新时代交互英语视听说4答案完整版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章新时代交互英语视听说4答案完整版更新完毕开始阅读

5.the bright content

6.uncomfortable class a company that 7.we create it

what they believe is iincorrect brain connecyions

(1.which statement is true about our memory)

8.jackie met… dean and… Jackie took dean… the tape… 9.response car horn referee’s…

10.you leave… the sun… you see… you walk… 11.a hard-working.. work for

learnt a lot appreciative deserves her Vocabulary

1.straigh rotten apple clear the air seeing him 2.ask… go out… keep… are out of line 3.illegal take a hard line agent

4.overheard coming by come about Broke her promise hot temper Grammar

1.don’t you been… was… to talk 2.lie who taken so have 3.yourself might have could

4.was… to admit can to tell made 5.were told playing had 6.hadn’t do who have

7.supposed to be planning had of out have 8….her coffee jickie arrived if nick sees..

9.to put much been… surprised suprising do Pronunciation 1.2121

2.unstressed un s un 3.fool hwe freeze


1.how… that’s… it’s… 2.not too great i have to go now well,he…

3.are you ok I would… keep me… 4.no… you’re… oh…