(英语试卷13份合集)广东省肇庆市名校2018-2019学年英语七下期末模拟试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章(英语试卷13份合集)广东省肇庆市名校2018-2019学年英语七下期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

―I'm sorry, there aren't any seats now.

A. but B. and C. or D. so 30.―Will you go cycling with me?

― . I'll go to the Helping Hands Club.

A. Sounds great B. I'm afraid not C. I'm not sure D. I don't think so 三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



One day a lion met a spider, who was just busy making a web. The lion 31 for a while and said, \clever you are! How did you learn to do that?\The spider answered proudly, \

The lion watched a longer while. Then he asked the spider, \you catch your food in the way that I do?\

\33 with my web I can catch flying insects, and I don't even have to run after them.\

The lion then asked, \to run after animals either.\


The lion was angry with the spider. She did not have to work 36 for food. And she would not help him get his 37 . So he hit the web and broke it. But the spider jumped 38 the lion's back and bit him.

\40 you do something bad to other animals. Some of us may be small, but we are very smart.\ The lion tried to scratch his back, but he could not reach where the spider bit. It itched(发痒)for several days. He remembered the smart spider for a long time. 31. A. rested B. walked C. watched D. listened 32. A. small B. beautiful C. friendly D. silly 33. A. And B. Or C. But D. Then 34. A. coat B. web C. home D. wish 35. A. making B. finding C. selling D. eating 36. A. hard B. quickly C. late D. carefully 37. A. fun B. water C. food D. job 38. A. in B. onto C. under D. with 39. A. stop B. hear C. hate D. remember 40. A, before B. after C. as D. till 四、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)




The sky is turning bright and clear. The earth is wearing red and green. Winter is gone; spring has e. The air smells fresh and sweet.

The summer heat is not yet here; A little fox es out to play.

A bird is busy in a tree, Waking a daisy from her sleep.

Little daisy, little daisy,

People call the flower the \ When she opens her eye,

The springtime brings us cheer. 41. What happens in the poem?

A. The air is fresh and sweet because a bird is busy. B. People are cheerful because of the ing of spring.

C. The earth is red and green because a little fox is playing. D. The sky is bright and clear because of the summer heat. 42. What is a daisy in the poem?

A. A kind of colour. B. A kind of bird. C. A kind of flower. D. A kind of smell. B

(Renee一a beautiful rincess Broo一a blue bear Nahloo一a magical place)

When the Princess Renee heard about Broo, she came down from her astle. She found Broo while he was busy eating honey.

\ wele in Nahloo. Here we share with each other. We don't take things from each other.\

Broo thought about it for a moment and knew that he had made a mistake.


The Princess went on, \never made any contribution(贡献)to anyone else. I think you'll find that it is better to be full in your heart not just in your stomach.\After saying this the Princess went back to the castle leaving Broo alone.

One day Broo was going to take lots of cookies from the rabbits, and then he remembered what the Princess said to him. So Broo decided not to eat the cookies. The rabbits were surprised and said \by you, my friend. If you like, e back tomorrow and we can have the cookies together.\

Broo was filled with joy and went through the land. He gave back everything he had taken. In return, he received a promise(承诺)from everyone to share their food with him. Broo was so glad that he started dancing in the moonlight with the Princess as his partner. 43. In Nahloo, .

A. the Princess Renee stayed with Broo all the time B. everyone was happy to share with each other C. Broo took a lot of cookies from rabbits D. Broo never knew his mistake

44. Broo felt after he gave the cookies back to the rabbits. A. sad B. surprised C. happy D. hungry 45. What can we learn from the passage?

A. It's better to give than to receive. B. Every dog has its day. C. The early bird catches the worm. D. Many hands make light work. 46. The passage may e from .

A. a science book B. a tour guide C. a ic book D. a story book C

Most schools are going to start a program(课程)called B.Y.O.T. (bring your own technology). This program allows(允许)students to bring iPads, cell phones or other things to school for study. One

aim(目标)for this program is that the students don't need to carry textbooks any more. They can download math, science, social studies, and read textbooks on their iPads. Another one is that they can get free educational subjects to play in their free time!

Schools have set up a free Wi-Fi system(系统)just for the B.Y.O.T. program. Thank teachers for all their hard work to set this program up. I really think this program will go well in most schools and I also think the learning will be better than ever.

However, maybe some schools will not allow this because they think that it will make kids waste too much time and they might break their iPads.

This program will let students have fun and learn at the same time. If you like your iPads and you like to read, school is getting started with reading with iPads. Many high schools and middle schools have already started and so have some primary schools. But most primary schools are ing along! Let's tell them: Hurry! Get ready to learn!

47. In the program B.Y.O.T., students usually go to school without .

A. taking iPads B. taking textbooks C. learning math D. learning science 48. What is the program B.Y.O.T. used for?

A. Saving money. B. Playing. C. Studying. D. Making friends. 49. From the second paragraph we believe .

A. the writer agrees to the program B.Y.O.T. B. the writer disagrees to the program B.Y.O.T. C. the writer is afraid of breaking the iPads D. there are not enough iPads for kids at school S0. Which of the following is true?

A. Few schools have started the program. B. You can't learn while you have fun.

C. The passage tells us not to learn with iPads. D. Primary schools do worst in the program. 五、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



It was night by the time she came to a town. Just outside the town, there was a large temple(寺庙). It was very quiet. There was only one light in one of the rooms. \

The temple was quiet because only a goblin(小妖精)lived in it. But the girl did not know this. Once inside the temple, she came near to the only room. She knocked on the door, but no one came. \

There was no answer, so she went into the room. Inside the room, there was only a mat(垫子)on the floor, a light near the window, and a large paper screen.

The girl wanted to sleep, but she also wanted to draw some cats. She drew them on the paper screen. She drew cats of every kind.

After that, she lay down and went to sleep. Then she remembered the nun's words: Don't go into large places at night. Go only into small ones.


She looked around the room and saw a large box. She opened the box and looked inside. It was empty. \51. The story happened on a night outside a town. 52. , but a goblin was in the temple.

53. The girl wanted to in the temple that night. 54. The girl was at drawing all kinds of cats. 55. The girl to sleep in a large box at last. 六、词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



56. Ottawa is the capital of C .

57. The police are s the building for the missing boy. 58. You can choose one from these (小提琴). 59. When he walked past, he just (点头)to me.

60. Look at the fine (作品)of art. How amazing they are!

61. Mr. Johnson (打架)with his neighbor about the noise the other day. 62. Chocolate is to snack as cola is to . 63.―Look out! The chair is . ―Oh, there's much water on it. 64.―What's the matter with you, Tom?

―I fell off the tree yesterday and was hurt. 65.―I hear Mr. Wu is going to meet Tom's parents. Why? ―Because Tom is always making at school. 七、同义转换(共5小题:每空0.5分,满分5分)

根据所给句子意思,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,完成同义句子。每空一词。 66. David has a brother. His brother is 11 years old. David has brother.

67. There were some unusual things about his life. There unusual about his life. 68. Is it easy to look after dogs? easy to look after?

69. Flying a kite in the park is very interesting. Great to fly a kite in the park.

70. When the pandas are eating bamboo, I like watching them. I like the pandas bamboo. 八、句子翻译(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。 71.她能头上顶着一个碗跳舞。






7月8日,Suzy将迎来她13岁生日。她想邀请外教Miss Smith参加她的生日晚会。请你根据提示内容帮Suzy用英文写一封邀请信。