新托福口语真题答案集 联系客服

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In this set of materials, the reading passage explains a definition of creative grouping. It states that grouping commercial products in a new constructive way and adding new elements to them can help promote their sales. In the listening passage, the professor gives an example to further illustrate this. Advertisers normally design their advertisements through creative grouping so that people will have different ideas of the same product. Then the professor takes watch for exmaple. Traditionally, a watch was used to tell time. Some manufacturersfocus more on its value, so they use precious metal like jewelry to make it stand wear and tear.

Whereas, other manufacturers could make it fun and fashion by using plastics and/or bright color, which also interest a certain group of customers.

By these means, he proves that creative grouping plays a major role in business promotion. T5.

【学生困难】:女生碰到一个问题,受伤了无法跳舞,也就无法参加下周的一个演出。 【解决方案】:自己想了两个办法: 1.自己不去,他们重新编排,会有困难。 2.找Beca帮忙,他是一个不错的dancer. Sample answer:

This is a discussion between two students. The female student is hurt and will not be able to dance for the performance next week. She works out 2 solutions herself. One of the solutions she comes up with is giving up. The other solution is to ask Beca to take the place of her ?cause he is a very good dancer. I tend to agree with the second solution because if she quit, they would take much trouble rearranging. But if she asked a substitute, they would still be able to have the performance as scheduled. Also, she wouldn‘t feel guilty for bringing so much trouble due to being unable to attend it. T6.


1. 过去人们要通过手抄,容易出错,漏字,错字,然后一本书到最后甚至差别太大,而有了印刷之后大家看到的是完全相同的文字;

2. 过去的书需要太多的劳动,所以书本很贵,而且读书很多情况下是一个人大声朗读,很多人在边上听,而现在有了印刷之后,大家读书的时候可以人手一本,独自静静的阅读。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells us about the change in ways people read before and after printing. In the past, people used to copy the book with their own hands, which made it easier to have changes and mistakes in the book. Thus, people might get different information from the same book. However, after printing came into existence, all the copies are the same. On the other hand, it took much effort to make a book in ancient times and it was very expensive. In most cases, one person read aloud, while others sat around listening. But in the present day, with printing technology, books are available to everyone, which makes it possible for them to read alone, silently. 5.17 T1.

Talk about an composition that is important to you, ex: essay, poem, letter, and explain the reasons. Sample answer 1: 25 托福口语

The most important letter that I can remember was my college acceptance letter.

It was like the final judgment on all of years of study. I had finished the College Entrance Examination some weeks earlier and had been spending the summer hanging out with my friends. I guess I had done my best, so I had tried not to think about it too much. When I got the results, I was pleased ?cause I had done so well that this did guarantee me a place at university.

When it did arrive, it was a relief, the waiting was the worst. Of course, opening it was tense, but it had to be opened and eventually I quickly opened my letter and quickly read it, skipping to the irrelevant part-------I was accepted!!! I read it again, told my parents and we were all delighted. I think that would have to be the most important letter I have received. 共8句

我的时间记录为:41‘‘ 你的时间记录为:______

Sample answer 2:

The most important letter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job . I had seen this job advertised in a local newspaper, the evening edition. It suited me very much and I was immediately attracted to it. It said to apply in writing, giving details of your experience, your education and when you were available… and you had to give the names and contacts of two references. I was qualified for the job and eager to get it.

When I was finished writing I was pretty satisfied and a little pleased, posted it off to the address given and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got a letter after a couple of days, saying they wanted me to come in for interview. I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job, my first job!


我的时间记录为:44?? 你的时间记录为:______ T2.

Would you prefer to choose a profession that allows you to work alone or one allowing you to work in groups. And why? Sample answer:

Everyone has their own preference when choosing a profession. Some prefer to choose a profession allowing one to work alone ?cause they are more focused and productive when they work individually. But I think it is better for people to work in a team because they can develop their thinking skills and sense of cooperation (培养思考能力和合作意识) and mutuality by discussing problems together.

In addition, when working with a group, people become more creative trying to work out solutions to the problems. Thus, they save a lot of energy and time.

And the last point I‘d like to mention is that people who work in groups often share each other‘s different ideas and experiences, which is more pleasurable when working together.

Therefore, I prefer to choose a profession that allows me to work in groups. 共8句

我的时间记录为:43‘‘ 26 托福口语

你的时间记录为:______ T3.


Listening: 【学生议论】:女生不同意。原因有二:


2) 那封信说的不符合事实。在暑假,大部分学生会继续住校,没有必要出租。 Sample answer:

In the reading material, a male student writes a letter complaining that the school accommodation is very expensive and they are not able to rent the empty dorm out in the summer vacation.

In the listening material, we clearly learn that the female student doesn't think the same way. One reason she gives is that the rental costs of the school apartments are fairly low compared to its counterparts. If they still can not rent them out, they can ask the school to set up a website for those who want to rent the dorm in summer to easily find the information.

Another reason is that not all students go back home in summer. Instead, most of students will continue living on campus. So they don‘t need to rent the dorm out at all. Therefore, she disagrees with that opinion. T4.

Reading: 【课文要点】介绍了一种predator saturation方式。植物利用特殊方法保护自己繁衍的方式,像是一次produce很多seeds,让想吃其种子的捕食者吃都吃不完,之后再不固定的reproduce,让动物无法依赖其种子当固定食物,藉此来控制predator的量。 Listening:【教授举例】举例bamboo来证明。

1) bamboo约120年产一次seed,之后很长时间都不再产种, 使之不会成为predator固定食物来源。

2) bamboo 每次产生的seeds很多,动物一次不可能全部吃掉所有的seeds,这样足够的种子能确保此物种的延续。

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage explainspredator saturation. It states that plants use this special way to protect themselves from extinction. A species produces so many seeds that consumers cannot possibly eat them all. Then it reproduces at different intervals for its predators not to rely on its seeds as the only food resources.

In the listening passage, the professor gives 2 examples to illustrate this. Seed producing trees such as bamboos in southeast Asia produces large crops of seeds almost every 120 years. Then the seeds won‘t be available for a long period of time. Thus it won‘t be the only food resource of its predators.Another example is that bamboo produces so many seeds that consumers cannot possibly eat them all, leaving enough to reproduce. By these means, he proves that plants can saturate their potential predators.

27 托福口语


【学生困难】:女生要在周六办组织一个户外音乐会,天气预报却说要下雨,女生担心活动没办法按时举行。 【解决方案】:男生给她两个建议:


2)按时照常在雨中进行,因为有可能只下一会雨,天气还是好的,这样也很特别。女生说怕大家开始看到窗外在下雨就不想出门了。 Sample answer:

This is a discussion between two students. The female student wants to hold an outdoor concert on Saturday. But the weather report says it will rain on that day, so she is afraid that they won‘t be able to have it as scheduled. The male student gives her two possible solutions. One of them is to put it off until

next weekend.The other solution is to do it as planned in spite of the rain. I tend to agree with the second solution because if they delayed the concert, the players wouldn‘t be able to attend it ?cause they may have some other plans next weekend. But if they have it as scheduled despite the rain, it would be very special. Also, they wouldn‘t be depressed by the delay or the possible absence of the players. Furthermore, if it rains, it might not last long.


1. statistical。需要小的样本调查,就是抽一部分人做调查,然后推出genneral的结论。如一公司建停车库,要设计的车位个数。只需知道员工有几个开车来上班。只要抽1/10的员工进行调查,就可以了解approximate的数字,得到general idea 就可以,不用一个个调查。此法用于了解大概的信息(general information)。

2. administrative。需要从管事的人那里得到精确的信息即可知道全部的信息。如要知道学校自然科学老师的数量,不用去问每一个老师,只要问校长就可以得到准确答案了。此法用于了解精确的信息(specific information)。 Sample answer:

The lecture tells us about two ways to survey. One is statistical, the other is administrative. Then the professor goes on to explain that by giving two examples. statistical survey is to select a small group of people and ask them some questions, using the answers to guess the number of the general public. For example, a company is to build a parking lot. The first thing that is supposed to do is to get to know how much space it will be occupied. So they take a statistical survey by asking 1/10 of employees to get the approximate figure of how many people drive to work ?cause this would change daily and depends on the different situations.They don‘t need to ask everyone. And administrative survey is used to collect specific informationby asking one representative. For example, if a university wants to know how many professors teach science, they can just ask the principal to get the exact answer. They don‘t have to ask every professor.

08. 5.31

T1. Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation. Sample answer:

I relax in many different ways depending on the circumstances. Sometimes I just sit and maybe close my eyes, and think of something pleasant. Once in a while I play some sport, or games, very occasionally computer games. I suppose that when and where I have the time and opportunity my favorite way to relax is to go for a walk in a 28