【20套精选试卷合集】广东省香洲区四校联考2019-2020学年中考英语模拟试卷含答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章【20套精选试卷合集】广东省香洲区四校联考2019-2020学年中考英语模拟试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读

A 33

B No, it isn’t as big as ours. There are only about 700 students. These are some photos of her school. Here you are.

A Let me 34 . What do you think of her school and our school? B Both schools are very nice. But neither school has anything the other school has got. So I think we should 35 from each other. 三. 阅读(共40分) Ⅵ.完形填空(10分)

An eight—year –old boy was locked inside a school bus for more than 12 hours . The driver 36 him, German daily Bild reported on Friday.

The 37 got on the bus at his home in the morning. After all the children 38 he didn’t. The driver returned to the 39 station. But he did not notice that the young boy was still 40 the bus.

That boy’s disappearance was noticed by his mother at eight o’clock. 41 called the police. After two 42 of searching, the boy was found on the bus at ten o’clock that night. Even though the temperature had climbed to 30℃, he was 43 .

He was found 44 on the floor under the seats. He was enjoying his handheld game. “The bus driver didn’t notice me,” the boy told the police. “Why didn’t you speak out before the driver left the bus?” the police asked. “Oh, I didn’t 45 my game, ”the boy answered. 36. A. asked B. beat C. forgot D. charged 37. A. woman B. girl C. boy D. man 38. A. took off B. flew away C. sat down D. got off 39. A. bus B. train C. highway D. police 40. A. beside B. near C. on D. behind 41. A. He B. She C. They D. We 42. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks 43. A. O B. bad C. fun D. sad 44. A. walking B. running C. lying D. sleeping 45. A. play B. finish C. change D. start Ⅶ. 阅读理解(30分)

( A )

Coffee has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the United States drink more coffee than people in any other countries. People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner, and between meals. They drink hot coffee or coffee with ice in it. They drink it at work and at home. They eat coffee ice cream and coffee candy. Coffee is black and very strong. Different people like to drink it in different ways. Some people like coffee with cream or sugar in it. Other people like coffee with both cream and sugar in it. In all ways it is served.

Coffee has become an international drink. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分) 46. Coffee is an drink.

A. interesting B. international C. ice—cream D. American

47. Different people like to drink coffee .

A. at work or at home B. in different ways C. with cream or sugar D. between meals

48. Today Americans drink coffee than people in any of the other countries. A. as much as B. less C. more D. most 49. The word “strong” here means .

A. 坚固的 B.淡的 C.清的 D.浓的

50. is the most popular American drink. A. Black tea B. Coffee C. Water with ice D. wine

( B )

Paul decided to have a facelift(整容术) for his birthday. He spent $4,000 and felt really good about the result. On his way home he went into a bookstore and bought a book on how to stay young. Before leaving, he said to the clerk, “I hope you don’t mind my asking, but how old do you think I am?” “About 35.”answered the clerk.

“I’m actually 47 years old, ”Paul said , feeling really happy.

After that he went into a coffee shop happily. Before leaving, he asked the same question. The waiter replied, “Oh, you look about 29.”This made him feel much better.

While standing at the bus stop, Paul asked a lady the same question. She answered, “I’ve got a good way to know how old a person is. If I read your hand, I’ll be able to tell how old you are.” Paul gave his right hand to the lady, and seconds later she said, “You are 47 years old.” “That was excellent ! How did you know that?” Paul was surprised to ask. The lady replied, “I was just behind you in the bookstore.” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案(5分) 51. For what did Paul decided to have a facelift? A. For his birthday. B. For his work. C. For the bookstore. D. For the hospital. 52. What did Paul do in the bookstore?

A. He read a book. B. He bought a book. C. He read a newspaper. D. He bought a newspaper. 53. Whose words made Paul feel much better? A. The waiter’s. B. The man’s. C. The lady’s. D. The clerk’s. 54. Where did the lady answer Paul’s question?

A. On her way home. B. In the bookstore. C. At the bus stop. D. At the coffee shop. 55. How old was Paul in fact?

A. 29. B. 35. C. 39. D. 47 ( C )

Sometimes, kids don’t think their parents are fair to them now. When you want to dress in a modern way, your mum doesn’t like you wearing a mini—skirt. When you are making phone calls to friends, they ask whether you’re speaking to a boy or a girl.

Sometimes it seems that you’re not as close to your parents as you used to be. How can you become close again? “Closing the Gap” by American author Jay McGaw give advice on how to have a better relationship with your parents.

The book gives ways to help teens understand their parents. When you think “my parents don’t want me to have any fun” that usually means your parents want you to be safe. Both parents and children have needs. They need to find they are important and loved.

You should tell your parents your need, and find out what their needs are. Then you can think of a way to make all of you happy. The book gives you some ideas.

1. Make time to talk. You could talk about your school life and your plans for the future. 2. eep diary. This is to help you understand more about yourself and feelings.

3. Show your parents you are growing up. Wash your own clothes and help around the house. Your parents will feel you are no longer a small child.

If you follow these steps, you will be able to break down the walls between your parents and yourself. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)(5分) 56. Now parents are always unfair to their children in everything.

57. Sometimes it seems that you are not as close to your parents as you used to be because you don’t understand each other.

58. Only parents need to feel they are more important and loved than any others. 59. Making time to talk will help you understand more about yourself and feelings.

60. You will be able to break down the walls between your parents and yourself when taking the three steps. ( D )


61. John is interested in talking with different people and he’s good at writing. He hopes to be a newspaperman.

62. Helen lost her handbag on her way to work.

63. Mrs Brown’s birthday is coming. Her husband plans to invite her to enjoy dinner in a nice place. 64. The Greens have just moved to London and need to have a place to live in.

65. Betty is an active girl. She likes sports, singing and dancing. She’s not married yet. She wants to find a nice man as her boyfriend. A. Wanted

A 4—bedroom apartment(公寓) near Hyde Park in London. Rent fee(租金) below $ 600 each month.

Call Jack at 2396—4870 B. Job

Do you want to work as a reporter in China Daily? China Daily needs 3 new reporters in Guangdong.

Call Ms Smith at 4356—2756 . C. Found

A black handbag with some money inside. Call Mr Lee at 4359—2242 D. Singles’ Club

A club for singles who are looking for new friends. E. Green Lake Restaurant

The restaurant is pretty good, though the food is a little expensive. Call 6453—2888 .

( E )

One night, Mary saw a girl sitting by the road near her house. The girl’s coat was very old and thin. It couldn’t keep warm at all. Mary thought a cotton coat may be helpful to the girl. So she opened the window and shouted to the girl,“ Come to the front door of my house, please!” The girl was surprised, but she did as Mary said. She knocked at the door of Mary’s house. Mary opened the door and smiled warmly to the poor girl. She handed a cotton coat to the girl. Just then she saw a smile on the girl’s face. That night, Mary was very happy for what she had done.

The poor girl had never appeared again since that night. Years later, Mary almost forgot the poor girl.

One day, Mary got a call from a lawyer called Jack. Jack invited her to his office. After they met, Jack gave Mary a letter. It said,“ Forty years ago, a beautiful girl helped me. In that winter, she gave me warmth and hope. Later I got through the hardest time in my life and then started a happy life.”

After Mary read the letter, she remembered that homeless girl. “Where is she now?” asked Mary. “Mrs. Hope died two months ago,” answered Jack. “She left one of her house to you. Besides, there is one more thing she left to you---a cotton coat.” 根据短文内容,回答下列问题(10分) 66. What did Mary give to the girl that night?

67. How did the girl feel when Mary asked her to the front door?

68. Who gave Mary a phone call?

69. Did the girl remember Mary’s help all the time?

70. What do you think of Mary?


Ⅷ. A.“爱心捐助”活动中,李明为孩子们做了很多。一张小小的感谢纸条道出了孩子们的感谢之情,请你帮助孩子们完成它。 Thank—you Note B. 请你以

A/ An

Thanks 71 today’s activity. I received 500 yuan, some books, and a 72


of new shoes. They are from a brother 73 Li Ming, the top student of your school. in My

He also helped me 74 my lessons. I want to 75 “Thank you” to him School Life

and study harder to be a good student. 为题,介绍

A thankful 一位老师child, Wang Gang 之间的,令你印象深刻的事情并谈谈你的感受。(80词左右)(10分)
