目的论视角下的广告翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章目的论视角下的广告翻译更新完毕开始阅读

译文:Being a deluxe cruiser to tour the Yangtze River, “the Great Wall” has indoor and open-air observation towers, a swimming pool, a bar, a solarium as well as Chinese and western restaurants and a spacious deck. All the cabins are superb, comfortable and air-conditioned.

The underlined words show a typical model of Chinese advertisement. If these words were literally translated into target text, it would leave target-language readers a flashy impression. Delete translation can make readers catch the main information of the advertisement to achieve the purpose of advertisement.

3.4 Simulation Translation

Simulation translation requires translators to simulate the existing phrases or

expressions to create new expressions in target language to arouse strong reaction in foreign receivers. For example: 1. 食在广州

译文:East or west, the Guangzhou cuisine is best.

Some hotels translated it “eating in Guangzhou”, which is translated word for word. Actually it is improper and unappetizing. However, the above translation stimulates an English proverb “east or west, home is best”. It is aimed at telling consumers that Guangzhou cuisine is the best in the world. The translation not only creates the right meaning but also attracts customers. 2. “Where there is away,there is a Toyota.”(in Britain) “车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车”(in China) “Not all cars are created equal”(in America)

These are advertisements of Toyota in different countries. The first one stimulates an English proverb “where there is a will, there is a way”, the second one stimulate an Chinese proverb “车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直”, and the third one stimulates a sentence from the Declaration of Independence in America “All men are created equal”. These advertisements make up the loss of target-language culture, and impress readers.

4. Conclusion

In conclusion, as the skopos theory describes, translation is a purposeful action. The choice of translation strategies must conform to the principle of realizing the expected function of translated text. Advertising as a functional practical writing has its clear purpose. The special purpose of advertisement decides the guidance and

adaptation of the skopos theory in translation practice. Because of cultural differences, lots of advertising examples prove that the traditional translation principles are not enough to guide all advertising translations. Therefore, the appearance of the skopos theory solves the contradiction of cultural differences in translating advertisements, and provides theoretical foundation for some translation strategies of advertisements.


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