新一轮贸易保护主义对中国对外贸易的影响及对策研究 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章新一轮贸易保护主义对中国对外贸易的影响及对策研究更新完毕开始阅读

毕 业 设 计(论 文)

题目 新一轮贸易保护主义对中国对外贸易



经贸 学院 国际经济与贸易 专业 班级: 姓名/学号 指导教师:

上交时间:2011年 6 月 5日 指导教师评语 签字: 年 月 日

摘 要


关键词:新贸易保护主义 ;中国对外贸易;影响;对策



Given the economic crisis and growing international competition, a new trade protectionist sentiment has arisen in some countries, with the focal point shifting from traditional economic issues to social problems, from the industrial development to mankind itself. In the new characteristics taken on by some countries in protectionist policies, major non-tariff measures are frequently used, such as quota, license, trade barriers, intellectual property protection, even nationalism. Various kinds of new trade barriers emerge in an endless stream. China's foreign trade is also faced with sorts of trade barriers, like anti-dumping, countervailing issues, special protectionist and so on, which hamper the development of China’s foreign trade. This paper will make an analysis of the impact of new trade protectionism exerted on China's foreign trade, and conduct some discussions on the solutions that China would take. The new trade protectionism is more of a shot-term political strategy than an economic one. Confronted with a new tide of trade protectionism, the Chinese government and enterprises need to take a positive role in coping with and protecting domestic industries, make appropriate adjustments in foreign market and promote trade liberalization. It is imperative for the government to increases the support dynamics, adjust appropriately the existing foreign trade policy, and broaden export approaches so as to bring down the negative impacts of the new trade protectionism.

KEY WORDS: New Trade Protectionism, China's foreign trade, influence,




前言???????????????????????????????? 1 一、新一轮贸易保护主义概述??????????????????????1

(一)新贸易保护主义的定义???????????????????? 1 (二)新贸易保护主义的形成原因?????????????????? 1 (三)新贸易保护主义的特点???????????????????? 3 二、中国成为新贸易保护主义主要对象的原因???????????????4 (一)中国“威胁论”在国际蔓延??????????????????4

(二)“非市场经济”歧视待遇???????????????????4 (三)中国对外贸易存在依存度过高的缺陷??????????????5 (四)中国出口产品和市场过于集中?????????????????5 (五)被指控倾销的企业应诉不力??????????????????6 三、新一轮国际贸易保护主义对中国对外贸易的影响????????????6

(一)中外贸易摩擦不断加剧,严重影响了中国出口贸易的发展????? 6 (二)市场准入提高阻碍了中国产品出口??????????????? 8 (三)中国产品的出口市场受到了严重冲击?????????????? 9 (四)新一轮贸易保护严重冲击了中国的对外加工贸易????????? 9

(五)中国贸易条件不断恶化,贸易指数连年下跌???????????10 四、当代新贸易保护主义背景下中国的应对措施????????????? 11 (一)中央政府应对新贸易保护主义的宏观政策措施????????? 11 (二)地方政府应对新一轮贸易保护主义的策略??????????? 14 (三)中国企业应对新一轮贸易保护主义的策略??????????? 14 结论????????????????????????????????17 致谢????????????????????????????????18 参考文献??????????????????????????????19