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发布时间 : 星期日 文章毕业论文终稿(熊晶晶) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读


摘 要






As a pillar industry of our national economy, the real estate industry has enjoyed the long-term support of national industrial policies and highly concern of governments at all levels, and it has also got priority development in the stock market. However in the recent years, as the house prices keep rising and the investment in the real estate industry expanding, the real estate industry has been considered as the focus of national macro-control. The macro-economic regulation has deepened its influence on such aspects of this industry as cost of development, capital chain, land, sale and collections, which affect the profitability of the firms in real estate industry. With the combination of theoretical analysis and experimental analysis, this paper tries to treat the working capital as the inlet to study the ways to improve the profitability of the listed companies in the real estate industry. Firstly, this paper tries to state relevant theories about working capitals and profitability with the marketing capital as the lead-in, and combined with the real estate listed company of the characteristics and its working capital management present situation, the listed company to real estate working capital management and profitability of the relationship of key analysis. Secondly, this paper analyzes the characteristics and trends of the marketing capitals and profitability of the listed companies in the real estate industry in a four year period from 2007 to 2012, and on the basis of working capital and profitability was made on the correlation of regression analysis. Lastly, this paper comes to a theory-and-experiment based conclusion and puts forward some constructive suggestions on improving the profitability of the listed companies in China’s real estate industry.

Keywords: listed companies in real estate industry; working capitals; profitability; experimental analysis



目 录



第一章 绪论??????????????????????????????1

1.1 研究背景和意义?????????????????????????1

1.1.1 研究的背景?????????????????????????1 1.1.2 研究的理论意义???????????????????????1 1.1.3 研究的实际意义???????????????????????1 1.2 国内外文献综述?????????????????????????2

1.2.1 国外文献综述????????????????????????2 1.2.2 国内文献综述????????????????????????3 1.3 研究方法与技术思路???????????????????????5

第二章 营运资本与盈利能力相关性的理论分析????????????7

2.1 营运资本与盈利能力理论综述????????????????????7

2.1.1 营运资本相关概念界定????????????????????7 2.1.2 营运资本管理策略??????????????????????7 2.1.3 盈利能力相关理论??????????????????????9 2.2 房地产上市公司营运资本的特点???????????????????9 2.3 房地产上市公司营运资本的管理现状????????????????10

2.3.1 营运资本政策分析??????????????????????10 2.3.2 营运资本结构分析??????????????????????11 2.3.3 营运资本管理效率分析????????????????????12 2.4 房地产上市公司营运资本与盈利能力的相关性分析??????????14

第三章 房地产上市公司营运资本对盈利能力的影响的实证分析???15

3.1 研究假设????????????????????????????15 3.2 变量的选取???????????????????????????15

3.2.1 被解释变量的选取??????????????????????15 3.2.2 解释变量的选取???????????????????????16 3.2.3 控制变量的选取???????????????????????16 3.3 模型与数据???????????????????????????16



3.3.1 模型的建立?????????????????????????16

3.3.2 样本选取和数据来源?????????????????????17 3.4 实证研究结果与说明???????????????????????17

3.4.1 描述性统计分析???????????????????????17 3.4.2 相关性分析?????????????????????????18 3.4.3 回归分析??????????????????????????19

第四章 提高房地产上市公司营运资本运行效率的对策及建议 ????21

4.1 优化营运资本结构,制定科学合理的营运资本政策??????????21 4.2 加强营运资本管理,提高营运资本的周转效率????????????21 4.3 拓宽融资渠道,建立良好的企业信誉度???????????????22 4.4 借鉴国外企业营运资本管理经验??????????????????22

结论??????????????????????????????????24 参考文献????????????????????????????????25 致谢??????????????????????????????????28 附录A?????????????????????????????????29 附录B?????????????????????????????????37