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发布时间 : 星期日 文章牛津译林版高中英语必修二高一上学期英语模块二1-2单元过关测试题 doc更新完毕开始阅读

Part B: 仔细阅读下面短文并按照语境完成填空(每空只能填1个单词),答案填


American police have stepped up their search for Justin Foster, who went missing last Friday night. His mother became worried and told 48._______ husband to call the police when Justin did not show 49.________ for lunch.

That evening, Justin returned home after the game. Witnesses also said that they saw Justin walking 50._______ his home. Justin’s sister, Kelly heard him put 51.________ his favourite CD 52._______ she also saw a large spaceship flying outside. She heard Justin shout.

Mavis Wood said that she was once taken away by aliens so 53._______ they could do research on her. The whole research was frightening just like 54.______ terrible dream.

Police found that Justin did in fact return home. But police have dismissed the idea that Justin was taken away by aliens. Detective Sam Peterson, 55._______ took charge of the case said that they had been looking into other possibilities and they would not give up until they found convicing evidence.

第三部分 阅读理解 阅读下列短文, 从56-65小题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But many years ago, it wasn’t easy at all. Before 1750, people never tried skating on wheels. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin’s work was making instruments. In his free time he liked to play the violin. Merlin was a man with many ideas and many dreams. People called him a dreamer.

One day Merlin received an invitation to go to an important party. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think. He wanted to find a way to make a wonderful entrance at the party. Merlin had an idea. He thought that he would attract a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.

Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skate shoes. Merlin was very proud of them. He dreamed of arriving at the party and skating into the room while playing the violin. He was sure that everyone would be very surprised.

On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room, playing his violin. Everyone was really surprised to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skating. He rolled on, playing the violin. Then, with all eyes on him, Merlin hit into a huge mirror on the wall. The mirror broke into many pieces with a very loud noise. But nobody forgot Merlin’s wonderful entrance after that. 56. The story tells us that people began to enjoy roller-skating _______. A. before the year 1750 B. before the invitation C. because of Joseph Merlin D. because it was dangerous

57. People called Merlin a dreamer because ___________. A. he slept and dreamed a lot B. he was full of different ideas C. he was a talented violinist D. he always made people’s dreams come true 58. ___________ made Merlin think of skating on wheels. A. Merlin’s work B. Merlin’s violin C. A huge mirror D. An important party

59. What was Merlin’s problem after he rolled into the room?

A. He couldn’t stop his roller-skating. B. He couldn’t attract a lot of attention. C. Everyone was surprised at him. D. He couldn’t play the violin while rolling. 60. The text is mainly about_________. A. a strange man B. an unusual party

C. how roller skating began

D. how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century


After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleep is necessary for good health. During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping makes it possible for your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your body relaxes little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forth from one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, you will dream from time to time. Scientists who study sleep point out that when you are dreaming, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed). This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people suggest breathing very slowly and very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion that counting sheep will put you to sleep. 61. The text makes us know that not getting enough sleep might make you _________.

A. suffer form poor health B. enjoy more C. dream more often D. breathe quickly 62. During REM, _______.

A. you move restlessly B. you start dreaming

C. your mind stops working D. your eyeballs move quickly

63. The underlined word “drowsy” in the last paragraph probably means______. A. lazy B. sleepy C. relaxed D. pleased 64. A good title for this text might be_________. A. Dreams B. Sleep C. Good Health D. Work and Rest 65. One of the ways to fall asleep easily is to _______________. A. breathe slowly and deeply B. drink cold drinks C. get up and run D. look for some sheep

第四部分 书面表达 Part A 阅读填空(10分)

阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空不超过3个单词.

All over the world men and women and boys and girls enjoy sports. Sports help people to live happily. They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people move a lot. This is good for their health. Having fun with their friends makes them happy.

Many people enjoy sports by watching others play. In small towns , crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer game.In the big cities, thousands buy tickets to see an ice-skating show or a baseball game.

What games have you played? What are your favorite sports now? You probably play the games that people in your town or city play. Is the climate hot where you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in Australia love to swim.

Or do you live in a cold climate? Then you would like to ski. There are many skiers in Austria where there are big mountains and cold winters. Does it rain often where you live? Then kite flying would not be one of your sports. It is one of the favorite sports of Thailand.

Surfing is an important sport in Hawaii. The Pacific Ocean sends huge waves up on the beaches. But you need to live near an ocean to ride the waves and enjoy surfing.

Sports change with the season. People often do not play the same games in winter as in summer. Sailing is fun in warm weather, but when it gets cold it's time to change to other sports. People talk about sports' seasons. Baseball is only played for a few months of the year. This is called \ Popularity of People across 66.__________ enjoy sports, whether men or women. sports ? Sports help to make people 68._________ and keep them fit and feeling good. ? When doing sports, people 69. __________ , which is helpful to health ? Swimming is popular among people in 71.___________ 70.________ ? In Austria where the winter is cold and there are many mountains, of sports 72.___________ is a popular sport. ? People in Thailand like 73._____________ ? It’s people’s favourite sport in Hawaii to 74.___________ Changes of People play 75.__________ games in summer and in winter. sports Part B 单词拼写.(根据首字母或中文提示填空, 每空1分共10分。注意在答题卷上请写出完整的单词, 不要忘写首字母) 67._______of sports 76.Yang Liwei is the first Chinese a________ who has been sent into space.

77. The government makes sure there are enough s________ of vegetables to meet the demand.

78. If we can not live in h_________ with nature, we will eat our own bitter fruits. 79. The explorer told the boys about his a________ in the Artic.

80. It is _________(官方地) admitted(承认) that Taiwan is part of China. 81. When will the dictionary be ___________(出版)

82. Take a bus to Qufu, where Confucius was __________(埋葬). 83. We are ready to fight in ________(防御) of our country.

84. The heavy pollution is threatening the ________(野生动物) living in and along the river.

85. The plants may not ________ (生存,挺过) the winter. Part C根据中文提示完成句子。(每空1分, 共10分) 86.我期待着收到你的明信片。

I _______ ________ to receiving your postcards. 87. 露西与莉莉在身高上很相似。 Lucy is _______ _______ Lily in height. 88. 这些天他一直忙于准备期末考试。

He has been _______ ________ for the final examination these days. 89. 非洲大草原是许多动物的家园。

The grasslands of Africa are _______ ________ many animals. 90.在处理这类问题上他的能力胜过其他人。

He ______ ________ others in dealing with such problems.

Part D 写作 (满分25分)


1. 当工作学习累了时,你可以旅游,领略大自然的美丽,呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友…

2. 有时旅游也会有烦恼如:天气多变…

3. 旅游时应准备充分如:了解天气情况,找个旅伴…



1-5 BBBCB 6-10 ACCAB 11-16 ABCAAB

17. 1590 18. first baby 19. Protection and Research 20. the environment 21-25 CBCCC 26-30 CCCDB 31-35 ACBDD 36-40 ABDCB 41-45 DCDAB 46-47 AC

48. her 49. up 50. towards 51. on 52. and 53. that 54. a 55. who 56-60 CBDAC 61-65 ADBBA

66. the world 67. Benefits/Advantages 68. live happily/happy 69. move a lot 70. (Different) kinds/types 71. Australia 72. skiing 73. kite flying/flying kites 74. surf 75. different

76. astronaut 77. supplies 78. harmony 79. adventure 80. officially 81. published 82. buried 83. defence 84. wildlife 85. survive 86. look forward 87. similar to 88. busy preparing 89. home to 90. towers over One possible version


Travel is a very good activity. When you’re tired with your work or study, and when you’re free, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air and make new friends.

But sometimes, travelling will cause some trouble. The weather changes quickly. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while traveling.

Therefore, you should prepare yourself carefully before the trip. You should listen to the weather forecast and prepare for the bad weather. You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other and may avoid accidents.