新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit 4 A Heroes among us课文翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit 4 A Heroes among us课文翻译更新完毕开始阅读

in the current was the car. As big as it was, the force of the water had heaved it against a tree, the passenger seat submerged, water rushing over the windshield. \thought.


The driver would not have had time to make it out, Jonda knew. Her flashlight beam barely cut through the heavy rain, but she could still see the trapped driver screaming and banging the window. And the car was filling up with water.


\I need the window hammer!\Jonda called over her radio and rushed toward the car. By the time she was at the driver door, the water was rushing up to her waist, and unbelievably cold, like her legs had been encased in ice. If she didn't work quickly, she could lose the feeling in her lower body and collapse. “戴维,我需要破窗锤!”琼达向对讲机呼叫,并冲向车子。当她来到驾驶员一侧的车门时,水已经涨到她的腰部,而且冰冷刺骨,她的双腿就像被冰包裹住一样。如果她动作不够快,她的下半身可能就会失去知觉,她就会瘫倒。

Through the window, Jonda saw the woman with water up to her chest. A work badge pinned to her chest identified her as Sandy. And she was old, 65 or 70. She would not last long in the icy water. Her eyes, betraying her intense fear, were locked on Jonda's. \

透过车窗,琼达看到那位妇女,水已经淹到她的胸口。她胸前别有一枚工作胸卡,写着她的名字桑迪。她年事己高,有 65 岁或 70 岁。她在冰冷的水中支撑不了多久。她的眼中流露出极度的恐惧,直直地盯着琼达的眼睛。“救救我,”她大声呼喊着。

David caught up with Jonda and passed her the window hammer. \yelled through the window, \break through!\as the old car was big, barely cracked. And with a heavy heart Jonda felt the car heave. The current was loosening it from the tree. 戴维赶到琼达身边,把破窗锤递给她。“夫人,”她透过车窗喊道,“请你转过身,避开玻璃!我要把车窗砸开!”那位妇女转过头去,琼达砸向车窗。这辆旧车车身大,窗玻璃也厚,砸一下几乎不见裂缝。这时,琼达感到车起伏了一下,她不禁心头一沉。水流正把车推离那棵树。

Jonda struck again with all her might and this time, mercifully, the window broke into little pieces. Water rushed in and the car heaved again, soon to be carried downstream.


The woman tried to speak through her shivering lips. \them,\


Jonda leaned in and wrapped her arms around the woman. \lose you, Sanely! Put your arms around my neck and hold on! David, grab my waist and pull!\


With all her strength in the icy water, Jonda grabbed the slender woman out of her seat and through the broken window, David pulling at her waist. The car heaved one last time, and just as the woman cleared it, it was swallowed by the water.

戴维搂住她的腰往外拉。同时,琼达在冰冷的水里用尽全力把那位瘦弱的妇女拖出驾驶座,从砸破的车窗拉了出来。车最后又起伏了一下,那位妇女刚被救出,车就被水吞没了。 The woman was crying in Jonda's arms. \streaking down her cheeks, unable to let go of the woman. \didn't lose you!\那位妇女在琼达的怀里哭了。“没事了,夫人,”琼达说道,泪水顺着她的脸颊滚落下来,她抱紧那位妇女不愿松开。“我们没有失去你!我们没有失去你!”她哭着说。四肢僵硬酸痛的桑迪也哭着说道:“谢谢你!”

Since the accident, the two women have become close friends. \woman,\But Jonda feels she has much to be grateful for too, because finally, she is healed and free of the acute nightmares of her past. 自从那次车祸之后,两位女士成了亲密的朋友。“她是一个了不起的女人,”桑迪说。“她绝不让我死。我永远感激她。”但是琼达感到她也同样很感激。因为她内心的创伤终于愈合了,她终于摆脱了过去痛苦的噩梦。