新人教版初中英语七年级英语下册全套单元测试题 - 百度文库 ϵͷ

ʱ : 新人教版初中英语七年级英语下册全套单元测试题 - 百度文库ϿʼĶ

UNIT 7 Its raining! ԭļο


I. Ի,ѡԻͼ Ի飩 1. W: What are you doing, Mike? M: Im watching TV.

2. W: Is Gina playing tennis now?

M: No, she is playing basketball on the playground. 3. W: Tom, wheres your mum?

M: She is shopping in the supermarket. 4. W: Whats Jack doing now? M: He is playing volleyball. 5. W: Who are swimming in the pool? M: Oh,they are my friends.

II. ,ѡʵĴһ飩 6. Hows the weather in your city? 7. Hows it going?

8. Is your teacher watching TV? 9. What day is it today?

10. What are the boys and girls doing over there?

III. Ի,ݶԻݺ,ѡȷ𰸡Ի飩 11. W: Good morning, David. Welcome back to our school! M: Good morning, Mrs. Wu. Im glad to see you again. W: Glad to see you, too. How is it going? M: Not too bad. Thank you. Q: Where are David and Mrs. Wu? 12. M: Kate, what are you doing over there?

W: Im making a card for my English teacher. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. M: What are you going to write on it? W: Best wishes for Teachers Day.

M: I think your teacher will like it very much.

Q: What is the date today?

13. W: Excuse me. Can you tell me your name? M: My name is Thomas Smith. W: May I call you Tom? M: Sure.

Q: What are they talking about?

14. W: Are you doing your homework, Wang Lin? M: No, Im not. Im writing a letter. W: Who are you writing to?

M: Im writing to my father. He is in Sydney. Q: Who is Wang Lin writing to? 15. W: Where are you going, Li Ming? M: Im going to school.

W: Do you often go to school by bus? M: Yes. My home is far from our school. Q: How does Li Ming go to school? IV. ,ѡȷ𰸡飩

Mr. White works in an office. He is more than 50 years old and Mrs. White is 48 years old. They dont like noise, so they bought a house outside the city. But its far from Mr. Whites office. Every morning the old man has to get up at six. Then he does morning exercises. After breakfast he goes to take a bus. He usually has lunch in the office. At six he leaves the office. He buys something in the shop and then goes to catch a bus. They have supper at half past seven. Then he watches TV or reads some newspapers until ten oclock and goes to bed.


. 21.A ״ʣʹù̶Whats the weather like?Hows the weather?ֻAϾͽṹ

22.B Hows it going?ѯʶԷ״λĽչѡB

23.D ɺһ⡰֪Ķ𣿡֪ǰΪҺסAΪ

6~10CBBCB 11~15BACCA 16~20AACBC


24.A ʾ䡰̫̫ʲô֪Ҳýʱ̬νﶯҪbe+v.-ingʽֻAϡ

25.C Ϊ족ʾƵģġҪݴcloudy,˿ųABDѡC

26.A ǰHello! Is that Mr. Wang speaking?֪˴Ϊ绰Ӣд绰˵˭ǡ𣿡ǡϰϲyouI,thatʾ㡱thisʾҡʿųBCDѡA

27.D on vacationΪȼ١ΪǼڳȥ԰

28.B ɴIts cold.֪ʾѯʡ״ѯ״þHows the weather...?Whats the weather like...?ΪlikewhatųCDѯijΣڳлǰҪýinѡB

29.C play˶ʱ˶ǰöڴʣsoccerΪӢʽ򡱣ʲùڴʣѡC

30.B ɾĩʱ״every eveningÿϡ֪DZʾԡϰԵĶҪһʱΪtheyųACDѡB . 31.C in the worldΪϡ

32.A little, a littleӲʻ治ʣfew, a fewӿʻʣǰָsnowsnowΪʣѡA 33.D ʾڣıin

34.B Ϻĵsnow֪there is,Ϊthere isӲʻʵ 35.A there is usually littleǰľγɶԱȣʾת۹ϵbut 36.B еwarm countriesָ֪ů͵Ĺҵѧ 37.B ĵݶԱȣsnowdark clouds, grey skycold rainͬ 38.C ⣬lightΪʡ 39.A lateΪġ 40.A come fromΪԡ

. 41.A ɵһεġIf you are on a bus or on a train, you can always see some people sitting and looking out of the window...֪ѡA

42.D ɵһΡIn England, people dont often talk to each other when they travel...and other people reading books or newspapers.֪ӢdzʱDz̸ڹϣ㳣ԿһЩ⿴һЩ˶򿴱A̸B̸ۡCһЩ⣬DΪֽᵽģѡD

43.A ɵڶεġEnglish people often start a conversation̸ by talking about the weather.֪Ӣ˳̸ͨʼһ⡱ѡABΪʱ䡱CΪʳDΪ塱⡣

44.A һ䡰Talk like this, and the English people will think, How friendly you are!̸̸֪Ӣ˻ΪѺá

45.B AΪӢϲ˹СδᵽųBΪӢڳͨʱ̸ĵһ仰CΪӢ˲ѺáDΪӢ˲ϲ²ĿѯȷѡB

46.C ɵһΡApril 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth!֪ѡC

47.A ɵڶСWell, scientists are not quite sure.֪ԭ򻹲ǺѡA 48.D еڶεġBut many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.֪ǵĻЧӦѡD

49.B еεġThe change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.֪ѡB 50.B ҪҪ򡣹ѡB . 51.snowing ݾ֪ѩ 52.photos take photosΪࡱ 53.hot hotΪȵġ

54.sunny Ͼ֪ʵġ 55.weather

56.cloudy cloudyΪݴʣΪƵġ 57.countries countryΪҡ

58.Pretty prettyʣݴgood 59.winter winter 졣