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Select * from t_DataFlowSubFunc where fFuncName Like '%订单处理%' --四级菜单

Select * from t_DataFlowDetailFunc where fFuncName Like '%采购订单%'

13. 有关核算项目与辅助资料的表说明

a) 核算项目

Select * from t_Item where fItemClassID in (Select fItemClassID from t_ItemClass where fName Like '%门店%') b) 辅助资料

Select * from t_SubMessage where fName Like '%门店%'


t_Item_ + 相应的字段名 如: t_Item_3001

--自定义的字段自动产生的字段名在此表 Select * from t_ItemPropDesc

--物料表的自定义字段(所有的物料的自定义字段在此表) Select * from t_icItemCustom

14. 程序外挂


a) 挂程序以外的Exe


b) 与K3结合密切的DLL

--外挂程序要引用K3BBI.tlb 和KDVBF.dll

Delete FROM t_DataFlowTimeStamp

Delete FROM t_DataFlowSubFunc WHERE (FSubSysID = 23) And FSubFuncID=600200

insert t_DataFlowSubFunc


values ( 600200,23,30,'某某项目','某某项目','某某项目','','',1,'',-1,0,0,'xs',1) Go

Delete FROM t_DataFlowDetailFunc WHERE (FSubFuncID = 600200) insert t_DataFlowDetailFunc

(FDetailFuncID,FFuncName,FFuncName_CHT,FFuncName_EN,FSubFuncID,FIndex,FClassName,FClassParam,FIsNormal,FHelpCode,FVisible,FAcctType,FFuncType,FEnable,FShowName,FShowName_CHT,FShowName_EN,FIsEdit) values ( 160020107,'功能调用','功能调用','功能调用

',600200,1,'XXX.Applation','160020107',0,'',1,'',-1,1,'','','',1) Go

其中的fSubSysID 为

Select * from t_DataFlowSubSystem中的fSubSysID


15. 自定义工业单据

1、在t_FieldDescription 中修改相应的fFieldName

2、修改ICTemplate, ICTemplateEntry, GLNoteCitation, ICChatBillTitle表中相应的值。

相应的Table 的内码在icTransactionType 中查询

3、修改相应Table的列名,先 Drop 再,Add alter Table PORequest Drop column FHeadSelfP0126

if not exists (select * from syscolumns where

POrequest add fPlanType varchar(255) NULL

id=object_id('POrequest') and name='fPlanType ') alter table

16. 更改系统单据,以便可编辑

UPdate icClassType Set fControl = 2483 Where Fname_CHS like '价格明细维护'

17. 老单推新单,设置选单条件

--采购申请推分单时选单条件 Update icClassLink Set fCondition = ' v1.fStatus <>3 and u1.fMRPClosed

<> 1 ' where fDestClassTypeID = '200000012'

18. 修改供应链中的计算公式

--收料通知中FEntrySelfP0338, FEntrySelfP0339, FEntrySelfP0340,分别为分摊运费、分摊关税、分摊增值税

Update icTemplateEntry Set fRelationID =

'FAuxQty,FAuxPrice,FQty,FEntrySelfP0338, FEntrySelfP0339, FEntrySelfP0340',

fAction =


where fID = 'p03' and fHeadCaption = '金额'

19. 新老单单据相关信息


Select * from icTransactionType --新单表描述

Select * from icClassType


Select * from icTemplate where fID = 'S01' --老单表体

Select * from icTemplateEntry where fID = 'S01'


Select * from icClassTableInfo where fClassTypeID = '200000002'

20. 新增核算项目

/* */

新增核算项目 K3 9.41中测试通过

if not Exists(Select 1 from t_ItemClass where fItemClassID = 3020) Insert Into t_ItemClass(fItemClassID, fNumber, fName, fSQLTablename,