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发布时间 : 星期五 文章英语中级阅读-考试资料词组-范围-总统背景-上海大学更新完毕开始阅读






Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Farewell Address of Dwight D. Eisenhower

a message of leave-taking and farewell

to share one’s thoughts with sb. to labor with sb. wish sb. Godspeed to be blessed with the midpoint of a century material progress 告别辞

告诉某人自己的想法 和某人一起工作 祝某人一帆风顺 幸运地享有?? 世纪中点 物质进步

military strength in the interest(s) of human betterment progress toward sth. noble goals

to engulf the world to command one’s attentiona hostile ideology global in scope 军事实力 为了 人类进步 朝着??迈进 崇高的目标 席卷/吞没全世界 引起注意 敌对的意识形态 世界性规模

atheistic in character ruthless in purpose insidious in method to pose a danger


to promise to be sth. of indefinite duration to meet a danger to call for sth.

not so much?, but rather? 无神论性质 目标残忍 手段阴险 造成/构成危险 有望/恐怕是?? 无限期的,长期的 应对危险 需要

与其??不如?? to carry sth. forward without complaint

a prolonged and complex struggle to chart a course military establishment instant action to be tempted to +V.

to risk one’s own destruction

推进,发扬 任劳任怨,毫无怨言 一场长期复杂的斗争 制定一条路线 军事机构 立即行动 受诱惑做某事 冒自我毁灭的危险

to bear little relation to sb./sth. armaments/ arms industry with time as required national defense to compel sb. to V. of vast proportions added to this to be engaged in

与??毫无关系,与??大相径庭 军事工业 随时间的推移 根据需要 国防


强迫某人做某事 巨大的 除此之外 从事

defense establishment military security net income

to feel the influence the imperative need for sth. grave implications structure of the society the councils of government to guard against sth. 国防机构 军事安全 净收入 感受到影响 迫切需要?? 重大的影响 社会结构 政府各部门 提防,警惕

unwarranted influence military-industrial complex disastrous rise misplaced power democratic process to take?for granted to mesh with sth. akin to sth. 不正当的影响力 军事-工业联合体 恶性增长 不当的权力 民主进程

把??看做理所当然的 与??配合/协调 近乎,类似

to be largely responsible for sth. sweeping changes

technological revolution a steadily increasing share task forces testing field


conduct of research a substitute for sth. 是??的主要原因 彻底改变 技术革命 稳步增长的份额 工作组 试验田 进行研究 ??的替代品

intellectual curiosity to hold sth. in respect to be alert to sth. public policy a supreme goal to maintain balance to peer into the future impulse to do sth. to live for today for generations to come 求知欲 尊重

对??警觉 国家政策 最高目标 保持平衡 放眼未来 做??的冲动 今朝有酒今朝醉 子孙后代

down the long lane of the history mutual trust and respect 在历史长卷中 相互信任尊重 Franklin Roosevelt

The Pearl Harbor Speech of Franklin Roosevelt

a date which will live in infamy naval / air force to be at peace with sb. at sb.’s solicitation / at the solicitation of sb. in conversation with to look toward sth.