(含五套中考模拟卷)四川省成都市青羊区2019届中考英语第四次适应性考试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(含五套中考模拟卷)四川省成都市青羊区2019届中考英语第四次适应性考试卷更新完毕开始阅读


一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题l分,满分15分)

在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。 1. —What _______ cold weather!

—Yes. But it's ______ unusual experience for us who always live in a hot place. A. an;an




2. — A latest English newspaper, please!

— Only one copy left. Would you like to have _______, sir? A. it

B. one

C. this

D. That

3. — You are wanted on the phone. — _______ nobody knows I’m here.

A. And A. early

B. But B. quietly

C. So D. Or

C. slowly

D. politely

4. We will have to leave _______ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning. 5. — Do you know our new manager?

— Yes. He _______ to be a friend of my brother’s. A. turns up

B. turns on

C. turns off

D. turns out

6. — _______ is it from the New Town to the old city centre? — Less than 30 minutes by underground. A. How far

B. How often

C. How long

D. How much

7. — Hi. I didn't see you at the party in the company yesterday evening. — Oh, all my family _______ my son's birthday at home.

A. celebrated

B. have celebrated C. was celebrating D. were celebrating

8. There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue _______ humans stop hunting them

for their fur and bones.

A. if

B. unless

C. because

D. since

9. The model Sydney Opera House looks _______ the real one in Australia.

A. as wonderful as C. so wonderful as A. fell

B. as wonderfully as D. so wonderfully as

C. was

D. has been

10. Mike used to be a top student, but he _______ behind since he lost himself in computer games.

B. has fallen

11. —Hobo,can I eat the hamburger? —Sure,if the dishes . A.wash B.are washed

C.will wash D.will be washed

12. — What time shall we leave for the airport?

— It’s foggy today. I’m not sure __________ be closed soon. Let’s go now. A. whether the highway will B. whether will the highway C. when the highway will

D. when will the highway

13. — I am not allowed to bring my mobile phone to school.

— _______. Our teacher says it’s bad for our study. A. So are we

B. So do we

C. Neither are we

D. Neither do we

14. —It is said that people born in the Year of Sheep are gentle.

— Maybe, but for my mother,_______.In fact, she gets angry easily. A. that’s for sure B. that’s all right C.that’s a good idea —Thanks for encouraging me. I know _______.

A. practice makes perfect



In some science fiction movies, people in the future have their own robots. These robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most 16 jobs.

Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots look like people and 17 the same things as us. Japanese companies have already made robots walk and dance. This kind of robots will also be fun to watch.

But robot scientist James White disagrees. He thinks that it will be 18 for a robot to do the same things as a person. 19 , it's easy for a child to wake up and know where he or she is. Mr. White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people 20 25 to 50 years.

Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots 21 in factories. These robots look more like huge arms. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will 22 get bored.

In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have 23 work to do. New robots will have many different 24 . Some will look like humans, and others might look like 25 . After an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed impossible a hundred years ago. We never know what will happen in the future! 16. A. unpleasant 17. A. to do 18. A. easy 19. A. Such as 20. A. after 21. A. work 22. A. no

23. A. less 24. A. names 25. A. turtles

B. pleasant C. bored B. doing C. do

D. interesting D. did

D. hard

D. However

D. in D. worked D. a few D. shapes

B. it never rains but it pours

D. the grass is always greener on the other side

C. many hands make light work

D. that’s not the case

15. — Never give up. If you keep practising speaking English every day, you’ll make great progress.

B. possible C. exciting B. before

C. about

B. For example C. Instead

C. to work

C. never C. sizes

B. working

B. ever B. colours

D. always

B. a little C. fewer B. snakes C. frogs

D. spiders




26. Julia is at Racine. She wants to go to Baseball Field. She should change lines at . A. Reno

B. Cliton

C. Grand

D. Randolph

27. To go to Airport from Youth Centre, you should take underground lines in this order: . A. Red Line → Blue Line → Green Line C. Blue Line → Red Line → Green Line

B. Blue Line → Green Line → Red Line D. Red Line → Green Line → Blue Line B

Have you ever returned a book late to the library before?If so,you may pay a small fine(罚款).How much would you have to pay if the book is returned 65 years late?

A high school in Washington,US had to deal with such a problem recently.A copy of Gone with the Wind was finally returned to its library 65years late.However,the school said that it would not ask Wayne to pay the fine,though that would be about $475.

The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school in 1949,and disappeared until it was found in Maine,US by Wayne.Wayne found the book in his father’s basement(地下室) and then offered to send it back to the school.

“I feel very sorry about that,”Wayne said.

“We’re very pleased to have the book back.Wayne did the right thing,” Lori Wyborney,headmaster of the school said.

28.The book was borrowed out of the library of the high school .

A.in 2014



D.in 1949

29.Gone with the Wind is the name of .

A.a book

B.a school

C.a magazine

D. a library

30. offered to send the book back to the school.


B. Wayne’s father C.Lori’s headmaster


Different vitamins are found in different foods. Then which foods should be eaten to keep us healthy? Let's look at some important vitamins for the answer.


Vitamin A helps to protect skin from becoming dry. It is also helpful to the eyes. Without vitamin A, you cannot see well in darkness. Vitamin A is found in animal liver and yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other dark colored fruit and vegetables have something that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B changes foods into energy and helps the heart and nervous system (神经系统) to work smoothly. Without it, we will be weak and will not grow. It is found in grains and other foods like beans, nuts, meat and fish. Vitamin B helps to produce red blood cells. It is found in foods like eggs, meat, fish, milk and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin C is needed for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels (血管). It also helps wounds to heal (愈合) quickly. The body stores little vitamin C, so we must get it in foods like oranges, and cabbage. Vitamin D increases the levels of calcium (钙) in the blood. Calcium is needed for verve and muscle (肌肉) cells to work normally, as well as to build strong bones. Fish liver oil has vitamin D. In some countries, milk producers add vitamin D to milk so that it will be good for children. 31. Without ________, we cannot see well in darkness.

A. vitamin A B. vitamin B C. vitamin C D. vitamin D 32. According to the passage, vitamin B can be found in ________.

A. fish liver oil B. oranges and cabbage C. grains, meat and fish D. animal liver and eggs 33. From the passage, we know that vitamin C is good for ________.

A. blood vessels B. the heart

C. the skin D. nerve and muscles

34. Some milk producers add vitamin D to milk mainly to help children to ________.

A. have good eyesight B. get enough calcium C. produce blood cells D. heal wounds quickly

35. According to the passage above, which of the following is “TRUE”?

A. We can get vitamins from everything. B. We can live healthily with few vitamins C. Vitamins are not important to our health.

D. Different vitamins help us in different ways.


Success does not belong to a select group of individuals(个人). Success belongs to those who are willing to go after it and try their best to do what they have to do. Here are some useful practical ways for you if you want to be a success.

Desire. Desire is the strong wish to achieve a goal. Without desire you have nothing. Before you can run with desire, your goal must be plain, clear, and it must also be exciting.

Show up. Seventy percent of success in life is showing up. You can’t have a best seller, if you have never written a book. You can’t get your dream job, if you’re afraid to turn in an application. Showing up doesn’t guarantee(保证) success, but if you don’t show up, you won’t succeed.

Fail. Unless you’re willing to have a try, fail unhappily, and have another try, success won’t happen. To have success you have to do things the right way, but often the only way to do something right is to first fail at it. As Thomas J. Watson said, a simple formula(公式)for success is to double your