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法。我还观察到学生错把12+32 当作112+32输入计算器,对算出的明显错误的答案连眼都不眨一下。毕竟,他们用的是计算器,所以,一定没错。 10

Educators also claim that calculators are so inexpensive and commonplace that students must

become competent in using them. New math texts contain whole sections on solving problems with a calculator. Most people, including young children, can learn its basic functions in about five minutes. Calculators do have their place in the world outside school and, to a limited extent, in higher-level math classes, but they are hardly education tools.

教育家们还声称,计算器如此便宜而又普遍,学生必须学会熟练使用。新的数学教材有整节整节关于用计算器解题的内容。大多数人,包括年幼的孩子们,用大约五分钟就能掌握计算器的基本功能。计算器在学校之外的社会中的确有其地位,在高等数学课堂上也有一定的作用,但它们很难算得上是教育工具。 11

Many teachers as well as students insist, \

around, and we'll never do long division in real life.\Not many of us need to figure the circumference of a circle or factor a quadratic equation for any practical reason. But that's not the sole purpose of teaching math. (4) We teach it for thinking and discipline, both of which expand the mind and increase the student's ability to function as a contributing individual in society: the ultimate goals of education.

不少老师以及学生坚持认为,“我们为什么不能用计算器计算器永远就在身边,我们在实际生活中根本不会做长除法运算。”这或许是事实。大多数数学运算也都如此。我们当中没有多少人会出于实际需要而计算圆的周长或求解一项二次方程的因子。但那并非数学教学的惟一目的。(4) 我们为培养思维和训练而教数学,这两者都能扩展思维,增强学生为社会作贡献的能力:这是教育的终极目的。