer mouse with the other hand. Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much better in laboratory willpower tests.

Like muscles, willpower can “get tired”. Don’t try to do too many things at the same time, or when you don’t have enough energy, for example when you are ill. If you already feel tired, you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good night’s sleep and by eating well. 38. The example of a girl eating cheesecake is used to

A. prove that girls have weak willpower

B. introduce the topic of willpower to the readers C. show that cheesecake is especially attractive to girls D. show the connection between willpower and success 39. What can we infer from the experiment?

A. The scientists had already known the results before the experiment.

B. It showed that willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.

C. The children who chose to wait were more likely to be successful in their lives. D. The children who chose only one marshmallow at first had stronger willpower. 40. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower?

A. You should have a goal every day. B. Good rest and proper diet can help.

C. Willpower needs to be exercised regularly. D. Keep willpower from being used too much. 41. What is the article mainly about?

A. How willpower and muscles are similar and how they can be trained. B. How willpower affects people’s lives and how it is similar to muscles. C. How willpower is important to success and how we can make it stronger. D. How willpower is connected with success and how they affect each other

9B Unit 1

Name_________________ Score__________________

第二卷 非选择题(45分)

四 用所给单词的适当形式填空: (10分)

1. It’s ______________ to look after pre-school children for young mothers. (tire) 2. They will carry on a study of ______________ and Pakistanis living in Southall. (India ) 3. It’s said that No1 People’s hospital _____________ in the middle of our city in the past. (lie) 4. Grey stone ______________ go up to the house. (台阶) 5. Is Shanghai in the ______________ part of China. (东方) 6. The airport has been in ______________ for ten years. (工作) 7. She is amazed at the clock ______________ on the wall. (悬挂)

8. There’re fifty ______________ in the USA, and Alaska is the largest one. (州) 9. There are some big factories in the ______________ of the town. (东南方) 10. Which of the ______________ is the biggest in that country? (集市) 五 动词填空:(11分)

1. No attention was paid to the girl that ________________ (sit) in the corner of the classroom at that time.

2. You can have a day off unless the latest news ________________ (record) tomorrow. 3. ---___________ you ___________ (review) your lessons for your coming exam? ---Yes, I did it half an hour ago.

4. I find the notices which ________________ (hang) by you at the entrance missing. 5. We are sure that the price of gasoline ________________ (fall) over the last year. 6. I’m so hungry that I hope my mum ________________ (make) a big dinner at home now. 7. The show ________________ (begin) with sing and dance is a big success. 8. This kind of medicine will lead to death if too much _______________. (take)

9. ---What’s the noise? ---Oh, there are some children _______________ (plan) their coming holiday.

10. Three quarters of the room where we often have parties ________________ (take) up by the piano.

11. ---What are you talking about? --- The posters _______________ (show) at the hall. 六 中译英:(9分)

1. 借助于科技,电脑的价格越来越便宜。

______________________________________, the price of the computer is cheaper and cheaper. 2. 你知道中国人口有多少吗?

Do you know ________________________________________________________________? 3. 他问南京市是否是江苏第二大城市。

He asks if _____________________________________________________ of Jiangsu province. 4. 印度是我们当时在亚洲参观的第二个国家。

India __________________________________________________________ in Asia at that time. 5. 我不知道那对外国夫妇何时习惯用筷子吃饭的。

I don’t know when the foreign couple _______________________________________________. 6. 他告诉我他们泛舟漓江需要两个多小时。

He told us it ______________________________________________________ the Lijiang River. 七 任务型阅读(5分) Mo Yan, a well-known Chinese writer, has got many new admirers after winning the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature. Some people think several Mo’s short stories should be included in the textbooks for middle and high school students. Some people disagree. Here is an argument(争论): “Should MoYan’s works be included in students’ textbooks?” Yes! Mo’s short stories are good for students. Students’ textbooks should include the most reason not to choose some for the students’ textbooks. Since Mo Yan won a Nobel Prize, many Chinese people have been proud of him. His works can affect young people positive(积极地) in literature. So his works should be used. No! Many of Mo’s works like Red Sorgham(红高粱) can be better understood by adults. Even though Mo Yan has won a Nobel Prize, his works may not be understood well by middle and high school students. Any decision to change the content(内容) of textbooks should be made very carefully. It is premature(草率的) to announce the plan of including Mo’s works so quickly. 阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词。

As we all know Mo Yan has won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature. It makes people argue about Mo’s works should be included in students' textbooks or not. Some supporters think Mo Yan has been the of Chinese people. His works can have positive on young people in literature. But some people are it. They think his works may not be , for middle and high school students. The decision to change the content of textbooks should be made carefully, not just because Mo Yan has been famous in the world.

八 书面表达:(本大题共10分)

你刚从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关于海南岛的报道。内容还包括以下要点: 1. 海南在我国南部,我国第二大岛,岛上阳光明媚,空气清新; 2. 海口是省会城市,也是岛上最大的城市; 3. 有许多美丽的沙滩,沙滩上有形态各异的贝壳 4. 游花卉市场,品海鲜,

5. 还可以 ……

参考词汇:island岛,sea shell 贝壳

注意: 1. 词数:80词左右

2. 短文须包括上述全部内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 第5点须用2~3句话展开,作适当发挥。

__ __________ ___ __ ________ __


9B Unit1 单元卷





DCA CAA BBDC BCAC 四、词汇 (10’)

tiring Indians lay steps eastern service hanging states south-east fairs


was sitting is recorded Have reviewed were hung fell is making beginning is taken planning is taken shown/showed


1. With the help of science and technology 2. what the population of China is 3. Nanjing is the second largest/biggest city 4. was the second country we visited 5. got/ were used to eating with chopsticks 6. took them over/more than 2 hours to take a boat trip along 七、任务型阅读(5’)

whether pride influence(s)/effect against suitable 八: 书面表达 (10)

Hannan lies in the south of China. It is the second largest island in our country. It is sunny and the air is fresh on the island. Hankou is the capital city. It is also the biggest city on the island. There are many beautiful beaches. There are lots of seashells in different shapes. You can visit the flower markets and enjoy the seafood there. You can also swim in the sea or walk on the beaches. Diving is great fun there. I hope to visit Hannan one day.