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发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语脑筋急转弯更新完毕开始阅读

you read“Madam, I’m Adam.” without pronouncingany M’S?你能不发“M”的音,把“尊敬的女士,我是亚当。”读出来吗?3.Can you say“Richard and Robert had a rabbit.”without pronouncing any R’S?你能不发“R”的音,把“理查得和罗伯特有只兔子”说出来吗?Keys:1.Sure.I-t... 当然能,I-t。2.Of course, I can sure read without pronouncing anything... 当然,我会默读。3.Dick and Bob had a bunny... 迪克和鲍勃有只兔子。Notes:1.car n.汽车,火车,缆车3.Dick 和Bob 分别是Richard 和Robert 的昵称,bunny 是rabbit 的儿语词,也作bunny rabbit。Questions:1.Should you say 28 and 37 are 55 or 37 and 28 are 55?你说是28 加37 等于55 还是37 加28 等于55?2.What can a baby do that an adult can’t do?什么事婴儿能做而成人不能做?3.Why’s giving up smoking such an easy thing for achain-smoker?对于烟瘾君子来说为什么戒烟易如反掌?4.Can you tell me something about the great scientists ofthe 18th century?你能告诉我一些18 世纪伟大科学家的事吗?Keys:1.28 and 37 are 65... 28加37等于 65。2.Sleep in a cradle... 在摇篮里安睡。3.He has done it many times. 他已经做过很多次了。4.They’re all dead... 他们都已过世。Notes:1.cradle/>kreidl/ n.婴儿的摇篮3.chain-smoke v.一支接一支地抽烟Questions:1.When a pregnant woman got on a bus no one gave up his seat to her.Why?.. 一位孕妇上车后,没有人给她让座,为什么?2.Why do fish live in water?鱼为什么在水里生活?3.Which is right,the white of the eggs are yellow or the whites of the eggs are yellow?.. 下面哪种说法正确:鸡蛋的蛋白(单数)是黄的,还是鸡蛋的蛋白(复数)是黄的?


Keys:1.There’re vacant seats on the bus... 车上有空座。2.Cats can’t swim... 因为猫不会游泳。3.The whites are never yellow... 蛋白不黄色的。Notes:1.pregnant/>pregn+nt/adj.怀孕的give up one’s seat to someone 让座给某人vacant/>veik+nt/ adj.空着的3.white n.蛋白,蛋清yolk/j+ulk/n.蛋黄Questions:1.Which will burn longer, the candles in the good old days or the candles of today?.. 以前的蜡烛和现在的蜡烛,哪个烧得更长?2.Which American has had the largest family?哪个美国人拥有最为庞大的家族?3.A little girl was 6 years old on her last birthday,and will be 8 on her next birthday.How can this be?一个小女孩上一个生日才6 岁,下一个生日就8 岁了,这是怎么回事?Keys:1.Neither.Candles don’t burn longer but burn shorter... 哪个都烧不长,蜡烛都是越烧越短。2.George Washington,“father of the nation.”.. 乔治·华盛顿,“美国之父”。3.It’s her 7th birthday.今天她7 岁生日。Notes:1.the good old days 过去的好时光Questions:1.A horse was tied to a rope five feet long,and wantedto eat the hay nine feet away.Could he manage that?一头马被一根五英尺长的绳子拴着,想吃九英尺开外的干草,它够得着吗?2.Why are artists so careful in signing the pictures?艺术家在画上签名为何如此认真?3.Why don’t you advertise for your lost dog?你的狗丢了为什么不登广告呢?4.What kind of party do prisoners like?囚犯喜欢什么样的晚会?Keys:1.Sure. The rope wasn’t tied to anything... 当然可以,因为绳子并没有拴在其他什么东西上。2.So that people can tell the top from the bottom... 这样人们才知道哪是上边哪是下边。3.The dog can’t read... 因为狗不识字。4.A


going-away party... 送别晚会。Questions:1.What time is it When you start your old car in vain?当你怎么也发动不了你那辆老爷车时,该是什么时候了?2 ... What word is the first word on page 100 in yourEnglish-Chinese dictioary?你的英汉辞典第100 页第一个单词是什么词?3.Why do people seldom suffer from hunger in the Saharadesert?人们为什么在撒哈拉沙漠中不太受饥饿折磨?Keys:1.Time to have it repaired... 是修车的时候了。2.An English word... 是英语单词。3.They suffer from thirst first and always... 因为他们总是饱尝口渴的折磨。Notes:1.in vain 徒劳无益,白费功夫3.thirst/I+:st/ n.渴Questions:1.When does a student’s brain stop working in class?学生在课堂上什么时候大脑停止工作?2.When can Mother stop worrying about her delicate vase?母亲什么时候才不会担心她那只精致细巧的花瓶?3.What can’t talk but can speak the truth?什么东西不会讲话却会以实相告?4.What’s full when it’s used and empty when it’s at rest?什么东西用时满,闲时空?Keys:1.When they’re called on to answer questions.当叫到他们回答问题时。2.When it’s broken... 摔破以后。3.A mirror. 镜子。4.A shoe. 鞋子。Questions:1.How can you buy eggs and be certain there are no chickensinside them?怎样在买蛋时确保蛋里没有未孵出的小鸡?2.Which has more legs,a cow or no cow?一头牛和没有牛,谁的腿多?3.What are you doing in front of the mirror and with you eyes shut?.. 你闭着眼睛在镜子前面干什么?Keys:1.Buy duck eggs or goose eggs... 买鸭蛋或鹅蛋。2.No cow. A cow has only four legs but no cow has five legs.没有牛,因为一头牛有四条腿,没有牛有五条腿。3.I’m trying


to see what I look 1ikewhen I’masleep.我在看我睡着是什么样子。Notes:1.goose/gu:s/n.鹅Questions:1.Two mother sand daughters are planning to go to Londonby train.How many tickets should they buy?两对母女计划乘火车去伦敦,请问要买几张票?2.Where have I seen your face before?我以前在哪儿见过你这张面孔?3.What al ways enters the house through the keyhole insteadof the front door?什么东西不从前门而从钥匙孔进屋?4.What’s the best cure for insomnia?治疗失眠最好的药方是什么?Keys:1.Three,for they’re daughter,mother and grandmother... 三张,因为这两对母女由女儿,母亲,外婆组成。2.Where it is now. 就在目前这个位置。3.A key... 钥匙。4.A good night’s sleep... 好好睡一夜。Notes:4.insomnia/?in>smni+/n.失眠Questions:l.What makes the skin specialist select that branch ofmedicine?皮肤科医生为什么选择皮肤科?2.If you Were given the choice of how to die,What mannerof death would you choose?如果可以选择死亡的方式,你愿意用什么方式结束生命?Keys:1.There are three perfectly gook reasons;His patients never get him out of bed at night,they never die from his treatment;.. and they never get well... 有三条过硬的理由:他的病人不会半夜三更地让他出诊;也从不会因皮肤治疗而死亡;而且他们的皮肤病永远不会被治好。2.I would choose to die of old age... 我愿意老死。Notes:1.skin specialist 皮肤科专家a branch of medicine 医学的一门分枝学科Questions:1.How many great People have been born in America?在美国有多少伟人出生?2.What can be put in a bottle of milk to make it less heavy?在一瓶牛奶里放入什么可以使它重量减轻?3.What would
