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she has been preparing for the concert for a long period of time. If she quit, the other team members would be upset. The other option is to find Jim to take the place of her ?cause he‘s very good at it. But then she changes her tone, saying Jim‘s sort of unreliable and always comes late. And the man also agrees with the second solution. I think the second idea serves her purpose because if she continued to play for the concert, accident might happen during the performance. And that would be more embarrassing than asking Jim for help. T6.


1. 外界的。第一种motivation,靠得是外界的刺激,想人们为了某种赞扬或者金钱去做事情。举例,一个孩子可能会做一些零碎的家务,但是他干家务的原因绝对不是他乐意,他只是想从家长那拿零用钱。如果他家长不给钱了,孩子就不一定干了。

2. 内在的。第二种motivation持续得更加长久,因为它是内在的,人们在做这种事情时,心里非常自愿而且高兴,所以做完能够收获快乐。举例,教授在最近的5年都去gym锻炼身体,不是因为她参加马拉松大赛,她为了健康,所以她保持了体形和健康,她高兴。尽管有时很累很忙,但还是会坚持去。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells about two forms of motivation. One is external, the other is internal. External motivation depends on the stimulation caused by outside motion. For example, a child may reluctantly do some house chores like cleaning the house to get a small amount of money. If his parents didn‘t give him the allowance, he wouldn‘t do that. On the other hand, internal motivation can last long ?cause the stimulation comes from within. When people are doing something, they enjoy doing it. And they feel happy from their bottom of the heart when it gets done. For example, the professor has been working out at the gym in the last 5 years, not for the Marathon, but for better health. She stays in shape by doing so and that‘s why she‘s happy about. 3.15 T1.

Describe a work of art, such as a song, poem or painting, which has made a lasting impression on you. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

Sample answer:

I?d like to talk about a painting that comes to my mind first---Mona Lisa, an oil painting by the famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci.

Actually I?ve never seen the original painting, but I remember the first time I saw its reproduction was when I was in elementary school. The picture is really amazing. The painting shows a woman looking out at the viewer with an “enigmatic smile” (神秘的微笑). When you look at her, no matter where you stand, you?ll find her looking at you and smiling at you. My arts teacher told us that Mona Lisa is perhaps the most famous piece in art history and is, perhaps the most widely known portrait in the western world. It?s so different from the paintings of Chinese style. My teacher also told us that we could learn a lot about other cultures from painting, which I believe is quite true. 共8句

17 托福口语

我的时间记录为:45?? 你的时间记录为: ______ T2.

Some people prefer to keep reading a new book until it is finished. Others prefer to stop reading whenever they lose interest. Which method of reading do you think is better and why?

Sample answer:

In my opinion, I like to keep reading a new book until it is finished.

This way, I can develop a new ability to maintain focus. Reading at parts kind of gets boring. It?s true that there are some people who start a book and never finish it and then switch to another book and never complete it either.

Normally, people stop reading when they lose interest ?cause they think if they continue, it won?t be of any help but annoyance. On the contrary, when you keep reading and afterwards you?ll find it?s going to get interesting. Gradually you?ll renew enthusiasm for reading, and thus form a good habit of reading. Therefore, I would rather be a sequential finisher than a scattered reader.

共8句 我的时间记录为:41??

你的时间记录为: ______ T3.

Reading: 【学校通知】:学校图书馆因为空间有限,将reference和journal改成online,不再提供纸本的材料。这样一来节省空间,二来方便学生。

Listening: 【学生议论】:男生同意。原因有二:

1) 图书馆这个措施很好,因为他在里面工作过,保存资料很占地方,扩建的话要花很多钱,放到网络上的话可以节约经费。

2) 这个举措也能方便学生,因为学生宿舍很多都有计算机,可以直接在宿舍上网查阅资料。

Sample answer:

In the reading material, the university is considering providing online service in the library. In the listening material, we clearly learn that both the man and the woman like the idea. One reason the man gives is that e-upgrading the library can help save a large amount of money for a new library. Another reason is that an on-line library is not only cheaper but also faster. Many students have laptops with them and can go on line wherever they like for free. Also, there are some desktops in the living rooms of the school dormitory. Students could easily access references they need without any procedures and trouble.

Therefore, he agrees with that opinion. 18 托福口语


Reading: 【课文要点】讲了生态学中的cyclic population change,说在一个生态系统(ecosystem)中,生物之间的数量(population)是互相影响的,捕食者(predator)和被捕食者(prey)的数量有一个均衡点。 Listening:【教授举例】讲一种mice和它的predator(wolves)之间互相影响。分三个阶段: (1)prey (mice)多,predator食物充足,population 增加; (2)prey少了,predator食物减少了,population 减少;

(3)predator少了,prey又开始多起来了,如此循环,population 平衡。教授说实际上第三阶段就是第一阶段,因为是cyclic,不断重复这三个阶段。

Sample answer:

In this set of materials, the reading passage gives a definition of cyclic population change. It states that the population of different creatures interacts in one ecosystem and at some point, the population of predators and prey will reach a balance.

In the listening part, the professor uses mice and one of their predators--wolves as an example to further explain that. The population of mice and wolves changes in 3 phases. In the first phase, there are many mice and few wolves. So wolves have sufficient food supply and reproduce greatly. However, mice population decreases. In the second phase, the number of mice decreases, the population of wolves drop accordingly. And in the third phase, wolves become fewer, but there are more mice. Thus, the population of predators and prey strikes a balance.

By these means, he proves the repetitive pattern between the population of predators and prey. T5.

【学生困难】:男生急着要完成艺术 paper,但必需要去museum才能完成,而museum 明天就要关门了,只能今晚去,可是这个男生今晚又有课要上。 【解决方案】:女生给他两个建议:

1) 向负责 paper 的教授请求延迟交,男生说这样教授会生气的。

2) 向今晚上课的老师请假,然后去museum,缺的内容可以回来再抄笔记,(男生从不缺课,上课的老师会体谅他)。

Sample answer:

The discussion is between two students. The female student is asking her friend, the male student to join them in a movie, but he can’t go because he hasn’t finished the last chapter of his paper which is due in 2 days. The female student thinks he should do it now and get it done before the weekend. But he’s torn between an evening class and going to the museum where he will collect data for the unfinished part of his paper. So she suggests he explain his situation to the professor he owes the paper to, asking one week’ s extension. And that will leave enough time for him to visit the museum. She also suggests he call the professor who will give the lecture in the evening and clarify his situation and escape the class, then borrow notes from his classmates to make it up. I think the seond solution would be better ‘cause he wouldn’t take the risk of being taken points off from the general score due to the extension.

19 托福口语


【讲课要点】:心理学中的reinforcement,分为positive reinforcement和negative reinforcement两种,即增加能够激发个人兴趣的东西和消除自己不喜欢的东西。教授具体举了两个能实现早起上班的例子。 1. positive(add the pleasure):早起奖励自己好的food,这样就可以让你喜欢早起这种behavior。

2. negative(remove the unpleasant behavior),不喜欢早上shower,那么可以改在晚上,这样人也就不会那么讨厌早起了。

Sample answer:

The lecture tells about two methods most generally applied to reinforce people. It states that reinforcement of behavior means that people consciously strengthen certain acts through applying the positive and negative stimulus. Then the professor shows some examples. Supposed you hate to get up early, but sometimes you have to do so. Then you could choose to encourage yourself to get up early by using either a positive or a negative stimulus. A positive stimulus is to add things to your daily life to help you make the decision easier. For example, you can reward yourself with a very nice breakfast if you get up early. A negative stimulus is to cut things you don’t like off your daily routine. For example, If you do not enjoy taking a shower early in the morning, you can take it in the evening instead. Therefore, when you have to get up early in the morning, you might feel better because you have cut things off you don’t like out of your morning schedule. 3. 30 T1.

Describe the most disappointing event in your life and explain why you were disappointed. Please include specific details in your explanation.

Sample answer:

I went to the Nordstrom store at Xidan, which is about an hour‘s subway ride away from my home. I bought some perfume and some skin care products and I also asked for the perfume atomizer (喷雾器) bottle.

When I got home, I opened the perfume box, finding out that the sales rep (representative的简称) gave me the wrong bottle. It was the large bottle that wasn't an atomizer and wasn't refillable. I was very upset, as now I would have to make another 2-hour round trip if I wanted to return the product for the correct one. I have decided that I would just keep the bottle I purchased and not deal with the hassle (麻烦 trouble) of the long ride back to the store.

I was very surprised at my experience considering I have friends that rave about (对。。。着迷get mad/wild about) the knowledgeable, friendly and helpful service they get at Nordstrom's. I hope Nordstrom gets back to the good customer service they have always been known for. 20