2017高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略专题限时集训14 记叙文+夹叙夹议文 Word版含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017高考英语(江苏专版)二轮复习与策略专题限时集训14 记叙文+夹叙夹议文 Word版含解析更新完毕开始阅读

17.A.presented C.favored

B.provided D.offered

D [考查动词。offer sb.sth.意为“给某人提供某物”,符合语境,即她给自己提供的支持。]

18.A.mirror C.challenge

B.candle D.gift

A [考查名词。mirror意为“镜子;真实的写照”;candle意为“蜡烛”;challenge意为“挑战”;gift意为“礼物;天赋”。根据文章最后一段it'll mirror those places within you...可知,A项符合语境,mirror在这里表示“真实的写照”,即她给予好朋友的无私支持其实正反映了她自己内心对这种支持的需求。]

19.A.incredible C.unable

B.inadequate D.unlikely

C [考查形容词。incredible意为“难以置信的”;inadequate意为“不充足的”;unable意为“不能的”;unlikely意为“不可能的”。句意:在你发现自己不能够支持别人的时候,你要看看是不是自己内心就不想这么做。根据句意可知C项符合语境。]

20.A.In short C.On the whole

B.In other words D.On the contrary

D [考查介词短语。on the contrary意为“相反的是”,符合语境,因为前面一句话说的是不能够帮助别人,而后面一句话则说的是如果全力帮助别人。其他几项不合语境。in short意为“简而言之”;in other words意为“换句话说”;on the whole意为“大体上”。]



I was about to open the door of my car when I saw a man approaching.The man

pointed a(n) __21__ at me.“Give me your purse!”

“I don't have a purse,” I said.

He kept coming.“Give me your purse!” He __22___ the gun in my stomach.He reached over,seized my __23__ and opened the trunk (汽车尾箱).He __24__ me to the back of my car.I hesitated.

“Get in,” he shouted,“now!” I did it,only __25__ I knew exactly where the trunk release was.

“Don't move; don't make a noise,” he __26__. He slammed the trunk shut.Everything went __27__.Right there in the trunk,my eyes were adjusting to the darkness.My fear started to __28__ and my mind cleared.I knew whatever direction he turned,he would have to slow down.I waited for my __29__.

He drove the car forward and then stopped.I heard another car honk behind.He then __30___ and the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour.I couldn't tell where we were going.As soon as he slowed down,I pulled the __31__ release,pushed it open and jumped out.I __32__ through people's yards and tried to put distance and objects between the kidnapper and me.

I ran back to my apartment complex and __33__ doors.One finally opened and an older lady let me in.I __34__ closed the door and locked it.While I was on with the 911 __35___,there was a knock at the door.Standing there was a hulking figure,a Daytona Beach police officer.He was in the neighborhood and __36__ immediately.

Officers __37__ the kidnapper the next day.“You have no idea how __38__ you are,” one of the officers told me.“Carjackings that developed into kidnappings __39__ turn out well.”

I knew it wasn't luck that had saved me.It was the __40__,both of mind and of soul.Remember chances only favor those who are prepared!




C.arrow D.gun

D [根据第三段中的“He ____the gun in my stomach.”可知,劫匪用枪指着“我”,故选D。]

22.A.stuck C.fired

B.threw D.hid

A [他用枪抵住“我”的肚子。stick“刺,戳”;throw“扔”;fire“点火”;hide“躲藏”。故选A。]

23.A.hands C.keys

B.phone D.wallet

C [根据后面的“opened the trunk(打开汽车尾箱)”可知,他拿起“我”的钥匙(keys)。故选C。]

24.A.assisted C.persuaded

B.guided D.forced

D [根据语境可知,此处表示劫匪强迫“我”进入尾箱。assist“帮助”;guide“指导”;persuade“劝服”;force“强迫”。故选D。]

25.A.though C.unless

B.because D.until

B [“我”进了尾箱,只因为“我”准确地知道尾箱开启处在哪儿。故选B。]

26.A.warned C.explained

B.questioned D.repeated

A [劫匪警告“我”不要动,不要发出声音。warn“警告”;question“质问”;explain“解释”;repeat“重复”。故选A。]

27.A.smooth C.silent

B.dark D.natural

B [根据空后一句中的“my eyes were adjusting to the darkness”可知,选B。] 28.A.spread C.appear

B.increase D.lift

D [根据后面的“my mind cleared(思维清晰)”可知,此处指“恐惧开始消失(lift)”。spread“传播”;increase“增加”;appear“出现”。故选D。]

29.A.result C.choice

B.chance D.idea

B [此处表示“我”在等待机会。result“结果”;chance“机会”;choice“选择”;idea“想法”。故选B。]

30.A.continued C.accelerated

B.slowed D.remained

C [根据空前面的“then stopped”和后面的“the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour”可知,劫匪把车加速了。 continue“继续”;slow“减速”;accelerate“加速”; remain“停留”。故选C 。]

31.A.trunk C.alarm

B.light D.motor

A [根据语境可知,此处表示“我”拉开尾箱开关,与上文的“I knew exactly where the trunk release was”呼应。故选A。]

32.A.walked C.wandered

B.raced D.passed

B [根据后面的“甩开劫匪”可知,此处指“我”快速地跑。walk“走”;race“快速移动”;wander“闲逛”;pass“通过”。故选B。]

33.A.pulled C.answered

B.shut D.beat

D [根据后面的“One finally opened and an older lady let me in.”可知,此处指