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[例3] There was only one way to make money, and that was to _____ it. He would have to find a job.

A. borrow

B. earn

C. raise

D. save

[例4] On my first day at school,the other kids made fun of me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n) ______ kid.

A. ugly

B. smart

C. handsome

解析:由关键词“made fun of me”和“I was hurt deeply”可知,“我”把我自己看成一个“丑陋”的孩子。故A项正确。


[例1]The children born in the village and left hopeless for lack of access to education our sympathy. A. needs

B. had

C. make

D. deserve


The children born in the village and left hopeless for lack of access to education 主语 后置定语 _________ our sympathy. 谓语 宾语




Evidence provided by the school has proved that John was a good

student whose grades

and attendance __________ as he became addicted to playing video games. A. increased

B. raised

C. fell

D. fallen

解析:本句evidence作主语,provided by the school作主语的后置定语,has proved作谓语,后接that 引导的宾语从句。从句中John是主语,was是谓语,a good student是表语,而表语student 后接由whose引导的定语从句。定语从句中grades and attendance作主语,fell

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Evidence provided by the school has proved that John was a good student 主语 后置定语 谓语 宾语从句

whose grades and attendance _________ as he became addicted to playing video games. 定语从句 (从句谓语) 状语从句






Brittany Amano wants to make sure every child in the US has enough to eat.

Brittany Amano, now 18, knew how it felt to go hungry. Her mother tried to find a ___1__ in Honolulu, Hawaii to support the family. Her grandmother helped out as much as she could. But the family ___2__ had to depend on a local food bank to live on, and for that she was ___3__.

When they lost their home, Amano’s family had to live in a friend’s basement (地下室). “I

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could feel how hunger and homelessness__4___ my family.” Amano told a reporter from TFK. “The experience made me want to give ___5__ to others in the same situation.”

In fourth grade, she and some of her friends started a good project. They __6___ $ 700 and collected 800 pounds of food. __7___ twelve, Amano set up the un profit (非营利的)group Hawaii’s Future Isn’t Hungry. She hoped to raise $ 10,000 __8___ she finished high school. She ended up raising more than $ 500,000 in four years.

With the ___9__ collected, the nonprofit group, now called The Future Isn’t Hungry, can offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and other ___10__ foods to school kids on Fridays. This is to make sure that the kids and ____11___ families have enough food to get them ___12___ the weekend. So far, the effort has helped more than 750,000 people.

In the fall of this year, Amano will __13__ Duck University, in North Carolina on a full scholarship. After that, she plans to return to ___14__ the city that gave her so much. “It doesn’t matter if you help one million people ___15__ just one person,” she says. “The smallest action can make a huge difference.”

1. A. job 2. A. yet 3. A. careful 4. A. satisfied 5. A. hope 6. A. paid 7. A. By 8. A. if 9. A. food 10. A. sweet

B. club B. still B. helpful B. influenced B. choice B. saved B. At B. since B. clothes B. healthy

C. house C. just C. hopeful C. developed C. surprise C. raised C. Until C. when C. books C. cheap

D. school D. never D. thankful D. managed D. pleasure D. borrowed D. Below D. because D. money D. delicious

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11. A. his 12. A. into 13. A. enter 14. A. set off 15. A. or

B. her B. across B. visit B. club B. as

C. their C. along C. drop C. give back C. but

D. our D. through D. leave D. come up D. and

Keys:1-5 ABDBA 5-10 CBCDB 10-15CDACA

【考查内容】完型填空,考查英语中各语法知识点 【解题思路】

1. 【试题解析】考查名词辨析,妈妈在夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁找到了一份工作来支撑家庭,所以选A。

2. 【试题解析】考查副词辨析,yet意为“还,但是,已经”,still意为“仍然,更,静止地”,just意为“只是,仅仅;刚刚,刚才”,never意为“从未,决不”,妈妈找了份工作,奶奶也尽自己所能地帮忙,但是这个家仍然不得不依靠食物银行为生。所以选B。

3.【试题解析】 考查形容词辨析,careful意为“仔细的”,helpful意为“有益的,愿意帮忙的”,hopeful意为“有希望的, thankful意为“感恩的”,得到天野小姐食物银行的帮助,所以对于它,天野小姐是感恩的。

4. 【试题解析】考查动词辨析,satisfy意为“使……满意”,influence意为“影响”,develop意为“发展”,manage意为“管理”。饥饿和无家可归是一种不好的感觉,在这里选“influence影响”显然更好一些。

5. 【试题解析】考查名词辨析,联系上下文,天野在生活窘困的时候得到了帮助,心怀感恩的她也想给别人,那些跟她一样处境的人,带来希望,所以选A。

6. 【试题解析】考查动词辨析,pay意为“支付”,save意为“节约,节省”,raise意为“筹集”,borrow意为“借”。在这里,那些钱和食物是天野和她的同学筹集所得,所以选C。

7. 【试题解析】考查介词,“at twelve”在某人12岁的时候,at后面跟数字,可表示在

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