【创新设计】(广东专用)高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure Period Four Le 联系客服

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Unit 8 Adventure Period Four Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic




阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出 最佳选项。

One day,a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left.He was hungry so he decided to__1__a meal at the next house. However,he lost his__2__when a lovely young woman opened the door.Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water.She thought he looked__3__so she brought him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly,and then asked,“How much do I owe you?” “You don't owe me__4__,”she replied.“Mother has taught me never to accept__5__for a kindness.”He said,“Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”As Howard Kelly left that house,he not only felt stronger__6__,but it also increased his faith in God and the human race.He was about to give up and quit before this point. __7__later the young woman became critically ill.They finally sent her to the big city,where specialists can be__8__to study her rare disease.Dr.Howard Kelly,now__9__,was called in for the consultation.When he heard the name of the town she came from,a strange light__10__his eyes.Immediately,he rose and went down through the hospital hall into her room.He__11__her at once and determined to do his best to save her life.From that day on,he gave special attention to her__12__.

After a long struggle,the battle was won.Dr.Kelly requested the business office__13__the final bill to him for approval.He looked at it and then wrote something on the side.The bill was sent to her room.She was afraid to open it because she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to__14__.Finally she looked,and the note on the side of the bill__15__her attention.She read these words:“Paid in full with a glass of milk.”(Signed)Dr.Howard Kelly.

Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently,“Thank You,God.Your love has spread through human hearts and hands.”

【解题导语】 滴水之恩,涌泉相报。凯利医生小时候为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地 推销商品。饥寒交迫之时他得到了一位女士的一大杯牛奶。数年之后,当这名女士 生病住院,正为医药费发愁时,医药费通知单上“医药费已付:一杯牛奶。”的签 字使她简直难以相信,给她治病的医生正是当年的小男孩。 1. A.care for B.beg for C.wish for D.hope for 解析 他很饿,所以他就到下一户去乞讨。 答案 B

2. A.nerve B.heart C.way D.meal 解析 lose one's nerve是“不知所措”之意。其他不合句意。 答案 A

3. A.mad B.polite

C.cold D.hungry

解析 这个妇女不是给他一杯水,而是给他一杯牛奶,可见她认为这个孩子饿了。 答案 D

4. A.anything B.everything C.nothing D.something 解析 你不欠我什么。 答案 A

5. A.gift B.present C.pay D.milk 解析 我妈妈教导我,施以爱心,不图回报。 答案 C

6. A.physically B.carefully C.emotionally D.spiritually

解析 喝了牛奶之后,这男孩感到浑身有劲了。physically是“体力上”之意。 答案 A

7. A.Months B.Centuries C.Years D.Weeks 解析 根据常理判断,应该是“数年之后”。 答案 C

8. A.sent in B.left for C.called for D.called in 解析 call in“叫/请过来”之意。 答案 D

9. A.well off B.handsome C.skilled D.famous

解析 从后面看Howard Kelly医生被人家请来会诊,且有批准减免医药费的权力,故选famous比较合适。 答案 D

10.A.filled B.blanked C.blocked D.hit

解析 当他听到病人来自的那个城镇的名字时,一个奇怪的念头霎时间闪过他的脑际。 答案 A

11.A.knew B.saw C.recognized D.realized 解析 他马上认出了恩人。 答案 C

12.A.health B.case C.condition D.body 解析 case在此是“病案”之意。 答案 B

13.A.passed B.passes C.to passing D.pass

解析 本题可从语法角度考虑。request后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。Kelly医生要求总务部门把那个妇女的医疗费最终账单送过来让他批准。 答案 D

14.A.pay for it B.pay it off

C.answer of it D.see it off 解析 治病的费用将会花费她整个余生来偿还。 答案 B

15.A.paid B.gave C.took D.caught 解析 catch one's attention是“吸引某人的注意”之意。 答案 D


阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适 当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为16~25的相应 位置上。


I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains.The sun was setting when my car__16__(break)down near a remote and poor village.Cursing my misfortune,I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to __17__should have the honor of receiving me __18__a guest in their house.Finally,I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house.While she was getting me __19__(settle)into a tiny but clean room,the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to __20__small town some 20 kilometres away__21__there was a garage.

I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess's courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.__22__villagers brought me goat's cheese and honey.We drank together and talked__23__(merry)till far into the night.

When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village,I wanted to reward the old woman__24__the trouble I had caused__25__.

16.解析 本文讲述的是已经发生的一个故事,根据上文was setting的时态,可知break应用过去时。注意它的拼写形式。 答案 broke 17.解析 他们就谁能荣幸招待“我”争论不休。这是一个宾语从句,who在从句中作主语。 答案 who

18.解析 receive招待,这里指把“我”作为一个客人招待。as作为,常见的短语有consider...as;regard...as;treat...as等等。 答案 as

19.解析 settled此处是过去分词,表示“我”被安置到一个虽小但整洁的房间。 答案 settled

20.解析 此处考查的是冠词,二十公里远的一个小镇,表泛指。 答案 a

21.解析 本题考查的是定语从句,town是先行词,关系副词where在从句中作状语。村长用他的马把“我”的车拉到了20公里远的小镇上,在那里有一个汽车修理厂。 答案 where

22.解析 注意单词的首字母应该大写。 答案 Other/Some

23.解析 注意应用merry的副词形式,修饰talk。句意为:我们一起饮酒,高兴地谈到深夜。

答案 merrily 24.解析 for表示原因。“我”想报答老妇人是因为“我”给她带来了麻烦。reward...for为……而酬报。例如:They rewarded the boy with $ 5 for bringing back the lost dog. 答案 for

25.解析 此处缺少代词,cause sb trouble给某人带来麻烦。例如:This car has caused me a lot of trouble. 答案 her


A high-profile attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus in a few patients continues to show promise.

But researchers won't know for a year or more whether it will work,scientist David Ho told journalists here Wednesday for the Fourth Conference in Viruses and Infections.

“This is a study that's in progress,”says Ho,head of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center,New York.

The study involves 20 people who started combinations of anti-HIV drugs very early in the course of the disease,within 90 days of their infections.They've been treated for up to 18 months.Four others have dropped out because of side effects or problems complying with the exacting drug system.

The drugs have knocked the AIDS virus down to undetectable levels in the blood of all remaining patients. And,in the latest development,scientists have now tested lymph nodes and semen from a few patients and found no virus reproducing there,Ho says.“Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent,”Ho says.

Ho has calculated that the drugs should be able to wipe out remaining viruses—at least from known reservoirs throughout the body—in two to three years.But the only way to prove eradication would be to stop the drugs and see if the virus comes back.On 1Wednesday,Ho said he wouldn't ask any patient to consider that step before 2 years 2of treatment. And he emphasized that he is not urging widespread adoption of such early,aggressive treatment outside of trials.No one knows the long-term risks.

But other scientists are looking at similar experiments.A federally funded study will put 300 patients on triple-drug treatments and then see if some responding well after six months can continue to suppress the virus on just one or two drugs,says researcher Douglas Richman of the University of California,San Diego.Some patients in that study also may be offered the chance to stop therapy after 18 months or more,he says.

26.According to the passage,the attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus________. A.continues to be hopeful

B.will be successful in a year C.will be successful in future D.will stop being hopeful

解析 这个问题要结合第一段和第二段来考虑,A high-profile attempt...continues to show promise.But researchers won't know for a year or more whether it will work...